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11. you'll go to many balls when you grow up!

MEG AND FLO WERE SAYING THEIR GOODBYES TO everyone before they were going off to visit Annie Moffat

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MEG AND FLO WERE SAYING THEIR GOODBYES TO everyone before they were going off to visit Annie Moffat. Flo had told Mary about her travel, and she had let her take the days off, knowing that she could be fine without a personal designer for 2 days.

While Flo was carrying her luggage, she couldn't help but stare at Laurie and Jo, playfighting, and Mr. Brooke, who had taken Meg's luggage.

"Hurry up you two! Meg and Flo are going to be gone for a week!" Amy shouted towards the two, smiling at Flo as she thanked her.

"Coming!" Laurie shouted towards them, while Marmee came next to the two, John taking the luggage from Flo's hands.

"It was so kind of Annie to invited us!" Flo said to her mother, holding hands with her sister.

"Thank you for letting us go, Marmee!" Meg smiled at her mother, who returned the two one.

"Just be who you are, my sweet kids!" she said, handing the sisters two boxes as they opened them quickly. On each box stood two similar necklaces, with different colors of rocks on them. While Meg's was dark blue, Flo's was a bright green, both of them shining brightly when the sun hit them.

"They were mine when I was your age..."

"Oh, mother! Thank you so much!"

"They're lovely!"

Both of the children were amazed by the necklaces, and hugged their mother at the same time, squeezing her as she laughed.

"I've never understood saving jewelry until marriage -pretty things should be enjoyed!" Marmee smiled, kissing Flo's head as she turned her attention to Laurie and Jo. Jo was now kneeling, removing a ring from her finger as she gave it to Laurie.

"Yes, pretty things should be enjoyed!" she ran away from him, running next to her two sisters as Laurie stood still, staring at the ring placed in his palm.

"I wish I could go to the debutante ball." Amy pouted, going next to Flo as she threw an arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry Amy, you'll go to many balls when you grow up!"

"Do you think this is a good idea, them going away like this?" Mr. Brooke asked Marmee, worrying about the two girls.

"Girls have to go into the world and make up their minds about things."

"Don't forget about us!" Jo said to the two sisters, smiling as they returned one.

"We won't Jo, it's only a week!"

"Can't give a promise, maybe I'll find some gorgeous man and marry him!" Flo laughed, making Jo stick out her tongue.

"They need to have some decent shoes!" Hannah ran, appearing with two nice high heeled shoes, handing them to Marmee.

"Thank you for the carriage, Mr. Laurence. I don't know how to repay you!" Meg thanked, Flo, nodding to show her agreement with her.

"Nonsense! Although, there is one thing-" Mr. Laurence spoke, being interrupted by Flo.


Mr. Laurencen looked at Beth, who stood behind Flo, holding her hand.

"It occurred to me today that my daughter's piano suffers from want of use," he spoke to Marmee.

"Does it?"


"Wouldn't one of your girls like to run over, and practice on it now and then, just to keep it in tune? If they don't care to come, why, never mind!" Beth burst out as soon as possible after hearing the words come out from his mouth.

"Oh sir, they do care, very very much!"

"Are you the musical girl?" he asked, his voice very gentle.

"I love it dearly, and I'll come if you are quite sure nobody will hear me and be disturbed!"

"Not a soul, my dear." he smiled, then over next to the carriage, opening the door for the two ladies.

"Thank you, sir!" Flo said, hugging the man before she stepped into the carriage, her eyes fixed onto Laurie, who watched them.

"Drive on, and keep them safe!" the carriage started moving, and Flo and Meg waved goodbye to everyone, as they ran down the road next to them.

[sorry this is also kinda short:'(]

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