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4. you know my answer, jo


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FLO AND JO WERE KNOWN FOR LOVING to get some sleep. While Jo would need extra sleep because of the late nights she would spend writing, the blond simply liked a long, calm sleep, which included not waking up early on Christmas.

From the earlier years, Meg had learned to never wake her roommate up, unless it was an emergency. 3 Christmas' ago, Meg had insisted on making the girl help them with the tree, but when she went up, she returned in an instant, her hair looking messy from the pillow Flo had aggressively hit her with.

"Jo! Jo! Where are you?" she tried to block the distant voices of her sisters downstairs, being loud as usual.

"Do you like these garlands?"

"They're beautiful!"

Flo groaned, covering her ears with her pillow.

She could hear the floor cracking from the attic, meaning that Jo was awake, which meant that she would also have to get up anytime soon, but she didn't know what would happen next.

"Merry Christmas!" Jo swung the door to Meg and Flo's open, rushing to Flo's bed as she jumped on her, snatching her pillow from her hands.

"Jo, no!" she groaned, her body going up and down as her older sister jumped on the bed.

"It's Christmas Flo! The worlds waiting for you."

After all of the teasing from Jo, she got up, copying Flo as she wrapped her blanket around her. They both headed downstairs, Flo leaning onto her sister's shoulder as they looked out from a distant window, only to see their garden covered in white snow.

"Merry Christmas!" Jo shouted, while Flo mumbled the words and smiled, still very tired.

"Jo! Flo! We've been up for hours!" Meg smiled at the two girls, while Flo squinted her eyes so she could see.

"What have you been writing?" Beth pointed at the papers in Jo's hand, and Flo was quite surprised at how she hadn't seen them anytime earlier.

"I got carried away with our delicious revenge play last night. Poison!" she grabbed Flo's shoulders shaking her as she giggled.

"No, no poison, it's Christmas!" Amy put on another Christmas decoration on the tree while not daring to look at the two sisters.

"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents!" Jo and Flo flopped onto the couch, and Flo rested her eyes once again, leaning onto Jo's shoulder.

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