30. Pranks

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It's strange to think of everyone I live with as some magical being. I don't know how I didn't notice it before! Somehow the house is always clean despite both Jamie and Lincoln working, they still want me even after I messed up so much, and there's even some pictures of little Jack in a magic school uniform.

"Thank you for the meal. It was nice to see you again, Ashton," Jamie concluded.

"Again?" Everyone else, excluding Dan's black haired father, at the table echoed.

"17 years ago I ended up saving him from an exploded building. It took many healing attempts to get him healthy enough to send home. He was in a really bad physical state when we took him in."

"Thank you so much for helping him. You have no idea how horrible it was when I thought he was dead."

"Trust me, he kept going on and on about getting home to you. He could feel your pain through the bond, and he made us go as fast as possible at healing his wounds."

"Still, thank you."

"You're very welcome. Come on, crew, let's get home." We all climbed into the SUV, and I put my seatbelt on.

"Devon, we finally got around to putting another bed in Jack's room, so you can sleep there tonight." Lincoln's eyes flicked up in the mirror while he spoke, and I smiled at the notion of an actual bed.

"Great, thank you."

"How are you handling this whole supernatural thing? You aren't too overwhelmed, right?"

"It's a little much, but I think I'm okay now. The amount of times I've almost died today are much too high. How many other people in my life are freaky?"

"As far as we know, none, and why didn't you tell us you almost died!"

"Uh, actually, Blake might be. Either that or he's just so close to you that your aura's mix a lot." I looked over at Jack, but he was totally serious. He was also going back to normal behavior wise; I'll have to ask what was up with him earlier. He can't blame what happened on the couch on my biological father since he wasn't there. "Oh, and I was there both times. It's just all of this messing with Daniel."

"Should have known that kid was trouble... What did he do?"

"Oh, well the first time they were fighting, and he bit Dev. The second time, it was a knife to the side of his wolf."

"Jesus. Are you okay?"

"I'm just dandy, Linc!"

"It was just a question."


"When are you gonna let us meet your wolf?"

"Whenever he agrees. Y'all kind of scare him."

"Devon you weren't supposed to tell them that!"


"Oh... That's probably my fault." Jack have a wry smile, but he still received glares from the others in the car. "What! Did you want Dev to bleed to death from being penetrated with a knife!?"

The car pulled into the driveway, so I climbed out of the vehicle. It's been a long two days, and I'm so ready to pass out and sleep for a whole week. I dragged my zombie body up into Jack's bedroom, and sure enough there was a second bed on the other wall of the room. I put on my pajamas and laid in the bed hoping for sleep, but none came. Even long after Jack had gone to bed, I was still tossing and turning.

"Sebastian what the hell!?"

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you! You're part vampire; you don't sleep."

"I slept last night!"

"Actually you slipped into a sort of daydream state in which I was speaking with you."

"But I liked sleep!"

"Sucks to suck. Think of all the more useful things you can do like prank the whole family!"

"Oh my God you genius that's an amazing idea. What are we gonna do."

"When they wake up, we can turn into a wolf and pretend like we can't shift back. Bonus points, it keeps us out of school. Oh and let's cut their toothbrush bristles."

"We are so in tune."

I snuck down the stairs to get the scissors before executing part one of our plan flawlessly. When I was done with that plot of evil, I looked up to see one of Jack's spell books. "Devon we aren't warlocks, that will go horribly wrong."

"I know, I know, I'm just curious what they can do. I'm not going to try anything."

When I looked in the book, I saw everything from healing to black magic to memory erasing enchantments. "Dev, they're waking up, put the book on the shelf and shift. Pretend to be asleep."

I did as he said, and I heard Jack beginning to stir. I paid attention to keeping my breath even, and I felt myself slide into a kind of trance. "Goodmo– What the fuck!?" I pretended to jerk awake, and I looked at him through tired, confused eyes. "Did you go to sleep like that?" I made a show of looking down at my paws, and I shook my head in feign fright.

"Mom! Dad! Problems! Serious problems!"

Linc ran in in just his boxers and a sleep shirt, and I saw him shake his head. "Didn't they teach you how to coax a werewolf into shifting in school?"


"Well then watch and learn. Dev, breathe in for four seconds then out for eight." I followed his instructions, but I still held onto Sebastian so that I wouldn't shift. "Imagine your human self... Feel the bones shifting." When it didn't work, I allowed panic onto my face. "Huh. That's new."

I leapt off of the bed and began running in circles in the center of the room. Lincoln picked up one of their various magic books, and I heard him say, "I'll get you out, just don't break anything, please!"

I ran down the stairs, and I continued running circles in their house. It was kind of fun, not going to lie. Clearly I need to let Sebastian out more. "Fact."

"God what is so loud?" Jamie complained, and I heard her yelp when I ran by.

"Don't worry I'm gonna handle this! Devon, sit!" Lincoln commanded, but I'm not a dog. "Coming your way!"

I was grabbed onto by Jack, and I was shocked at his strength to keep me in place. His fingers began working behind my ear, and I couldn't help but sink into the floor. "Fur to flesh, sharp to dull, make this man a human in full!" Lincoln screamed at the top of his lungs, and my body shifted of its own accord. Suddenly, I was panting in Jack's arms, and I saw Linc's shoulders drop down a few levels. "I'm so glad that worked; this book is centuries old. Most wolves don't even know for sure if we exist, so we don't exactly get to update our spells very often. Now get up and get dressed; it's a school day. For the love of God, Dev, get a shower. You smell like wolf hormones."

"There isn't enough time for both of us to get a shower!"

"We could always get one together, wolf boy."

"Ew, what the hell no!"

"Dev, you can get one in our shower. Y'all gross." Linc made a face at us, and I wanted to laugh.

"I didn't say it!"

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