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8. why am I the same as Amy?!

MEG, FLO, BETH, JO, AND AMY were all scattered around the attic

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MEG, FLO, BETH, JO, AND AMY were all scattered around the attic. Considering Flo's lateness, she was forced to sit on Jo's bed, while everyone else had a comfortable seat or chair to sit on. She had first laid on the bed, but Jo had argued that it was supposed to be used as a 'torture machine' to 'learn from her mistakes'.

They were all dressed as men, with hats and spectacles and pipes. Flo was 'reading' a magazine as she covered her mouth with it, trying to look suspicious. Meg was reading from a homemade newspaper in a lovely man's voice.

"A new play, written by Miss Jo March, will appear at the Barnville Threatre, in the course of the next few weeks, which will surpass anything ever seen before on the American star!" Meg finished, allowing man Jo to speak as the other man's cheered and clapped.

"Starting the greatest actress from here to Mississippi River, Miss Meg March!" Jo spoke in her manly voice, letting Meg continue while lowering her tone.

"Weekly report: Meg: Good. Jo: Bad. Beth: Very Good. Amy and Flo: Sorta-middling!"

"Hey! Why am I the same as Amy?!" Flo protested, but was hushed down by their 'angry man voices'.


"Well done sir's!" Beth and Amy did their usual handshake with their pipes, causing Flo to giggle.

"Mr. President and gentlemen, I wish to propose the admission of a new member. One who highly deserves the honor would be deeply grateful and would add immensely to the spirit of the club. I propose Mr. Theodore Laurence!"


"Absolutely not!"

"Come now, let's have him!" Jo said, speaking in her normal voice.

"I like him, I really do, but this is a club for ladies, and well um he's a-" Amy interrupted Flo, everyone, now talking in their normal voices.

"Real boy!"

"We don't want any boys, as Flo said, this is a club for ladies!"

"I think we should do it, even if we are afraid. I say yes. It's Laurie!" Beth said, which took Flo off guard, ending in her agreeing as well.

"She's right, it's just Laurie, what could go wrong?" she shrugged, smiling at Beth as she did so.

"Now then, everybody vote, and remember that it's our Laurie! Say 'Aye'!"



"And as there is no time like the present!" Jo walked a bit black, and cleared her throat, before Laurie stumbled out of Jo's rack of clothes, everyone gasping as he was already dressed for the occasion of the meeting.

"You traitor!"

"You rouge!" Amy and Meg argued while Flo smiled Laurie's way.

"Ladies, please - this is my stratagem, I deserve the blame: Jo only gave into it after lots of teasing." Laurie bowed deeply, and when he was lifting up from the ground, he flashed Flo a smile and wink, making her heart fall into her stomach.

"Hear hear!"

"I merely wish to say, that as a slight token of my gratitude and as a means of promoting friendly relations between adjoining nations, I propose this set of keys for a little post office I've made in the forest by the pond!" Laurie reached into his pocket, pulling out 5 keys placed inside a box.

"Allow me to present four copies of the key, and with many thanks for your favor, take my seat as part of the club." he went around, giving each person a key. He handed one to Beth first, and then Meg and Amy, then he headed over to Jo, giving her one with a red ribbon on it, and for a few seconds, Flo couldn't take her eyes off it before Laurie came next to Flo, and sat directly next to her on Jo's bed, giving her one with a yellow ribbon attached to it, which just brought a smile to her face.

"How did you know?" she whispered at the boy, not wanting her sisters to get mad at her for dropping the act.

"I have my ways, Miss March! And you really do like me, huh!" he whispered back, returning back to his laughing fit as Flo crushed Laurie from her uncontrollable movement.

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