60. "That" Coven

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I felt someone shaking my body harshly, and it made me begin to slide out of whatever that spirit world was. "Baby," I heard Papa whisper near my ear, and it gave me the energy to open my eyes.

"'Apa." His eyes brightened at my positive response, and I could feel his hand running through my hair slowly. It was calming, and I felt myself sink into the bed as I became much more relaxed.

"We were so worried... What happened to you?"

"They took Oli." As soon as the words crossed my lips, I was drawn into an overly tight hug.

"Who took him, baby. We'll get him back, promise."

"He said something like the Harsin Coven?" I swear Papa just stopped breathing for a few seconds. His eyes widened beyond the normal level, and I could see the wheels spinning around and around in his mind. "Uh, are you okay?"

"This is bad... I thought... Oh God." He stood up and began to pace back and forth on the floor, and I felt my heart hammering in my chest.

"What's wrong? No offense, but you're really bad at soothing my mind."

"Don't worry, sweetie, we'll still be able to get him. In fact, it's more likely as pretty much our whole family has a bone to pick with them. I was just shocked because we thought they were dead after we blew up their mansion."

"Uh, you did what?"

"It's a long story." His hand rubbed the small of my back, and I managed to smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better... What happened to me exactly?"

"Uh I noticed that you were really out of it, and I assumed that it had something to do with your soulmate. I went to get your uncle so that he could figure it out, and I ended up having to drag Jack with us too. When we got here, you were laying almost face down in a pile of vomit, so Jack was trying to snap you out of whatever was wrong with you. Once you had passed out, Ally came, and he told us that your spirit wasn't in your body. We just kind of put you in bed and hoped for the best."

"Oh. Is it possible for what Oli's feeling to effect me?"

"To an extent? Not normally what you just experienced."

"Well I think he was drugged..."

"I don't know."

"Alright then."

I smiled at Papa, and he helped me to stand up from the bed. At first it was difficult, and I ended up falling more than once. Eventually, I stood up on my own, and he lead me down the corridor to a room I had never seen before. He just barged into the room, and I saw my father behind a desk. He had readers glasses on– old man– that had slid slowly down his nose, but he took them off when his energetic mate ran over to him.

The two embraced tightly, and I ended up leaning awkwardly against the wall. It was a navy blue color that was soothing to the eyes, and it made me feel much calmer. As I looked around the room, I noticed that it was actually both my parents' offices. Papa had a desk a few feet away from Dad, probably so they could look into each other's eyes, ew, and they both had a whole pile of work on them. I did notice that Dad's was much more organized, and it sort of reflected their personalities. My dad is definitely more put together than his soulmate, just saying.

When I tuned my ears back into what the older men were saying, my father was shouting, "I thought they were gone!"

"I know... I thought they were gone, too."

"Well we're going to eradicate them... No one messes with my soulmate's mental health!"

Papa put a fist into the air while letting out a sort of battle shout, and I was noticed for the first time. Almost immediately, my father walked up to me, and I began to fidget on my feet. Instead of what I was dreading, his arms wrapped firmly around my back, and I rested my chin on his head. It's seriously comical how much taller I am than him, but I knew not to bring it up. He might bite my ankles, shiver.

"I was worried about you, son." He pulled away, and I took a step back as well. "I'm seriously going to kill that demon–"

"No, actually, can you not? He's already going through a lot as it is."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That coven... They're putting him through horrible tests and serious injuries. I won't tolerate your attitude whenever we see him again."

I got a glare off of the short angry vampire, but I knew he understood. "So... When do we go after him?"

"As soon as possible. I can't stand to think about him suffering on his own with no one to talk to."

"Of course, son. Let's get the crew in here and talk out a plan."

It took almost ten minutes for all of the power filled individuals to flock into the room, and in that time I managed to pace the length of the large office about 50 times. Every time I think about his state, it hurts my chest beyond belief, and I have to keep moving so that I don't cry.

"Okay, now that we're all here, there's an emergency," Papa announced, and I finally stopped my walking to join the group. Even so, I couldn't stand still until Jack pushed down on my shoulder to stop my constant annoying fidgets. "Listen, I know this is going to get some of you in a tizzy, but let's be gentle. We need to save Devon's demon."

Strangely, there was no shouting disagreement, and I even felt Jack rub my forearm in a consoling motion. "What are we saving the demon from?" my uncle questioned while playing with a ring on his hand.

Papa took a deep breath in, and I could see exactly how much he disliked this coven. "Harsin Coven is back." That sparked outrage in 3/4 of the room, and chatter broke out between the adults. "Shush! We need to stay focused; the more we wait... The more likely it is that there won't be anyone to save."

The room grew eerily quiet, and I got the first look at how serious this whole thing is. Oli's alone somewhere hurting, and there's a small possiblity that he's not going to make it. Just the thought brought tears to my eyes, but I have to stay strong. Not for myself; for him. "What are we going to do about this? I thought we got rid of them last time."

"We all did, Ally. I don't know... Accepting ideas?"

No one responded, but I could see everyone thinking. I wiggled on my feet nervously, but then I had an idea. "Does anyone know where their house is?" Everyone looked at me strangely, but they shook their heads. "I know that no one's going to like this, but it's the only option..."

It's my birthday, so be nice lol.

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