28. Close

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"Then don't."

"Devon that is extremely dangerous and irresponsible!" I continued fighting Daniel, and just when I thought I might win, he flashed vampire teeth in my face.

"Woah, woah, woah, what the fuck!"

"I don't know, but you need to get out of there right now!"

I sent a well aimed punch to Dan's nose before trying to run out of the bathroom, but I was pulled back. Even though I fought, I was still pretty new at this whole thing, and I couldn't break free from Dan's grip on my waist. My body began shaking as Sebastian tried to come to my help, but before anything could happen, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. The pain spread all around my body, but it then left a cold feeling behind it. Sebastian was trying to get out of my body, but it was no use when my life force was slowly ebbing away. In a ditch attempt to protect myself, my foot came up to try and hit Dan, but it couldn't find purchase.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open, and I saw flames go around me to attack Dan. I managed to crawl away from the conflict, but my head wasn't really clear. I heard Dan run out of the room, and just before I slid under, someone whispered, "I've got you," right next to my ear.


When I came to, I was still in the bathroom, and Jack was hovering over me. "When did you get here?"

"Blake got worried about you when you didn't show up, so I came to look for you. I wanted to make sure you were okay; it's 5 minutes before the last bell."

There's something in his eyes that made me uneasy, but I chose to ignore it. Whatever. I do have to wonder who saved me, and why did it look like there was fire? "Sebastian? Are you alright?"

"Just dandy. You getting hurt hurts me too, dingus!"

"I didn't know that!"

"Oh yeah, I guess you didn't."

Suddenly, the bell chimed throughout the whole school, and I had to stand up. Jack's arm looped underneath my shoulders to help support me, so together we managed to get to the bus on time. The ride home was a bit uncomfortable considering I was still a bit out of it, but I finally had my two buttcheeks on the couch. My head dropped down into the pillow, and I just felt really shitty overall.

"Devon I brought you a bar of chocolate; you should eat it." Jack held out the candy in front of my face, and I took it.

"Sebastian I won't die if I eat this, right?"

"That's a myth for werewolves, Devon."


I unwrapped the bar and shoved the entire food into my mouth at the same time, but Jack was staring intensely at me. When I was finally done, I stared back at him questionably. "Why are you looking at me like that?"


"I don't like his aura, Devon. It's kind of creepy and swirly."

"Is he something I should worry about?"

"I don't know."

"It doesn't sound like nothing... What are you hiding from me, Jack?"

"It's not important! Seriously!"

"I thought we were past this."

"You're hiding whatever happened last night from me, too, so don't play that card."

"To protect you!"

"Well maybe I'm protecting you too!"

"Whatever." I rolled over like the petty person I am, but suddenly there was a body on top of my own. My body was shoved into the leather couch, and I looked up at Jack in shock. "What are you doing?"

"I won't get off until you tell me what happened last night."


His entire body weight dropped onto mine, and I made a rather loud oof. "I guess we aren't going anywhere."

"God, Jack, I can't breathe!"

"Then tell me."


Jack's face got really close to mine, but I was still pushing against his chest. Stupid unpredictable strength! "Why are you so nervous to tell me?" I could smell his minty breath, and it was staring to make me uncomfortable with his closeness.

"I just don't want to. Please get out of my face." I was probably beet red, and I know for sure that my entire body is on fire. Why?

"And why should I, hmm?" When his hand cupped the back of my head, I finally managed to shove him off.

I stood up in alarm as soon as I could, and I immediately went on edge. "What the fuck!"

"I know something's up with you, Dev, and I'm going to figure it out... Even if I have to fight dirty."

At that moment, the door unlocked, and I sat down on the couch again to look natural. Luckily, the TV was already on, so we both settled to watch it like we were just being normal brothers. However, we weren't. I would never admit it to anyone else, but having him that close... It did something to me.

"Hey boys, how was school?"

"Good," we chorused at the same time.

"Thats good. We're going out for dinner tonight, so get ready."

"Ok, mom."

I went up to the bathroom with my clothes, and I found that my face was still flushed. "Sebastian, what is this?"

"Whatever you make of it. I'm not a genius. I do, however, know that Daniel is not a safe person until you go back to talk to his parents. Do not end up alone with him."

"Do you think I should try again? As much as I detest that man, I'm sure that there's a valid reason."

"It won't hurt to hear him out, right?"

"I suppose so."

I lifted my shirt above my head to put on my other shirt, but I stopped once the first one was on the ground. "Um, Sebastian? Is this related to you?"

"Uh... Probably. Sorry."

"No, it's... I've just never had serious muscles before."

"Well now you do!"

I put on my cream colored shirt before changing my pants into dark blue skinny jeans. I made sure that my hair was looking normal before going back downstairs. "You look nice, Dev." Jamie smiled at me, but she was still trying to get her necklace on.

"Do you need help with that?"

"If you're offering. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Dan and his family will be there as well." I almost dropped the clasp, but I saved myself from embarrassment since it was already connected to the other side.

"That sounds nice!" I lied. Not nice! Not nice at all!

"It will be. Lincoln met them in the supermarket today, and he thought they were extremely kind. The love they have is absolutely adorable!"

"It is."

Jack came down the stairs in just a simple hoodie, but the fabric hung off of his body in a way that had my cheeks heating again. "When are we leaving?"

"Your father is coming in a couple of minutes to pick us all up."

While waiting outside, I took in the setting sun. I intend to glare at Dan for this meal, and no one can stop me! The car rolled up, and I felt my heart hammering. Good luck to me, I'll need it.

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