I Can't Stop Me

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Maya's POV

As I ran swiftly through the streets of New York, nothing felt more important than getting away from Riley's house. I ran mindlessly, until realized I literally had no idea where the hell I was. After twenty minutes of walking I collapsed in a random alleyway. I was too tired to care if I got mugged. My mind was spinning and I couldn't think straight. Not after what I just did.


That one word played in my head over and over like a broken record, I wish it would stop. I wish everything would just stop.

"Did I seriously just do that." I croaked out softly. I dropped my head and ran my fingers through my blonde hair. As I caught my breathe, I couldn't stop thinking about what I just did. I couldn't stop thinking about him.


"I never thought you would throw a party, Riles" I shouted over the thumping music.

"I wanted to do something rebellious before graduation and what more rebellious than a boy/girl party" Riley winked at me.

"Boy/girl party? What are we in third grade?" I chuckled

"Whatever, peaches." Riley rolled her eyes "I'm gonna go get a drink, want anything?"

I shook my head and Riley disappeared into the crowd of people around us. Across the room I spotted Lucas Friar. The hottest guy in school, but also unfortunately Riley's boyfriend. How did an innocent girl like her get a hunk like him? Man, if they weren't in a relationship I would go down on-

"Hey" Lucas shouted, interrupting my thought.

I noticed the cowboy making his way over to me.

"What's up" Lucas innocently smiled

"Nothing much, Huckleberry. I'm just gonna go use the bathroom." I told him and I slipped into the crowd. People bumped into me and elbowed my ribs as I pushed my way through. I made it to the bathroom and as I close the door, the music was muffled. I looked in the mirror and noticed my makeup was smudged.

"Ugh, I spent an hour on this."

I pulled out my eyeliner and red lipstick and fixed it in no time. After I... well did my business, I slipped out of the bathroom. As I turn the corner, I bumped into the cowboy himself. Not to be dramatic but like did he...always look this good? I mean he's always been hot, but something about him right now is giving me butterflies. His hair is messed up a bit and his deep green eyes looking into mine made it feel like we were the only people in the room.

"Oops, sorry short stack" Lucas said surprised

I roll my eyes at the nickname but what I did next even surprised me. It was almost like someone else was controlling my body.

"Mind helping me with something Ranger Rick?" I said innocently

"Uh, sure what is it?" Lucas asked confused

I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into the bathroom with me.

"Maya, what are you-" Lucas started

I pushed him against the wall looking into his sea foam green eyes. Something about this boy made me weak in the knees. I quickly pressed my lips against his and ran my fingers through his messy hair. He seemed shocked but he kissed back. After a good 15 seconds I realized what I was doing. I pulled away, out of breath and completely and utterly shocked at myself.

"Maya.." Lucas whispered, panting softly

"I'm sorry-" I said quickly before opening the bathroom door and sprinting out.

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