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22. that was him, wasn't it?

AMY HAD NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED TO FLO, BUT SHE COMFORTED her as she sobbed, confusion filling her as she had never seen her sister like this

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AMY HAD NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED TO FLO, BUT SHE COMFORTED her as she sobbed, confusion filling her as she had never seen her sister like this. She had held her till she fell asleep, and she had rung up her fiancee, Fred to make him and Kate become over quick as possible. She was confused when Kate had picked up the phone, knowing that she had called Fred's room directly.


"Amy, god we were just about to call you!"

"What happened?"

"Laurie just came here, and god he told us that he's going back to London, and he wouldn't tell us why and then he punched Fred, and he's sobbing right now, we need you to come over..."

With anger filling her, Amy slightly shouted into the phone.

"I want to talk to Laurie!"

"I don't think he can Amy he-"

"I said I want to!"

The phone was silent for a second before someone spoke, hiccups coming through the phone as he let out a hey.

"What did you do to Flo?"

Silence. No one spoke from the other side, making Amy furious.

"Laurie! Tell me what you did to my sister!"

"Amy, I'm- I'm sorry, I-"

"Tell me what you did!"

The phone closed, and Amy stood there in absolute silence, Aunt March looking over at her as she rang it again, and again, until Kate opened it, again.

"Amy! What did you tell him? He rushed out fo the room, and Fred's after him right now..."

"Flo, she cam home fifteen minutes ago, crying and when I say crying, I mean sobbing-"

"My God, our Flo?"

"I know, and I know that Laurie did something!"

"He's leaving for London, I don't think Fred's going to find him, considering his lack of energy..." Kate laughed through the phone, only lasting a second as Amy snickered too.

"I need to go, it would be lovely for Flo if you and Fred came over..."

"I'll try, be careful with Flo, Amy..."

"I will!"


AMY HAD BEEN SLEEPING NEXT TO HER SISTER AND HOLDING HER when she woke up and cried. When she heard the front door ring, she waited for Kate to come upstairs, but she knew that it was someone else when she heard Aunt March try to shout quietly before the door closed again. 

"That was him, wasn't it?" Flo spoke all of a sudden, her voice coming weird as her nose was blocked.

"You don't have to worry about him..." Flo nodded, before silently crying to herself as she fell back to sleep. 

They all spent a few days like this, Flo eating her food in her room, with the help of Amy, Fred, or Kate. She had just stepped out of her bed to go to the bathroom, but when she heard the distant voices of Aunt March, Kate, Fred, and Amy laughing outside -which was quite rare. She went back into her room, changing into one of her favourite dresses as she rushing downstairs with a smile glowing on her face.

"Woah..." she whispered to herself, covering her eyes as the bright sun shined on them.

"Flo!" Fred pointed at the girl, shouting at the girl as they all rushed to her side. The three friends hugged Flo tightly as they all laughed, and Flo could swear that Aunt March was smiling.

"Well, what do we have here?" Flo gasped, pulling Amy's hand to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring, shining when she held it on the sun.

"It's gorgeous Fred, did you get help from Kate?" she laughed, but Fred shined proudly.

"No I did not, I got it all by myself!" he smiled, Amy kissing his cheek while Flo stood in shock.

"Florence! Come here right this instant! We have some deserts just for you!" Aunt March shouted, back to her normal self while the friends ran up to her happily, Flo kissing her in the cheek as the old woman groaned.

They all ate the deserts, leaving a group of happy friends with their stomachs full, just talking as they couldn't help but notice their -new- fifth member missing, but no one having the guts to mention Laurie.

[hello! i know i haven't published in osme time, and it was because i haven't been feeling well, especially with the start of my eleventh year, but from now on i'll try to be more active. so sorry about that, but i  might be taking some longer breaks in the future:) thanks.]

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