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17. I' need a fresh start...


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IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY FOR THE GORGEOUS WEDDING OF Meg and John. Beth and Amy were outside, arranging decorations as they laughed together. Flo and Jo were helping their older sister get ready for her big day, and both the sisters couldn't help but be concerned by Jo's unhappy face.

"I can't believe today is my wedding day!" Meg chirped, Flo smiling at her while she ran a brush

"Me neither..." Jo mumbled, both the girls giving their attention to her.

"Whats wrong?" Flo asked, putting the brush down as she grabbed her sisters hand, but was pushed away.


"Jo..." Meg spoke, watching as Jo suddenly kneeled in front of her.

"We can leave. We can level right now."

"What?" both sisters asked, confused, and shocked by their sister's behavior.

"I can make money! I'll sell stories, I'll do anything cook, clean, work in a factory! I can make a life for us!"

"But, Jo!"

"And you, you should be an actress and have a life on the stage. Let's all run away together. You, me, Flo..."

"I want to get married..."


"I love him..." Meg explained, making Jo madder as she spoke.

"You will be bored of him in two years and I and Flo will be interesting forever!"

"Just because my dreams are not the same as yours doesn't mean they're unimportant." Flo watched her other sister, who spoke sadly try to explain Jo, who sat back, heartbroken as Flo kneeled next to her.

"I want a family and a home and I'm not scared of working and struggling, but I want to do it with John..."

"I just hat that you're leaving me..."

"Oh, JO, I;m not leaving you. Besides, one day it'll be your or Flo's turn." Flo chuckled at her comment as Jo huffed.

"I'd rather be a free spinster and paddle my own canoe!" she said, making th either sisters laugh as they all shared a hug.

"I can't believe childhood is over..." Flo whispered into her hug, leaving only Meg to answer her.

"It was going to end one way or another. and wat a happy end..."

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