85. Le Fight

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Jack's POV

Alex had gone to tell off his son, and I had ended up hanging out with the werewolves. Hey, at least they actually like me unlike my own partner. Everyone could hear the shouting upstairs as the father son duo butted heads, and I was beginning to get worried that one of them would end up dead. "Don't worry, they're going to be alright. They do this quite often, actually," a werewolf I only knew a bit, Sheniah, reassured softly. Dan has been keeping me from pretty much everyone, so I only knew a few select people very well in my own home. "Besides, someone needs to get that boy into shape. If he doesn't, I will. No one deserves the way he's treating you."

"Thank you," I breathed while pressing my head onto the table trying to ignore the noises above us. It was hurting my heart to hear the shouting, but I knew I had to listen. I couldn't let it get so bad we we're dealing with a homicide. The entire house shook when a door slammed upstairs, and my heart rate sped up much more than healthy limits. What if he comes and kills me for yelling on him?

Sure enough, the door to the lounge area also slammed open, and the wolves had to dive out of the way of my angry baby daddy. "How dare you! I am trying to give you what you want, but you keep throwing it back in my face!" His hand launched towards my face, and I cringed backwards fearing the worst. Suddenly, a hand reached up to catch his swinging arm, and I saw Sheniah with a fierce expression.

"Listen here you bitch! I have watched you injure that boy emotionally for the last few months, and I can tell that no one deserves what he's getting. Can't you see that you're hurting him? I can't believe that someone who's supposed to be our alpha has ended up as a cold hearted bastard!"

"Let me go!"

"No! I won't let you become like that."

"I'll do it whether you like it or not!"

When he tried to throw his weight past her onto me, the girl struck him back upside the head hard enough that he fell backwards. I stumbled backwards while the entire room cheered, and someone started up the fight chant. Honestly though, someone needs to put him back into his place. The wolf punched him right in the nose while he was still on the ground, and I couldn't help but laugh aloud at the irony. No one hurts me, especially when I'm carrying a baby!

The two continued to fight while the shouting around the room escalated, and I jumped back into highschool mode and began to shout fight with them. Call me immature, but watching people fight is really fun!

"What is going on here!" Ashton screeched from the doorway, and the entire room stilled immediately. Everyone here knows that you don't need with him. There's a chance you'll survive messing with Alex, but his soulmate is something else. However, Sheniah didn't seem to care as she continued hitting at Dan, and I sort of admired her courage. However, she paled when she saw the short, angry vampire storming towards her, and I felt for the poor girl. "Will you explain why you're hurting my son, your future alpha?"

"When he is about to hit a pregnant person you gotta do what you gotta do." Lipping off usually isn't the best option in this situation, but the girl didn't seem to care. Honestly I'm shocked she doesn't have a higher rank than she currently does. Ash's wise, icy eyes swiveled over to me, and I saw a certain recognition light up in his gaze.

"Daniel, usually you're supposed to be protecting the person carrying your child."

"He told on me!"

"Yes, he did, but you should listen to him! Everything you're doing right now is hurting him, and that isn't right. I'm tired of watching you take a gift and throwing it out of the window, so you can either shape up or get out of my life."

I couldn't hold in my smirk at Dan's expression, but it quickly turned into rage to match his father. "It isn't my fault that he's just so happy all the time! Neither of us wants this child, but he still searches for different things for the damn fetus!"

"That's where you're wrong. You may not want this kid, but I do. My parents raised me to take everything as a blessing, even if it's one in disguise. I'm excited to finally have the chance of raising my own child, and I would be thrilled if you were to help me take the consequences of our actions. We had sex, and now we have to handle the caused of our actions!"

"Shut up, Jack. This is why no one loves you! You're hard to agree with, you always play the victim, and your personality is that of a Christmas tree. You can't see anything that isn't bright and happy; this is a nightmare!"

"You can choose to think that way and never be happy with yourself, or you can be like me and just get over it. Move on, and grow up, Daniel. I don't feel like saying more." I stood up straight with a firm glare before stalking out of the room like I owned the place. Of course, I don't, but don't ruin my moment please!

"I hate you Jack!"

"Feeling is mutual!" I stuck my middle finger high into the sky while I spoke, and the entire room made an "ooo" noise. I slid down the hallway until I reached the outside world, and I found that being in the nature calmed me down significantly. That boy definitely got what he deserved, and is it wrong to not be sorry? I can raise this child on my own, and that's a fact. With the amount of support around me, there's no doubt that I can do it.

"Jack are you okay?" Devon inquired, and I realized that he had been sitting on the stairs as well. There were thick black circles under his eyes from sleepless nights, but he looked so alive that it was hard to doubt his happiness.

"I think I'm fine now, are you?"

"Yeah. Connor is an interesting character for lack of a better term. It's hard to get him to fall asleep, and I wish that I could just take a long nap of my own will. Being part vampire sucks."

"Well at least you don't have to worry about sleep deprivation."

"That's the weird part. My body won't let me sleep, but it still behaves like it has to."

"That's quite strange."

"Tell me about it."

We shared a grin, and I was glad that I was finally able to speak with him again. No matter what, I'll keep this baby. There's no amount of discouraging you can do... I'm ready.

Shout out to Hyunjin_Jinjin for being the human to attack Dan for me lol.

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