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15. just dizzy

 AMY HAD HER FOOT IN A BUCKET OF PLASTER, Meg was reading a letter, smiling to herself, Jo had been writing a new story while Beth was working on a pair of slippers for Mr

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AMY HAD HER FOOT IN A BUCKET OF PLASTER, Meg was reading a letter, smiling to herself, Jo had been writing a new story while Beth was working on a pair of slippers for Mr. Laurence. The room was a mess and Flo had been trying to tidy up from her sister's backs, but she had failed miserably, ending up on the floor.

"I'm making a mold of my foot for Laurie to remind him I have nice feet," Amy spoke up all of a sudden, making Flo jump up from the floor she had been taking a nap on.

"Mr. Brooke writes that Father is still very weak, but improving. Mr. Brooke also says Mother is the best nurse a man could have..." Meg mentioned, making Jo annoyed.

"I wish all the letters were from Mother and not Mr. Brooke..."

"I'm grateful for any letters," Flo said, smiling at the sisters as she went back to cleaning the house up, throwing a few leftover foods away.

Meg carefully put the letter away, now working on an errands list as she thought to herself.

"I think the deep purple is very fitting for Mr. Laurence, do you agree Amy?" Beth asks Amy, gaining her attention.

"Quite. And the design is very cunning."

"I had to thank him somehow for allowing me to play the piano at his house all the time," Beth explained, Flo nodding she liked her kindness.

"We should go to see the Hummel's..." Flo muttered, making her sister Beth continue for her.

"You all haven't been there for some time!"

"Oh, Bethy we barely have enough to feed ourselves. Besides, I have to finish this story!" Jo explained.

"Marmee said that we-"

"Mamree said so many things we can't possibly do them all..." Amy said, not even looking up at Beth.

"But I always go by myself and you haven't been keeping up with your tasks..."

"We work!" Jo showed her script in her hand, then Meg speaking to Beth while she smiled

"Don't worry sweet girl, we'll find the time..."

"But it's been weeks since-" Beth is interrupted when Amy shouted.

"My foot is stuck! I can't get it out!" Jo laughed at her sister, pulling her foot out while Beth stood with a stubborn face.

"Fine, I'll go myself..." she said, walking out the door as Flo quickly grabbed herself a coat, running after her sister.

"Beth! Wait for me!" she shouted, running next to her as she grabbed the basket from her hand, walking next to her as they went to the Hummel's household


BETH AND FLO HAD BEEN WALKING BACK TO THEIR HOUSE, FEELING WARM. Walking into their house, both the girls quickly stripped down from their clothes as they saw their sisters standing in front of something, trying their best to hide it.

"Here's a letter from the old gentleman!" Jo says, handing Beth a letter.

"Beth! Look what they got you-" Amy said, being cut off by Jo's hand on her mouth.

Meg took Beth and led her to where the old piano used to stand, but in its place is a beautiful new little piano.


"Open the note!" Amy squealed, everyone, excited as Beth gave the letter to Flo.

"Flo, read it. I cannot!"

"Miss Beth March, I have had many pairs of slippers in my life, but I never had any that suited me so well as yours. And they will always remind me of the gentle giver. I like to pay my debts, and I hope you will accept this gift. Your grateful friend and humble servant, James Laurence!"

"Oh, Beth! Humble servant, how lovely!"

"See the cunning brackets to hold candles, and the nice green silk!" all of the girls were too absorbed in the piano, that they almost didn't notice that Beth had gotten up and gone to the Laurence household, or neither Flo having to sit down from her dizziness.

"I don't feel very good, I'll just, um, take a nap..." Flo said, moving to the couch as Meg turned around to her.

"Are you sick, Flo?"

"I don't think so, just dizzy..." she sat down, but her sisters thought of her doing an act, especially Jo.

"Oh come on Flo! You're fine! You're the only one who can play the piano except for Beth, play us something, please!" Jo insisted, and Flo nodded, ignoring the fact that she had felt like throwing up.

The sisters noticed how when she got up, she stopped after taking a step, falling down onto the ground as the sisters rushed to her side.


BETH AND FLO WERE LAYING IN THE SAME ROOM OF the smaller sister's beds, a doctor looking over them as he consulted the stable girls and Hanna.

"They're resting..."

"How are they? Is there anything I can do?" Mr. Laurence had asked, he was the one who had noticed the high-temperature Beth had.

"What is it?" Hannah asked, worry printed all over her face.

"It's scarlet fever..."

"What's scarlet fever?" Amy asked, being ignored by the doctor as he whispered to Mr. Laurence.

"I visited the Hummel's, the baby has died," returning to his normal voice, he turned to the three girls, "Have you all had it before?"

"Meg and I had, but Amy hasn't..." Jo informed him, as he nodded.

"She'll have to be sent away..."

"I don't want to be sent away!" Amy shouted, everyone ignoring her as Meg spoke.

"I'll see if Aunt March can take her..." Meg thought to herself, as Amy continued on whining.

"I don't like Aunt March!"

"It's for your own good, child," Hannah explained.

"Should we send for Mother?" Jo asked as Meg declined.

"No, we shouldn't make her worry. I've never wished for money more than now."

"We'll nurse them and they'll get better. You'll see. They will. They must."

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