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3. but not better than yours!

FLO WAS SITTING ON THE FLOOR, leaning onto the soft couch as she read her book, trying to get her mind off the Laurence boy

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FLO WAS SITTING ON THE FLOOR, leaning onto the soft couch as she read her book, trying to get her mind off the Laurence boy. It had been five minutes or so since they had left Flo alone with her thoughts, and normally Flo would've been done with the two pages she had started, but she kept on stumbling on the same words.

"Just read the book Flo!" she whispered to herself, slightly getting annoyed at her brain for thinking too much at a time.

After finally getting her focus on the book, somebody had burst into the room, making Flo mentally cursed herself.

"Sorry to interrupt your reading, Flo, but your sister, Meg, injured her ankle." the boy stood, scratching his neck as Flo jumped up, collecting her belonging's around the room as they both rushed out.

"How will I get home?" Flo heard her sister whine from far away, seeing her in a second as she rushed over.

"Oh Meg, are you okay?" Flo rushed next to her sister, letting her wrap her other arm around her

"I hurt my ankle, how will I get home?" she whined, worry in her voice.

"I don't see what you can do except getting a carriage or stay here all night." Jo joked, trying to lighten the mood which just made Flo smile.

"Carriages are too expensive."

"Well, let me take you. It's right next door." Laurie suggested.

"No, thank you, we cannot accept!" Meg insisted, and Flo found that admirable, but she knew that the 3 sisters would end up in the same carriage with Laurie.

"You must take mine! Please!"

"No, it's so early -you can't mean to leave yet!"

"I always leave early -I do, truly!"

"What choice do you have?" Jo mentioned, and as Meg nodded they all went to Laurie's carriage, all the 4 kids squeezing into the seats.


WHILE THEY ALL WAITED BY THE DOOR, Marmee showed up, laughing as she was holding onto a book, covered in flour.

"Goodness gracious, what have you done?" she motioned them to come in, Jo and Flo helping Meg limp into the living room. The little girls, Amy, and Beth rushed down the stairs, attacking the stable girls with questions.

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