Honeymoon Fades

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Maya's POV
I woke up to my phone ringing, I picked it up and groggily answered.

Maya: Hello...?

Lucas: Hey, sorry did I wake you?

Maya: No I'm just wide awake at 3 in the morning.

Lucas: Sorry, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I'm outside your window.

Maya:What? Ugh I'll open it for you, one sec.

I hung up and reluctantly got up and opened the window for him. Then I slipped back in bed. "What do you want? I'm tired."

"You," he replied. I couldn't help blushing. He laid down beside me and I turned to face him. His deep green eyes looked into my crystal blue ones. "Sorry for coming over unexpectedly, I just really wanted to be with you. I know it sounds cheesy but-" I cupped his face with my hands and cut him off by pressing my lips lightly against his.

I pulled away with a smile on my face, "I don't like cheesy," I chuckled.

"Alright, noted"

We laid on my bed face to face just studying each other's faces. Something about the silence and just being with him, was so comfortable. I was lost in my thoughts and his eyes until he abruptly broke the silence.

"Am I the only guy you've kissed?" He asked

I was taken back by the random question but decided to answer truthfully.

"No. I've kissed quite a few guys."

"You've never had a boyfriend though?" He arched his eyebrow.

"Nah I haven't. I've had hookups and sometimes hookups with the same guy a few times, but never anything serious."

"Oh, I guess I just assumed you were a virgin," he breathed.

"Nah, I kind of wish I was to be honest."


"Well I wish my first time wasn't meaningless."

"Yeah me too," he sighed

"Wait. Lucas The Good, isn't a pure virgin?" I questioned, a smirk creeping on my face.

"Nope, the first and only time I ever had sex was Junior year with Missy Bradford."

"Missy Bradford? Wow."

"Ok Judge Judy, who was yours with?"

"Ugh, Sophomore year, Charlie Gardner."

"Seriously? Charlie Gardner?" He chuckled

"Yeah I know. It was horrible. It was after homecoming in the backseat of his dirty car. He was done in less than a minute," I laughed.

"Mine was worse." He stated

"Doubt it," I smiled

"Try me. Her mom came home so she stuffed me in the closet. I stood there, butt naked for over two hours before I could leave."

"Oh my god," I laughed.

"Yeah," he blushed

"Wait. You and Riley never-"

"No. We didn't." He said seriously. "It was during the few months where we were broken up"

"Alright." I decided not to push further "Wanna get some sleep?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm starting to get tired." He yawned

I turned my back to him and I could feel him pressed against my back spooning me. Ugh too cheesy and romantic for my taste, but I kind of liked it so who cares.


I woke up and felt an arm around my waist. I quickly realized it was just Lucas. He was cute when he slept. I pushed his light brown hair out of his face and his eyes fluttered open.

"Mornin, Sundance." I smiled

"Good Morning," he propped himself up on his elbow and pressed his lips against mine, pulling me closer to his chest. Damn, I could get used to morning kisses.

"We should get ready for school," I said pulling away.

"Maya Hart, wanting to go to school?" He questioned.

"Yeah you're right," I laughed. "I mean it's Friday, wanna ditch?" I smirked.

"If it means I can stay here with you, hell yes."

"Wow ranger rick, sneaking out and ditching school? Who are you?" I asked

"Let me just tell my mom that I left the house early to work on a project at school so she's not suspicious ."

"Look at you becoming a pro at sneaking out," I chuckled, running my fingers through his hair. "I never thought I would like waking up," I laughed.

"Yeah me too."

I snuggled the back of my head into his chest and smiled to myself, my eyes shut "This is nice" I whispered softly as his arms wrapped around me securely and tightly. We cuddled in comfortable silence for a while before I heard the door open. Before I could react, my mom opened my bedroom door.

"Hey babygirl, I-" she started but then stopped seeing Lucas.

"Oh. Hi. Um who's this." She asked, her eyes wide.

"Um this is Lucas my-"

"Boyfriend." He ended. I blushed a little bit, my cheeks feeling warm.

"Oh, well nice to meet you Lucas. I gotta get ready for my next shift." She left and we both bursted out into laughter.

"Man she was so surprised," I laughed

"I feel bad, she probably thought we did it last night."

After our laughter calmed down I asked, "So you're my boyfriend now, huh?"

"Only if you want," he said quietly

"Yeah, I would like that," I smiled.

He leaned it and kissed me deeply.

Wow. Lucas Friar is my boyfriend now. Lucas. Friar. Is my boyfriend. I like it.

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