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14. oh, Jo...

EVER SINCE MARMEE HAD GOTTEN A TELEGRAPH from Washington, the March household hadn't been anything else but anxious and worried

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EVER SINCE MARMEE HAD GOTTEN A TELEGRAPH from Washington, the March household hadn't been anything else but anxious and worried. Hanna and Meg had been running around the house to make sure everything was ready, Amy had been packing mother's trunk, and Flo was comforting Beth while she cried.

"Is Jo back yet from Aunt March?"

Ever since Flo and Jo's fight at the beach, the family had tried to get them to forgive each other, but they had both refused. Even Jo had apologized, but Flo kept on ignoring the older sister, causing everyone to give up, knowing they would forgive each other at least some time.

"No, I haven't seen her..." Amy answered.

"I can't miss the last train..." Marmee muttered, putting her hand on her forehead as Mr. Laurence and Laurie entered.

While Laurie hugged the little girl who had been crying, he skipped Flo, not even looking at her as he spoke to Marmee.

"What can I do?"

"If I may be of any more assistance, please tell me. I will look in on the girls every day, without fail!" Mr. Laurence spoke to Marmee, making each of the girls smile from his kindness.

"Thank you for everything..."

"I have always admired your husband, and I pray for a quick recovery," he says, nodding his head as Flo looks to the ground, scared for their father.

"Oh -I'm, I'm sorry..." Meg says, running into Mr. Brooke

"I came to offer myself as escort to your mother. Mr. Laurence has commissioned for me in Washington, and it will give me real satisfaction to be of service to her there." Flo watches as Meg gave him a kiss on the cheek, and instead of being embarrassed, Meg simply thanked him.

"While I'm gone, Hannah is in charge -and please remember to check on the Hummel's, it will be a difficult winter for everyone..."

"No worries Marmee, we will-" Flo got interrupted by her older sister, who just ran into the room.

"Will this be enough for the train?" Jo asks, handing her mother some cash.

"Twenty-five dollars?! That isn't like Aunt March to be so generous." all the girls watched Jo with confusion, who had made eye contact with Flo.

"I didn't go to Aunt March, couldn't bear to..."

"Where did you get the money?"

"I only sold what was my own..." Jo said, pulling off her hat as she revealed her long hair gone. Most of the sisters gasped, but Flo had a smile on her lips, proud of her older sister.



"Why did you do it?"

"Jo! Your hair!" Beth gasped, looking up at Flo to be confused by the smile on her face.

"Oh Jo, how could you?" Meg had put her hands up to her mouth.

"Your one beauty."

"You look like a boy..." Hannah muttered, and Flo decided to speak up.

"It suits you..." smiling at her sister, Jo nodded, then turning to Marmee.

"It doesn't affect the fate of the nation, so don't wail."

"I am so proud that you are my daughter!" Marmee mentioned, leaning close to Jo.

"I was crazy to do something for Father. It'll be good for my vanity, anyway..." Jo said, running off next to Laurie who hugged her, now both of them looking like twin brothers while Flo stared at them, not being able to hold herself as they ruffled each other's hair.

"My girls; I love you more than words can say. Be good to each other. Pray for Father's recovery. I will come back as soon as I can." Marmee said, making her daughters hug her one by one as the men watched the girls, determined than ever to help them.


FLO HAD BEEN UP ALL NIGHT, AND SHE LISTENED TO THE TWO sister's by the stairs, wanting to go out any second now. She looked over to her left, only to see Meg sleeping calmly, and she stepped out of her warm bed, opening the door by Meg's side while stepping outside, both Amy and Jo turning around.

"Father?" she asked, sitting next to Amy, as she shook her head no.

"Her hair..." Amy said, before giving Jo a hug and getting up and leaving for her room.

"Oh, Jo..." she said, hugging her sister as she sobbed, rubbing her new short hair as she cried in Flo's arms

"I'm so sorry Jo..."

"Me too Flo, I missed you..." she whispered through her hiccups, Flo pulling away from her sister as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand, kissing her cheek.

"Do you want to talk about your hair or uh Kate?"

"Oh god, I'm sorry for assuming that you liked Kate, I-" Flo interrupted her sister, squeezing her hand as she did so.

"I'm not interested in girls Jo, don't worry..." she nodded her head, but Jo continued.

"What if I am? Do you think it's um 'sinful'"

"Of course not Jo! You can love whoever you want, and I'll also like to mention to you that Kate has told me something a few days ago when I was designing her dress, that you might like..."

"What is it?"

"She has mentioned a tiny crush on you... but I swore to not tell you, so don't try anything jut yet. She also said she wasn't sure, but we have hope!" she whisper-shouted, making her older sister smile immediately.

"I'll wait till my hair grows..." the two girls laughed, and flow got up, pulling her sister up to her feet.

"You can sleep with me like we did when we were-"

"kids," they both said, smiling as Flo led Jo to her bedroom, both of them hugging in her small bed as they fell asleep in the small space they had.

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