Hold Tight

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Maya's POV

Finally, the 6th period bell rang and snapped me out of my daydream. I looked up as Mr. Matthews concluded class for the day.

"All right, have a nice day everyone! I'll see you all tomorrow," he smiled and sat behind his desk. I got up and started to put my things in my backpack when I heard Mr. Matthews call my name.

"Maya, I was wondering if you were able to babysit Auggie tonight with Riley."

"Oh sorry Matthews I have a da- I got mean I'm grounded. My mom won't let me out of the house," I smiled awkwardly. I almost blew my cover, I'm so stupid. Also it's not a date, it's a friend hang out....or whatever. I don't even know anymore.

"Oh ok, have fun," Matthews chucked while walking away.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom. I turned to my left and there was Lucas, putting stuff away in his locker. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"See you at 7?," I winked.

His face lit up, "Yeah, I'll see you then," he tipped an imaginary cow boy hat and walked away. I could feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks, but it faded when I turned around and came face to face with Riley.

"What are you guys doing at 7?," she asked, suspiciously

"Oh hey Riles! Um we're just hanging out and working on a project for Ms. Sullivan's class. I don't get it and he offered to help."

"But you hate Lucas and I usually help you."

"He's not so bad, he offered and I didn't want to be rude," I tried my best to smile

"You didn't want to be rude? That's all you are towards him," she laughed

"Yeah true, it's no big deal, we're just gonna be doing homework."

"Can I come?" she asked obliviously

"NO! I mean, um you always help me and you don't even have her class so it's ok," I said trying to save myself.

"Ok...I guess I'll see you later then?"

"Yup, see you."

Riley turned to walk away and I let out a deep breath. I walked towards the exit and made my way down the sidewalk, towards my house. I unlocked the door and slipped Inside, hoping that my mom wouldn't be home. Luckily she wasn't. I went to my room and decided to take a nap.

When I woke up it was 6:05pm, so I decided to get dressed. He didn't specify what to wear so I put on a little black dress with converse. Right when I was finishing up my hair and makeup, I heard the door bell ring. I put my phone in my room so my mom wouldn't know I left and went to the front door. When I opened the door, Farkle was standing there. I just stood there surprised.

He looked up from his phone and his eyes went wide, "Woah Maya, you look good. Where are you going?"

"Nowhere, what do you want Farkle?"

"I was in the area and wanted to see if you wanted to go get Chinese food."

"Oh thanks, I'm ok right now though, maybe another time?" I was trying to get him to leave before Lucas got here.

He looked suspicious but he said "Oh ok, yeah another time." and walked away. I shut the door and walked back to my room, I checked my phone. 7:02pm. Almost as if on cue, the doorbell rang again. I got up from my bed and made my way to the door, when I opened it, Lucas was standing there in a polo shirt, jean jacket, and black jeans.

He eyed me up and down, his eyes wide. He only snapped out of it when I cleared my throat.

"Wow Maya, you look amazing. I kinda feel underdressed now," he said embarrassed.

"If anything I feel over dressed, let's go." I replied

We walked down the stairs and onto the side walk. "So where are we going Bucky McBoing Boing?" I asked

"Well I was planning on ice skating but I don't know how well you would be able to with a dress on," he laughed

"Yeah thanks for the memo," I rolled my eyes

"So let's just go get food and we can just sit and talk, there's a hot dog cart in front of the ice skating rink that's super good."

"Alright let's go."

We walked down to the subway and took it to 17th street. When we got off, we walked over the the stand.

"You save us a bench and I'll go get the food. What do you want?" He asked

"A hot dog with ketchup and mustard and a Diet Coke."

"Alright, be right back."

I sat on the bench and watched everyone on the ice rink for a few minutes. Lucas sat down next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. He handed me my stuff and we ate in silence.

"So, what do you want to talk about Huckleberry?"

"I don't know, tell me about yourself. I feel like I don't know you super well. Just all the basics. Favorite movie, color, hobbies, and whatever else."

"Alright, my favorite color is yellow, my favorite movie is Pulp Fiction, and I draw and paint."

"What do you like to draw?" He asked curiously

"Mostly the New York scenery and sometimes portraits of people."

"That's really cool, Maya. I'd love to see some of your stuff sometime."

"Yeah maybe. Well now your turn."

"Alright, my favorite color is blue, favorite movie is definitely Empire Strikes Back, and I don't really have any hobbies."

"None? What about back in Texas, what do all the cowboys do out there?" I smirked at him.

He rolled his eyes and continued, "Well I- you can't make fun of me, ok? I rode sheep when I was little."

A smile grew on my face and I knew my life was complete. "You mean I'm talking to a champion sheep rider right now? Wow I had no idea," I said sarcastically.

"I shouldn't have told you." He chuckled, looking down embarrassed.

He looked over at me and didn't say anything. His eyes made me loose focus on everything that wasn't him. There were so many different colors in his green eyes, it was so captivating.

"Hey you have a little something on your face, let me get it," he leaned over and wiped a bit of ketchup off my face. I could feel his breath on my skin and we kind of just looked at each other for a moment. Suddenly he started to move forward and so did I. I couldn't stop myself. He cupped my face and gently pressed his lips against mine. His lips were soft and he smelled like Old Spice, warmth took over my body and I suddenly wasn't cold anymore. Nothing had ever felt so right before. I had kissed many guys before Lucas but this was different. Nothing mattered except his lips moving against mine. He broke away slowly, looking straight into my eyes.

"Lucas, I can't. I'm sorry-," I got up and ran away, feeling the cold air hit my face. He shouted my name behind me but I just kept running. I ran until I got to the subway. My breath was heavy and my mind was spinning. Nothing felt more right than being there with Lucas, but I couldn't hurt Riley, it's like there's no correct option in this situation.

Author's Note:
This chapter was so long 😂 Hopefully y'all are liking the book so far, it's kinda cringey but then again, it's Wattpad so what do you expect?

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