29. What?

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For the second night in a row, I'm just trying not to be too awkward while I eat. I had two pairs of green eyes on me: one angry and predatory, and the other one searching for any words. I cut into the perfectly cooked steak, but the knife did that really loud squeaky thing on the plate, and I flinched. "Sorry."

"So... Um... Where did you adopt Dan from? He looks so much like the two of you." Lincoln, curiosity does actually kill the cat.

"We searched the country for a long time. We were looking for a child with a good backstory that looked like he could actually be our son, and eventually I managed to find Dan in Oregon. I knew it was meant to be when he smiled at me even though it took awhile to convince the homophobes that we weren't going to sacrifice him to Satan."

I wondered where the story came from, but I figured that they had to have it practiced out for social interactions with humans. Someone kicked me under the table, and I snapped a glare up to Dan, who was probably the guilty one. Sure enough, he had that God awful smirk on his face, so I kicked him back. The tension at the table almost made me throw up, but I managed to stomach all of my food. "I need to use the restroom."

I gave Dan's papa a meaningful look before escaping into the rather dirty single room bathroom. I stood in the room for a few moments before a knock was finally heard on the door. I made sure it was actually the right person before opening the door, pulling him rather roughly into the bathroom, and slamming the door back closed. I made sure the door was locked before turning around.

"You have ten minutes to explain why you did it."

"When I was 18 years old, I met Ash. He's my soulmate, in case you never realized. We went through a lot together, but he wasn't there when I gave birth. I know I was wrong, but I just couldn't think straight when I though about raising two children by myself. I made some really rash, hormonal decisions that day that proved to be the most regretted actions in my whole life.

"Even when I got Ash back, I was too guilty. He doesn't even know you exist, and I'm too much of a pussy to tell him that I messed up as badly as I did. I was young, and stupid, and a horrible excuse for a human being. I somehow managed to be a worse parent to you than what my father did to me, and I never realized exactly how hurt you would be until I met you. I understand if you're happy with what you have, but I want to at least be able to talk to you."

"You hurt me... A lot. My entire youth has a shadow over it because of you. Can you just give me a second to think about this?"

"As long as you need."

"What do you think, Sebastian?"

"I can see in his eyes how sorry he is. Look at his face and hands, do you see it?" I subliminally looked over at him, and sure enough his whole body was tense in anticipation to have his son back.

"I'd be willing to give you a chance, but I'm still going to live with my family and you have to tell Ash I exist, deal?"

"Yes! Thank you!" I was hugged by my shorter father, and I accepted the embrace. He was so happy, and I smiled at the joy.

"We should probably get back. Just wait a few minutes before returning, alright?"


I opened the door to the bathroom, but I jumped at the sight of Dan who was standing right next to the door. He did a slow clapping noise, and I backed up into the bathroom again. "That was quite the show! 10/10 would go see again."

"Dan, what are you saying?"

"What? You pretend it isn't obvious. We aren't actually related, are we? You're just messing with the two of us for your own entertainment."

"What are you talking about, Daniel!"

"I mean, look at him! Perfect snack, if I do say so myself. You can't keep a secret from father to save your life!"

"Daniel back up!"

"I won't!"

"I don't want to hurt you!" The door was locked, so no one could come to our rescue.

"So remember last time when you said shifting was stupid and reckless?"


"Remember what happened?"


"If things go south, shift as soon as possible. That's an order."

"Of course, champ."

Dan leapt at me for the second time today, but I threw a forearm up in front of my face before pulling my shirt and pants off as swiftly as possible. I shifted into my wolf, and Sebastian growled lowly. He was protecting our father, so it was pretty normal. A hand banged on the bathroom door, and a Jack's voice called, "Dev?"

While I was distracted, there was a sharp knife thrust into my wolf's side, so I let out a loud whimper. I could hear Jack picking the lock while Daniel rambled on about one thing or another, and soon the door opened. The thing is... Jack isn't Jack? What the fuck is that?

Blue electricity flew out of his hands, and Dan was slammed against the opposite wall with enough force to knock him out. Jack approached Sebastian, and he cowered slightly while whimpering. "Shh... I'm not going to hurt you."

When Seb had finally settled, the knife was pulled from our side. It hurt like a bitch, and it started Sebastian on a growling fit. Jack's hands gently pushed against our side, and I felt the wound begin feeling better. The sensation was soothing, and I found myself enjoying the whole healing process.

When it was totally healed, my body shifted back automatically, but I didn't really have the strength to care. At least my underwear are still on. "No offense, sir, but I think you need to get your son under control."

I pulled my clothing back on along with my shoes, and I was about to slide out of the room when I got called back. "I still need to talk to you, Devon Jackson Quinn." I didn't know where the last name came from, but based on my father's flinch, it was my old last name.

"What are you?"

He picked at his finger nails, and I was shocked that his next words were so casual. "Warlock. Now why didn't you tell me about your furry situation."

"How was I supposed to know that you were supernatural!"

"You weren't."

"I can't tell random humans!"

"That's true. To be fair, I never did tell you about the whole warlock thing either. I've known that you aren't human for as long as I've known you, but I was waiting for the day you figured it out yourself. That's what really attracted my parents to you in the first place. You have a fun aura."

"What about your backstory! You made me think that you were a real person."

"My struggles are still very much real along with the persona I presented. My sister did die, but it was a magic accident and not a car one. I am usually a very good natured person, but that one radiates a really dark aura. I'd imagine that he gave into the darkness once, but I do know that he's messing with my moods."

"You're telling me that I've been living in a house full of magic users acting human and no one told me?"

"Well technically you're a magic user, too. He has some weird magical power thing that got taken over by darkness at some point. My presence may or may not be what's driving Dan insane, I don't know."

"The darkness?"

"The side of you that tells you to do something bad. It probably got a lot of leverage on him and messed around with his body for a while based on what he looks like."

"What the fuck."

"Face it. You're not normal; none of us are. We all knew when your wolf side awakened; it was really obvious. I have never seen you wake up early in my life."

"Mm... This is too much."

"It can be. Let's just get back to dinner because mine is getting cold."

Bonus chapter length for explaination sake.

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