62. Preparations

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Alex's POV (Papa, aka my childeth)

I clutched onto Ash's arm tightly from the suspense, but he was busy tracking our son as he crawled through the forest. We assumed that he was following the scent of his demon, but we aren't sure. I jumped when there was a loud machinery noise, and I heard a voice that I remember much too well. Whenever I hear this stupid lady talk, it always means something bad.

My husband– yes, it does still make me giddy to think that– also tensed up at the memory of her voice, and I rubbed a calming hand down his arm. A lot of others were in the room, so I couldn't do what I would normally do. However, I pressed a gentle kiss onto his lips that then turned up into a small smile. The dot of our son began to move much quicker than before, so we knew for sure that he had been taken.

"Devon's in their custody," I announced nervously for those not watching the screen, and I saw Lincoln and Jamie conjoin hands. My brother stood extremely close to his soulmate, and I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at the tall redhead. I will never stop being protective of my brother, fight me. Although, if I'm being honest, their relationship is really cute and I love it deep down.

I could hear muffled voices coming though the headphones Ash and I were sharing, but they were pretty hard to understand. Devon's dot had stopped moving, and my soulmate marked the position on his small map of local territories. Apparently they live in the middle of what we like to call no man's land for... Well... There's a lot of fights there, and no one really controls it because there's a rather large human farm that we can't overlap according to the statute of secrecy.

"We know where the home is; we should get prepared for a battle," Ash declared before turning off the monitor of his computer. We could still hear everything through our headphones just in case something goes south, but we don't need to watch their position exactly. That's one thing that we've had to adapt to; technology. It was around when Ash and I were teens, but it wasn't super important as far as the supernatural world goes.

Now, though, it was basically impossible to run a successful pack without the stupid stuff, so we totally had to learn how to use the garbage.

Ash pulled me down the corridor, and I felt him slide our special metal bracelet on my wrist. He would always make us take off our rings when we would fight so we don't accidentally destroy them, and this bracelet is like an alternative to us.

I walked into my brother's bedroom to find him grabbing something from the closet, and he emerged with one of his elaborate weapons. Seriously, where does he come up with this stuff? This one basically shoots wooden stakes at people at a fast enough rate to pierce their heart and kill them. He turned around, but he wasn't scared by my presence. In fact, it's really hard to scare him anymore since he can sense my spirit's energy.

"I'm nervous, but excited at the same time. I can't wait to kick some Harsin butts for what they did to us, but I'm worried that someone's going to get hurt."

"Ally, we're all protected."

"I just think this is a little bit too much work for a stupid demon."

"This isn't for a demon, this is for your nephew. Now stop being a negative Nancy and let's go already. There's no time to waste being pessimist."

"Fine." When we were about to reach the front door, I was swooped up into Ash's arms, and I giggled a little bit at the sudden motion.

"You ready, baby?"

"I was born ready."

Devon's POV

I was in the middle of peeing when the lights turned out, and I figured that they wanted us to fall asleep now. I carefully finished my business before crawling slowly back to my corner, and I pulled my knees tightly into my chest. It's really cold in this room, and I really wished that I could go over to Oli and snuggle him for warmth. Alas, I'm sure that they have night vision whatever on their camera, and they would notice the connection between us if I were to get too friendly.

As I laid there, I felt tears finally come to my eyes at my misfortune. It's all for Oliver, but I'm sort of beginning to regret it. I just hurt so much, and there nothing to comfort me. I finally let my eyes drift closed, but my dreams were... Well interesting.

I woke up in an empty field that resembled the one that Sebastian lived in, and I sat up immediately. "Sebastian!" I shouted into the abyss, but there was nothing. Stupid wolfsbane!

I felt something around my waist, so I twisted around until I was face to face with Oliver. "What are you doing here?" I breathed while inhaling his masculine scent.

"I found a way to break into your dreams so that I could talk to you and hold you away from their cameras. We need to talk about what happened before I ran away."

I patted the plush green grass, and we both sat down next to each other. At least I can't feel the horrible pain all over my back since I'm in my mind. "Listen... I understand your anger, but I'm not going to say that your actions are okay. It isn't right for you to hit me out of jealousy."

"I know, I wasn't thinking, and it regret everything I said and did that day. I was being a stupid idiot, and I hope that one day you'll come to forgive me."

"I already forgive you because I love you; that's what I realized. I love you, Oliver Pierce."

"Wait, how do you know my last name?"

"You told me, stupid."

Oliver hugged me against his body, and I leaned into the warmth. It felt good to be in his arms again after such a hectic few hours. "Now it's time for me to yell at you for coming here; it's dangerous. You saw the consequences!"

"I did, but I can't live without you."

"You can't live without me?"

"No, I can't." Oliver smiled at my revelation, and I ended up laying with my head on his lap. "I want an explanation as to why I was physically effected when you got drugged?"

"I... I honestly don't know. That's really weird. What happened to you?"

"I don't know. I ended up getting short of breath, being unable to move, and I got sick to my stomach. Thing is, I couldn't move, so I ended up laying in it."

"Oh, is that why you stink?" Oli teased, and I playfully slapped his arm. It's good to have someone to mess around with again, though.

I snuggled as close to his body as I possibly could, and he chuckled while holding my back. "You're very physical today, puppy."

"I missed you."

"I'm sure you did... Now let's get through this together, okay?"

"Together... As boyfriends!"

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