83. Son

111 8 24


Devon's POV (2 months later)

Even though it's only been three months, I had gotten to the waddling phase. My stomach was poking out a lot, and Oliver was giving me back rubs every night to help with the soreness there. I just want to be done with this; I'm glad I don't have to do it for 9 months. "Okay, what do you want to eat," Oli asked reluctantly, but I was used to it. If you thought I ate a lot before, I definitely do now. Sebastian has been helping me prepare mentally for whenever I do need to give birth, so I was extremely prepared.

"Surprise me," I whispered.

"Those are loaded words and you know that."

"Okay, so maybe my pickiness over food is annoying, but you love me anyways... Right?" I fluttered my eyelids at him, and the man smirked as he walked over to me. His hand slid under my chin, and I looked up into his beautiful red eyes.

"Of course I love you, puppy. That isn't even a question." I felt this wierd pulling sensation down in my lower body, but I assumed that it was just another cramp and ignored it.

"Just get me the whole jar of dill pickles," I commanded while sitting up much better.

"Yes your highness." His voice was teasing, but the words reminded me that I was technically royalty. Being bonded to the king of hell... 5 months ago I was an outcasted orphan trying to get the motivation to get out of bed. Everything has changed so quickly, yet I'm satisfied with my life for the first time ever.

"Dill pickles for my prince~" Oli announced while he handed me the jar, and I eagerly took the glass from his hand. That pain came back, but I ignored it once more. Pickles, man! I shoved an entire pickle into my mouth, and I just barely caught Oliver's smirk. I chewed on it enough to slide it down my throat, and he was still giving we a weird look.


"I would reccomend taking smaller bites." My eyes widened at what he was implying, and I nearly choked on the rest of my pickle. A blush slowly spread across my pale cheeks, and the sight made my loving boyfriend chuckle. When the pain came back, I couldn't help but groan when it was more painful and lasted a while. "What is it?"

"I just have this cramp in my lower back, it's okay."

"Do you want a massage again?"

"Mhm." Like it was procedural, I laid down on the bed. Oliver got on top of my legs, and I felt his hands knead into my skin softly.

"Devon!" I jumped at my loud wolf, but Oliver just continued what he was doing before with no questions. This happens a lot.

"What is it this time? Did I forget the stupid vitamins again?"

"No, you have to listen to me!"

"Okay fine, I'll stop joking... Now what?"

"You need to go now!"

"Go where? Oh is it Wednesday physical training? Sorry."

"No, yo–" Before he could finish, the pain from earlier was back. It seared up my back slowly, and I yelped at the burning feeling.

"Are you okay?" Oli inquired while running a hand up my back slowly, and I gasped while nodding my head.

"Dev, listen to me! This is going to go much faster you need to–" The pain reoccurred, and I sat up this time while effectively knocking Oliver onto the floor. "Get to the midwife now!"

"O-Oliver..." My body squeezed again, and I had to seal my eyes shut. There was a feeling of liquid pooling between my legs, and I was slightly freaking out. "Oliver doctor!" My body was quivering as another wave of pain came over me, and his eyes widened. The boy just stood there slightly panicking, and I can't help but think that he's secretly the one who needed mental therapy. Eh, I probably needed it too let's be honest. "Oliver! I can't walk on my own!"

My words snapped him out of his fear, and he looped his arms underneath my knees and back. I grabbed onto his neck while he ran down the hallway, and people were diving out of the way left and right. "Oooh," I grunted on the stairs, and he leaped off of the fifth one to save time. By the time we got to the doctor's room, I had a thin layer of sweat on my forehead, and there was no time to waste. I yelped at a punching in the middle of my back, and my legs became numb. My eyes connected with Oliver's, and he grabbed onto my hand softly. The doctors were operating under the pressure very well, and I was trying to ignore the fact that my stomach was being opened for the whole world to see. It was easy with Oli's hand running through my hair, and I began to calm down automatically. It was either the drugs or him, but I didn't care.

It felt like hours before I heard that generic baby cry ring out through the room, but my whole body softened when I heard the sweet sound. A doctor handed me the little child, and I smiled as I pulled it into my chest. "It's a boy," the doctor announced, and I looked up at Oliver with bright eyes. He knows what I wanted to name the baby if it was a boy, and there was no question that it fit the little boy. As soon as he nodded, I eagerly declared the name of out first born child. "Connor Nikolas Peirce... Our first born son!"

A young woman took the little boy away for whatever they do after the birth, and they began to stitch my stomach back up. I was too busy verbally exploding onto poor Oliver to notice, but he was also grinning. "Puppy, it's been a long day for you."

"I know... I wish I could take a nice long nap."

"Don't we all sometimes. At least lay down and close your eyes; I'll teach you how to do that weird meditating thing."

I laid back against the bed, and he began to talk me down into a really calm state. Once they were done with my stomach, he carefully laid in front of me. He was careful not to touch the wound and hurt me, but he was still saying calming words that basically knocked me out.

I sort of heard some voices around me, but I didn't care as my fingers were knotted up in his t-shirt. Well, that is until my baby began to cry, and my motherly instincts were instantly drawn to the sound. I sat up almost instantly, and I was glad to see that Oliver was already handling it off to my left. He looked so natural with his son, and he was gently rocking the little boy back and forth while holding a bottle to the newborn's lips. His eyes locked onto mine, and he grinned brightly at me.

"Puppy we have a son!"

"We do, Oliver... We do!" I had a matching grin, and I leaned my head towards him. He put Connor into my arms, and I rocked him slowly. He's my son, my flesh and blood... I'm so lucky.

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