59. Injections and Puddles

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Oliver's POV

When I resurfaced, there were voices around my head. I couldn't comprehend what they were saying because of the pounding in my head, but I assumed that it was about me as they were all around me. Something poked my leg, and I had to stifle a groan of pain. I don't know what I had hit in the forest, but it hurt like a bitch.

"They're awake," someone breathed above my face, and it made my heart rate jump up through my chest. I knew that as soon as I opened my eyes, they would know that there's something strange about me, so I kept them sealed. "What were you doing in the middle of the forest, kid?"

"I-I ran away from home." That's not entirely a falsehood. I consider Devon to be like my home since my underground shelter burned down, and I ran away from him.

"Wouldn't someone who ran away go deeper into the city instead of away from it? You're also miles off of the trails."

"I didn't want anyone to find me and bring me home, and I figured I could take the wilderness. What else do you want from me?"

"We want you to tell the truth." As the words were said, a blade heavily scented with wolfsbane was shoved into my face. Oh, so they're werewolf hunters. Idiotic humans don't know that it won't work on me.

"Listen, I don't know what you want me to tell you, but I would prefer you drop the blade."

"What, is it making you nervous?"

"Um... sir... you're holding a knife in front of my face. Yes, it's making me nervous."

"Well what can you smell?"

"Uh... your body odor?"

I was slapped across the face for my smart-ass answer, but they seemed to be thrown off of me being supernatural. "It's curious that you won't open your eyes. Care to elaborate?"

"I'm worried that you're going to have one of those bright lights above my head and it's going to roast the hell out of my eyes."

"Fair enough."

Suddenly the restrains around my wrists and ankles tightened down, and my breath caught in my chest. "W-what?"

"You're hiding something, and we know what it is... I look forward to running experiments on you, Prince Oliver..." Okay, what the hell? Clearly these people aren't humans or they wouldn't know my name or status, but then what are they? "You're probably confused... Well I would recommend not walking onto the land of one of the most renowned covens of vampires in the western hemisphere." Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I really am an idiot.

"I swear I wasn't trying to--"l

"Well you did, so now you're going to be here for the rest of your life."

"Please, I need to get back to someone!"

"Don't care. Guards open up the dungeons!"

I opened my eyes for the first time, and I did notice that the man above me had pupils that were actually a dark shade of red. I felt something poke into the side of my neck, and I found that the most movement I could perform was a blink and a slight toe wiggle. This... this is really, really bad.

Dev's POV

I was laying next to papa when this horrible feeling washed over my body. I felt something cold and frightening rush all the way from my head to my feet, and it made my squirm slightly. I was barely able to whisper, "Papa," through the horrible sensation, and he looked at me carefully. Suddenly, he was on his feet, and he ran out of the bedroom rather quickly. Yeah, way to calm my nerves.

I began to feel ill, but I couldn't even manage to crawl to the bathroom before I collapsed and threw up all over myself and the bedroom floor. Have fun getting that out of the carpet. My head was pounding, and it literally felt like the world was literally ended right then and there. It burnt to breath or to move just a little bit, so I just ended up on the floor in a pile of my own puke.

"Sebastian, what is going on?"  My voice rang emptily through my mind, and I felt my heart rate pick up dangerously. No wolf, I can't move, and Papa ran out of the room like his pants were on fire. As my head laid in the disgusting substance of my own vomit, I heard 2 sets of footsteps sprinting up the stairs. Tears allowed themselves out of my eyes without my permission, and I feel like my body is being pushed through a trash compressor. The door slammed open, and I could hear distant shouting.

Finally, feet appeared in my vision, and my body was lifted slightly off of the ground. I was placed so that my vision could align with someone's baby blue eyes, and I could see their mouth moving with no sound. It's like I'm watching an outdoor movie without the speaker as the world also seemed pretty black and white around the eyes. I was shaken, but all it did was make me sink deeper into whatever's happening to me. A second and third set of feet came to aid the first, but nothing could penetrate my bubble of silence.

I could sense a bit of a cooling touch on my back, but other than that my whole body was on fire. I could tell that I was being pulled into the darkness, and I allowed myself to sink deeper. I heard someone shout, "Hold on!" The thing is... it's too late. I've already slipped off of the deep end, and I can't come back. Not this time.

When I recovered my mind a little bit, I was floating around in the middle of no where going fast. My spirit didn't seem to care that we were being dragged through a lot of solid objects, so I just went with the flow. Suddenly, I was spit out into a room, and the sight before my eyes made me want to curl into a ball and cry.

Oliver was tied to a table, and I could see numerous open wounds on his back. His eyes were red from tears, so I knew that he was going through a lot of pain... I've only seen his tears once or twice, but I know it takes a lot to see him crumble. I walked forward on air, and I noticed that there were bites on his neck... fang marks. Vampires.

He seemed unable to move or breath very well, but he was holding on. I walked a bit more forward, and I was soon in his line of vision.

"D-Dev... S-so-sorry-ry," he breathed, so I knew he could see me. I dropped onto my knees, and I allowed my hand to run through his hair.

"Sh, I understand. You were frustrated, and you lashed out. Nothing made you deserve this, though."

"It hurts so bad."

"I know. I wish I could help you. What happened?"

"I was in the forest, and I got caught in some kind of trap... Dev they're experimenting on me, and it hurts so, so much! I don't know how much longer I can hold on."

"Tell me where you are, and I'll help you hopefully. I hate seeing you like this."

"I think I'm... I think I'm in the Harsin Cover."

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