42. Below

150 11 8


Dev's POV

I woke up to a familiar alarm without remembering exactly what had happened to me. I know it was bad based on the pounding of my head from crying too hard, and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Of course, I can't go back to sleep. I'm pretty sure the only reason I actually got to rest was the fact that I clearly passed out last night.

I sat up once the shower was running, and I quickly put on an outfit before going downstairs. At the bottom of the steps, I encountered an unusually quiet house. Maybe Linc and Jamie were tired and slept in?

However, when I tried to continue walking, it was like my feet got stuck in glue. I looked down, and I realized that I had literally stepped onto a demon. I tried to struggle, but it was no use as I was being sucked into the ground. Well shit.


When I came to, I couldn't see anything at all. I could feel that I was moving, but I didn't know where. My body had been strapped onto a large animal using what felt like a belt, and I could hear people talking around me in a foreign language. I forced my eyes open, and I was in a rather lavish city. The only thing is... There's no sky. As a child, I had always had claustrophobia, and the fear was suddenly returning when I recognized that we were underground. No way out, and no way to fix whatever is happening to me.

A young woman declared something in her language, and suddenly I had about 10 pairs of black eyes on me. Oh, right, I was sucked into the ground by demons! My arm was ripped from under my body by an older man, and it made me yelp from the sudden pulling sensation. A plastic hand cuff was trapped over my wrist, and the other one was put onto a random demon so that I couldn't run off. Like I could with the leather of the belt digging into my lower back.

We arrived at a large castle like building, and I was pulled through the corridors. The burning of the plastic on my wrist was leaving a rash, and no matter how quickly I move, it isn't fast enough for them. I stumbled forward with every push from behind, and sometimes I even fell onto my knees.

The next time I almost fell over, I was grabbed by my hair, and my head bent back treacherously. I cried out from the pulling in my neck and the burning of my scalp, but all that happened was a chorus of laughter. I was shoved down onto the ground while they continued to laugh at my pain, but I was soon being picked back up and corralled through the castle.

Finally we stood in front of the door, but I could tell that whatever was behind the wood would be 10 times worse than what I had just experienced. When we entered the room, there was a strangely beautiful stranger atop the throne. He had long, black hair which was tied back in a braid, and his jawline could cut diamonds. The only unsettling parts of the man were his totally black clothes and blood red eyes, yet I still felt fear. Something about his aura sets me on edge.

The woman who had been guiding us announced something before pulling me up to one of the strange poles in the middle of the room. The plastic of the handcuffs were taken from my wrists, but I only got to enjoy it for two seconds before my arms were dragged behind me around the pole. A rope was wrapped tightly around my wrists, and I found myself to now be attached to the pole. The position was extremely uncomfortably and my shoulders hurt, but at least I'm not dead, right?

Feet came into my view, and my chin was gripped tightly. When my gaze was redirected, I was face to face with the man from the throne. He has a poorly fitting golden crown drooping over the side of his head, and his attire was mostly that which royalty would wear.

"Who are you?" My voice came out nearly silent, but the man heard me clearly.

He dropped his weight into a crouch, and I was forced to stare into his red eyes. However creepy they are, they're strangely... Beautiful. "When they told me a mortal was threatening our plans, I didn't expect you to look so cute." His voice was a low growl, but it was seductive. A creepy hand ran down my left cheek, and I had to restrain myself from leaning into the touch. What? I'm starved of human interaction. I know that this isn't a human, but... "What to do..."

While he made a thoughtful face, his hand was moving down my figure. The ringed humanoid fingers stopped just above my belly button, but even so, the touch was turning on my horny teenage boy nature.

"Responds well..." His tongue flicked over my neck suddenly, and I shivered pleasantly from head to toe. I know he's an evil demon king, but you can't tell me you wouldn't get turned on if a hot demon licked your neck. He inhaled near my hair, and I sort of wanted to grovel at his feet. What in the hell is wrong with me right now! "Still innocent."

I was flicked between the eyes, and I whimpered quietly from the lingering pain. There was a smirk on the demon king's face, and I could see in his eyes that a decision had been made. "You're going to be my new human pet."

The words made my stomach clench. While the man in front of me is beautiful, I can't stay down in here. I can't see the sun, and I could hardly breathe in the recycled air. Not to mention that it was hot as hell– oh... Wait...

My arms were unbound, and I fell down into the man's arms. "You'd better not try to run, or the punishments will be severe. You will be treated like an honored guest until you prove that you're unable to be trusted. As far as ranking goes, you are to listen to my commands, and no one else's. If you are caught trying to escape, you'd better listen to everything those guards are saying or you can kiss your skin goodbye. Any questions?"

"Wha-what's your name?" I sound petrified, but then again I am.

"My name is Oliver, cutie. Do I get to know yours?"

"Devon." If I'm going to be stuck here for a long time, I may as well make it much easier for myself. I just have to listen to what he says, right? What happens when his instructions breach my beliefs, though?

"Well, Devon, I can sense your discomfort. Please tell me what is troubling you."

"I'm just overthinking, it'll be alright."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm worried about listening to everything you say. Like, what happens when you tell me to do something that would hurt me?"

The man's fingers gently brushed my lower back, and he looked me genuinely in the eyes. "Don't worry. If it's a request for anything beyond your boundaries, I would like you to let me know. I don't want to push you too far."

"Why are you so nice?"

"That's a stereotype. Not every demon in the world is a bad person."


"I understand. Now come on, I have to show you where you're staying."

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