Bandom acording to the urban dictionary is: band fandom. Most commonly used when referring to the slash-friendly fandom of "emo" bands, including decaydance bands like Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, The Academy Is... etc. But let's be honest, it's 2014, nearing 2015, and half of these bands aren't even relevant to kids of our generation. It's all about that dun dun dun with Meghan Trainer and Shaking off them haters with Tay-Tay. And the Bandomitis has seeped itself into the once safe haven of wattpad, and now it's everywhere. After, Our Summer, The One, 50 shades of -insert name here- and that's only 1D! So here are some examples of what is absolutely driving everyone,except thirsty ass teen girl, crazy.
-Why does the main character always have to explain her life. I bet half the readers skip that shit.
-"My straight hair shined vibrantly from the sunlight." Her hair is so on point, you can get a stab wound from just looking at it.
-percentage of all Bandom fanfic:
60%: 1D
39.99999%: 5sos
0.00001%: Anyone else
-Half of the book has smut. Is sex really that important in the book?
~reads title~
Fifty shades of Liam....well, I'm done for the day. ~logs off of wattpad and throws laptop out of the window~-wen teh autor spelz liek dis.
-She always develops a shuddering problem as severe as porky pig when she's near boys.
-She lies so many times, her nose must be as long as a hoe...which is what she probably is tbh.
-Her tolerance with the amount of times she's been sexually assaulted by the boys is astounding.
-Her size is 0 yet her ass is as curvy as a speed bump.
-5Sos are such gentlemen.... in some books.
- Her breast are bigger than her face. That's not sexy, that's the future suffocation of Harry when she give him a bear hug.
-She is a highly trained MMA fighter, can't fight a 40 year old pervert in an alleyway.
-it's always pop stars, except for Taylor Swift fanfics, but with the current music that she's producing, she's on the fence.
-half the time she's getting raped and sexually assaulted by the band, the other half is her complaining about it. When the fuck do you eat and sleep?!!!
I would like to thank @KilljoyRainbow for giving me some ideas, one of them being this. Go check her out.... But not like how Harry checks out old women...that's just weird af.
Rant Overload.
HumorRants are my favorite form of therapy (most of this was written in 2015, planning to revamp in 2018)