32. Knife in my Back

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Jack's POV

As soon as I got home, I realized what a mistake it was to leave him alone. Whatever, he'll come home... Right? It was getting closer to sunset when I realized the severity of my actions. What if he got hurt? My parents weren't home yet, so I just ran out of the house towards the school. There was a spike of concern swirling around in my stomach, and it almost made me puke multiple times.

Suddenly, I heard Devon's voice shout for help deeper in the wood, and I ran in blindly after the call. I was so focused on finding him that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, and that was a huge mistake. Someone grabbed me from behind, and they hit the nerves in the middle of my spine to cut off my ability to use my magic. I felt them shove a pill like item down my throat, and I soon felt my legs give out. I purposefully left behind one of my stones so that my parent would find it and know about my little predicament before slipping out of consciousness.


Devon's POV

When I woke up, I was in a compact room chained against a wall. My head was slamming with every breath, and the back of my neck was on fire. I managed to rip my eyes open, but I was just met with a slumped over Jack. When I tried to surge towards him, I was hardly able to move away from the wall, but I still tried.

"The first one is awake." The voice was deep, and when I tried to look at him, my neck was a pain in the tail all over again. My knees were digging into the concrete underneath them, and I sort of wished I could disappear from the face of the earth.

"Good..." That voice... Dan? What the ever living hell? "You're probably wondering why you're here, Devon."

"I am."

"Don't worry, you were just bait for your warlock friend."

"What are you going to do to him?"

"How would witch boy be without his magic, hmm?"

"I thought you were nice! Why are you doing this to us?"

"I am nice, he's just getting on my nerves, and I want to hurt him for it." He looked crazed, and I was scared for his sanity.

"There's a better answer than this, Dan. You can be good; I've seen it."

"Is this going to be a heartfelt speech about why I shouldn't hurt witch boy? You can save it. I've never tasted blood as magical as his."

I tried to lunge at him, but I was stuck into the wall. I released a low growl, but it only made him laugh. "Please, you're chained to a wall with your wolf forced from your mind; what're you gonna do to me?"

I continued trying to get towards him, but there was no slack. Jack groaned as he woke up, and I began to wonder why? Why am I so concerned about him? Is it just because he's my brother, or is there something more?

When his striking blue eyes popped open, he looked a bit dazed, but he caught on quickly as he looked at me. "Mmm... This is gonna be a good snack." Dan rubbed his stomach strangely, and I tried to leap at him again. Jack also struggled, but he was nothing without his magic. When Dan's teeth were about to penetrate Jack's neck, I howled loudly while hoping someone would hear.

As soon as Dan drank from Jack, he fell back in a writhing mess. "Fucking idiot, warlock blood is toxic. One suck will leave you in pain for weeks!"

Dan screamed from whatever pain he was feeling, but we weren't able to escape since neither Jack or I had our supernatural abilities. His pale blue eyes scanned over me for injuries, but I was pretty normal. Suddenly, a purple glow surrounded me, and I looked up at Jack shocked. However, he looked just as stunned. "What's happening?"

"I don't know!"

Suddenly, the chains literally exploded, and I flinched away from the flying shards of metal. A few impaled Dan's shirt, but there was no damage other than that. I immediately rushed over to pull at Jack's bondage, but no miracles occured again. "I'm afraid that some random metal shattering ability isn't going to save you, Devon. It will only be a minor inconvenience seeing as I have zip–"

Suddenly, Jack's magic must have come back because he exploded into a blue ball of electricity. He stood in front of me, and I allowed myself to be held behind him. "Evil be damned, strip him to the core, turn this man bad no more!" Jack's spell casting voice was much smoother than Linc's, so I kind of liked the sound of him casting.

Dan's legs suddenly collapsed from underneath him, and his eyes rolled back in his head. At least he's still breathing. "What did you do?"

"I think there was something evil possessing him. It could have been the darkness or just a random demon looking for some fun, but I just did an enchantment to get rid of the bad spirit. What was that with the purple?"

"I don't know. It's never happened before."

"Strange. It probably has something to do with your parents, but we'll have to ask once we get out of here."

We tried to walk up from the room, but the door was locked from the outside. I heard a loud crashing noise to my left, and I barely had time to register that there was a person there before I was tumbling back down the stairs. My head bounced against the floor, and I saw stars in my vision. "Mr. Quinn told me not to let you leave," the man taunted as Jack landed on top of my chest. "Naive little warlock, didn't anyone tell you not to become too cocky?"

"That has nothing to do with this!"

"Doesn't it?"

I saw the knife coming, and I quickly rolled us so that I took the projectile to my lower back. The pain was so much greater than having one in the side as a wolf, and I crawled to the side before collapsing. "Have fun with that, witch boy... Wolfsbane."

I felt this awful sensation travel up and down my body, and I hardly felt Jack trying to heal the wound since it wasn't working. "Come on, Dev. You're going to make it through this!"

It felt like there was some kind of powder in my esophagus, and I began to cough violently. However, it wouldn't dislodge itself, so I just continued my fit.

"Please don't leave me!" Jack's frustration was evident, but I didn't know how long I would be able to obey.

"Jack... I think... I think..."

"What is it, Dev?"

"I think I'm dying, but tell your parents I love them. Tell my father I'm sorry, and tell Blake that I'm gonna miss him."

"Devon, you aren't dying here!"

"There's nothing you can do. I don't know what wolfsbane is, but it sounds really bad."

Suddenly, the upstairs door slammed open, and I saw familiar green eyes come down the stairs. "I'm too late. I just found the plans in Dan's room."

"Do you have anything against wolfsbane?"

"I can try something, but there's not promises. Keep him awake."

However, I was slipping. I sank deeper despite Jack's shouting, and I remember feeling... Something In my back before the world blanked out.

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