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16. hello, mother...


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JO WAS SITTING BETWEEN HER SISTERS BED'S, TALKING TO Beth while Flo slept. She put on a cold towel on Flo's forehead, watching her sleep as she turned to Beth's side, doing the same to her. Flo had just fallen asleep, after crying because of the pain she had.

"You will get better! Flo will get better! Father will get better, and we'll all be together soon."

"We can't stop God's will..." Beth mentioned, sitting up as she held the towel.

"God hasn't met my will yet! What Jo wills shall be done..." she laughed.


AMY HAD BEEN STAYING AT AUNT MARCH FOR SOME TIME, and she was currently working on her painting. As Aunt March noticed the quiet little girl, she couldn't help but admire her.

"Amy? Come here..."


"Come, sit!"

Amy sat down next to Aunt March, who was pointing to her finger.

"If you are very good, one day this ring will belong to you"

Amazed by the diamond ring, Amy was shocked, "Really?"

"You just keep being a proper young lady and see if it doesn't. You are your family's hope now. Beth and Flo are sick, Jo is a lost cause, and I hear Meg has had her head turned by a penniless tutor. It'll be up to you to support them all, and your indigent parents in their old age. So you must marry well and save your family."

Amy listened to her very carefully, waiting till aunt March released her.

"That's all I wanted to say to you. You can go finish your... little painting!" she said, watching Amy as she went into the room next to the one Aunt March was in.



"What do we do?"

"We should send your mother..." Hannah said, Jo finally giving in as she agreed


THEY HAD TOLD FLO AND BETH THAT MARMEE WAS COMING BACK TODAY, and the two sisters didn't know how to react. As their mother and Laurie entered the room, Marmee ran to her kids.

"You were right to send for me, my girls -but you've been very good nurses indeed," Marmee said, checking each of her children's temperature.

"It's mostly been Jo, she's hardly slept..." Meg mentioned.

"I didn't know what else to do..." she whispered, holding Flo's extremely hot hand.

"Hannah, go make a clear broth and Jo get ice -we need to cool them down..."

"Who is with father?" Meg asked, sitting next to Flo while her mother sat next to Beth.

"John is staying with him..." Marmee said, causing Meg to smile.

"We need to change the linens. Meg, you change Beth's and I'll change Flo's..." she said, going to Flo's bed as she got her to stand straight, hugging her mother as Laurie helped her.

"Hello, mother..." she smiled, hardly opening her eyes as her mother kissed her in the forehead before she went to help Beth and Meg.

"You'll be okay Flo..." Laurie said, sitting next to Flo as he let her fall back into the bed, gently.


JO JERKED AWAKE FROM HER UNCOMFTROABLE SLEEP on the chair. Not seeing Beth or Flo brought her a sense of growing panic. Shouting she rushed downstairs.

"Marmee! Mar-" she stopped as she saw Beth and Flo sitting up with Marmee and Hannah, eating breakfast. She cried with joy, rushing over to Beth first as she kissed her head.

"Merry Christmas, Beth!" she then turned around, and rushed to her other sister, pulling her up from her seat as she hugged her.

"Merry Christmas, Flo..."

"Thank you so much Jo..." the other sister whispered kissing her sister on the cheek as she slowly went back to her seat.

Amy had returned afterward with Meg, each sister giving each other big hugs. Now they were all sitting down, Amy standing on a chair, supervising all the decorations. Mr. Laurence and Marmee sitting by the fire, Flo, who also watched it from an armchair that stood next to the couch Beth and her doll was on. Jo was running around with Hannah as they were setting the table for their feast.

"And here's another Christmas gift for the March family!" Laurie popped in, swinging the door open to reveal their father, supported by Mr. Brooke.

As Flo saw her father, she could feel the chills running up from her arm as she ran to the man, being the first sister to hug him before everyone else huddled up around the man.

"Father!" Flo cried, a few tears dripping down from her face as she hugged the man she hadn't seen in so long.

Marmee gasped, also like Flo, Beth had started crying, Amy had fallen off from the chair she was on, Jo had dropped a dish, breaking it as Meg spontaneously kissed Mr. Brooke.

"My little women. How you've grown! and how proud I am of you. Each of you. Merry Christmas, my dears!" he looked over to his lovely wife, who cried out of happiness as she ran to hug him.

"Thank god, thank god you're home. Now I can be angry with you in person!"

As they kissed each other, Flo jumped on Laurie, hugging him tightly as the returned it, inhaling the smell he had missed of the girl.

"It's good to see you healthy, and not sleeping..." Laurie joked, making Flo nudge him on the arm as they all went over to the big table.

It was Christmas dinner now, with everyone, the Marches, the Laurences, and even Mr. Brooke gathered around the table. It was the finest day any one of them has ever had, and the joy they all had was enough to warm the cold house up, on one chilly Christmas night.

[okay but this is sosos cute I cried sosos much writing this idk why tho hehe]

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