21. New Boy

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I was approached by the popular group almost five times before lunch, but I think they finally got the message when I sat down for lunch with Blake and Jack.

Everything was peaceful until the devil herself, Eveline, walked up behind me. My entire figure tensed up when I felt her breath on the back of my neck, and my friends were staring at me waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, I felt her hand run uncomfortably up my inner thigh, and I jerked myself out of the chair while turning towards her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I bellowed. Everyone was staring at us, but I couldn't find it in myself to care.

"Oh come on, baby. I know you're just acting like you don't want me to increase my desire," Eveline purred seductively while reaching a hand out to graze my bicep.

I immediately slapped her hand down. "I can assure you that that is not the case. Now I would appreciate it if you got your hands off of me!"

Once more, she tried to lean in and kiss me, but I shoved her back so hard that she landed on her ass. The entire cafeteria burst into laughter, and Eveline's ears were beginning to turn red. I shuddered in disgust when she winked at me before standing up, dusting off her clothes, and stalking out of the cafeteria.

I sat down on the edge of my chair before slamming my head down onto the table with a loud bang. I heard Jack giggle quietly while Blake began frantically asking me if I was okay.

"I'm fine, Blake. Shut up," I joked before sitting up on the chair once more.

"What is her problem?"

"I don't know. I just know that I don't like her anymore. I used to be attracted to her personality, but that's kind of dumped into the trash."

Suddenly, the bell rang, and I made my way to fourth block band. Once I arrived, I threw together my instrument to warm up, and settled in for a boring class of the band director yelling at the flutes the whole time.


When the bell finally rang, I left as quickly as I could so that I could get a good seat on the bus. Once I got on, most of the seats were already filled up, so I internally groaned. I walked back on the bus until I found Jack and plopped down onto the seat next to him.

"I'm so bored," I complained, drawing out my words.

"And you will continue to be bored for the rest of your days," Jack responded nonchalantly while scraping a bit of dirt from underneath his fingernails.

Once the bus finally pulled up next to the driveway, I basically ran off of it and into the house. I nearly ran into the door when I tried to push it and it didn't open, and I heard a chuckling Jack beside me. "It's locked, idiot," he teased before pulling his key from his pocket to unlock the door.

"And how was I supposed to know that?"

"Dev if there's no car in the driveway, they aren't home."


Once the door was unlocked, we entered the house. It was dark since the lights weren't on, but it still didn't carry the same coldness as the orphanage would at night. Jack was going into the kitchen to get himself snacks while I simply looked around the living room. There was a 60 inch TV plastered to the side of the wall with the couch I had slept on last night on the opposite side of the room. Between the two furniture items was a coffee table with family portraits all over the surface.

"Oi, stop staring at my family room and come upstairs!" Jack kidded before gripping my arm to drag me upstairs.


I was groggily sitting in third block when a new person entered. This boy had a bright smile, stunning emerald eyes, and black hair that was in a low pony tied up behind his head. I could hear the girls swooning over his good looks, and the popular group was casting stares in his general direction like a recruitment possy.

"Hello, welcome to Newfolk Public Highschool!" our overly talkative math teacher chirped, and I found myself rolling my eyes at her enthusiasm. "My name is Ms. Piercing; would you mind introducing yourself?"

"Hello, my name is Daniel Quinn," the boy declared haughtily which caused me to roll my eyes. It was strange to me that we shared an old last name, but I brushed the fact off before it could really mess with my mind. This boy was presenting himself to be a major asshole, and I had figured that I was just going to ignore him. Unfortunately, reality is cruel to me.

"Welcome once again, Daniel. Please take a seat next to Devon in the back. Devon, sweetie, could you raise your hand?" I rolled my eyes back so far that Jamie would tell me not to get them stuck while reluctantly raising my hand into the air. Most of the girls in the class sighed when they realized that the 'new hot boy' wouldn't be sitting near them.

Meanwhile, fuck boy number one was pulling out a seat next to mine. The tension between the two of us was thick enough that I would be able to cut through it with paper, and I wasn't about to take the effort to break it. "Um... It's nice to meet you?" Daniel stated awkwardly.

"Shut it," I rebuked sharply.

"Why are you being rude already? I did nothing to you!"

"You are existing."

"Who pissed in your Cheerios?"

"This is what I mean! You're so annoying!"

"You don't even know me!"

"Heyyyyy," one of the annoying jocks intercepted into our conversation. "If he's bothering you you're welcome to be friends with us."

"Ew, no!"

"Aww why not? You have so much potential!"

"My parents always told me not to associate with those who are stupider that me."

When I saw Gabe's face, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Everyone in the class was staring at me, but the look of utter shock and offense in his eyes was tickling me. "Oh- oh my God! Did you see his face!" I giggled loudly. Gabriel was glaring at me, and when I realized that, I stuck my tongue out at him. He turned away with a bright red blush on his cheeks and went back to his seat dejected while I sat back in my chair with the largest, crackhead grin. "Maybe I judged you too quickly, new kid," I announced.

"I think you did," Daniel agreed.

When the bell rang, I turned to him and civilly asked, "Would you like to sit with me and my friends for lunch today?"


As I approached the table, Blake was looking at me strangely while Jack just brushed it off. I guess that Blake still wasn't used to me actually talking to other people yet. I sat down across from Jack while Daniel sat on the opposite side from Blake, and that was when all hell broke loose.

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