Short Stories

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These little works are amazing. They usually have a really interesting storyline, very colorful language, and honestly are good to just pass the time.

But what about when they're not?
Here are my rants on the dark side of S.S.

-I understand that it's a short story, but when it's shorter than a goldfish's attention span, it's just not a good story.

-Is less than 8 pages long, gets published...seriously?
For Example...

childhood Memoirs

I like the color blue....

Book of the honest must read!
-New York Times


-Random Guy

-When half of the book is deleted because "I felt I didn't match up with the story."

How could you telling us the main character's obsession with Urban Outfitters possibly not match with the fact that THE F*CKING WORLD IS ENDING!

-When they type zzzZzZzz to make you understand they're sleeping. Good job, he know at least <4% of all the letters in the English alphabet. He's so good, he can say it in his sleep.

-When there's this: A/N: I'm sorry if this book is terrible, I just want likes and reads."

Dear Author,
You selfish little *****, I hope you ******* go to **** and get **** by satan, thrown into the pits of fire, and slowly become a well done steak for my consumption.

P.S. : Compliments to the chef ;)

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