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Maya's POV

I woke up with a start to my alarm, smacking the snooze button as quick as possible.

"Ughhhh" I groaned into my pillow. The last thing I wanted to do today was see Lucas. Every Sunday me, Riley, Farkle, Zay, and Lucas get together at Topanga's. Riley insists we meet at 10am and it's so annoying, she says that I need to wake up early to have a good mindset for the day or whatever. All I know is that I could use some more sleep. I was considering not going but I go every week and I didn't want to seem suspicious because of last night. I got up slowly and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water in the shower and looked at my not so attractive reflection in the mirror. After about 5 minutes I stripped out of my PJs and hopped into the steaming shower. The warm water hit my skin and I immediately felt better. After I finished up, I got out and made my way back to my room. As I opened the door I heard my mom's voice behind me.

"Maya" my mom's voice Echoed through the hallway

"Oh hey, what are you doing home?" I asked afraid of what she was gonna say next.

"I was just about to leave but I smelled something weird coming from your room so I decided to investigate. You wouldn't believe what I found." She quipped

I mentally face palmed myself. How could I be so stupid, I didn't get the smell of weed out of my room completely last night.

"Maya why does your room smell like weed?" She asked slowly

"Whaaaat? Weed? I don't even know what that smells like" I said sheepishly.

"Don't lie to me, Maya. I took your lighter and don't expect it back. Oh and you're grounded for a week." She said before leaving the house quickly.

Ugh whatever, like that's gonna stop me. She's not even home enough to keep me grounded. I walked to my room and quickly got dressed. When I open the front door, the cold New York City breeze hit my face. I walked down the street to Topanga's and walked inside. There I see Lucas sitting by himself. I roll my eyes but walk over to him.

"Hey, where's Riley?" I asked

He turned his head, startled by me, "Um I don't know, I think she'll be here soon."

I sat down next to him and pulled out my phone to text Riley.

Maya: Hey Riles, where are you?

After a few minutes she responded

Riles💕: On my way! Had to stop at Farkle's house real quick

Maya: Kk

After like 15 minutes, Riley, Zay, and Farkle all walked in together. Finally. They all sit with me and Lucas and Riley smiles at me.

"Where did you go after the party last night, Peaches?" She asked

"Oh I um wasn't feeling well so Ranger Rick gave me a ride home." I replied, trying to act as normal as possible.

"Oh ok" she said blandly. She could tell something was up, I know it. Everyone in the group started chatting but I zoned out. I was trying to figure out a way to tell Riley about the kiss. Right in the middle of my thought, I heard someone say my name. I looked up and there was Farkle.

"Hey do you mind if I talk to you outside, Maya?" He asked

"Uh yeah sure."

He pulled me outside and made sure nobody was around.

"I saw you pull Lucas into the bathroom at Riley's party last night. And don't try to tell me nothing happened because I saw you run away almost crying with him chasing after you." He whispered

My eyes went wide and I didn't know what to say.

"It's not what you think. Nothing happened." I said

"Doubtful. I see the way you look at him. And I also see the way he looks at you."

"How does he look at me?" I asked surprised

"Like you're the only girl in the world."

"Yeah right" I laughed

"I'm serious. I don't know the details but I'm pretty sure you two kissed." He said quietly

"Yeah...well I kissed him. How did you know that?" I asked

"I'm a genius and it's pretty predictable." He chuckled "You need to talk to Lucas about it and tell him how you feel and most importantly, you need to tell Riley. If you don't, I will."

"Farkle you can't do that."

"Don't let it get to that point then." He said as he walked back inside.

I sighed and went back inside too. After a few hours I decided to head home. I said goodbye and walked back to my apartment. When I got inside, my mom was sitting on the couch.

"Hey" I greeted surprised to see her home

"Hey. Sit down." She said sternly. I sat on the chair across from her. "I'm serious about you being grounded Maya. I didn't want to have to do this but this is like the third time I've caught you smoking. I activated a tracking device on your phone to make sure that you stay here when you're not at school." She said seriously.

"What? That's not fair" I whined

"Yeah. Yeah it is. Go to your room" she demanded

I walked to my room and flopped on my bed. I thought about what Farkle said and decided to text Lucas to talk about what happened. Halfway though the paragraph I was gonna send him, I chickened out and deleted it. Maybe another time.

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