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Maya's POV

As soon as my alarm clock went off, I already knew today was going to be difficult. I can't believe I agreed to go on a date with Lucas. Riley would never do that to me. I couldn't help but feel completely guilty. I mean I really like him but is it worth potentially loosing my best friend? Ugh I'll think about this later when I'm zoned out in class, I gotta get up.

I got out of bed and slipped on a black crop top, light blue jeans, and my black, low top converse. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth, feeling too lazy to shower this morning. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door into the cold, New York morning. Man I should've put a jacket on.

"Hey!" A familiar voice shouted from behind me. I turned around and saw Riley swiftly walking towards me with a big goofy smile on her face. My stomach turned, feeling even guiltier about my date later.

"Peaches! We haven't walked to school together in like forever. You've been super distant lately, what's up?" Riley questioned

"I got grounded, sorry"

"What this time?" She arched her eyebrow

"I uh got detention and my mom wasn't too happy about it" I lied

"You get detention like every day, why was this different?"

I tried to think of a response but I had nothing. "I don't know maybe ask my mom haha," I said nervously

"You're acting really weird..."

"What? No I'm not"


We walked to school in silence the rest of the way. I can't do this, I have to call this date off with Lucas. As soon as I walked into school I saw him.

"I gotta go Riles, I'll see you in history though, ok?"

"Um ok, see you."

I run after Lucas and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and immediately smiled.

"Hey," his big green eyes almost hypnotized me but I had to remember what I was doing.

"Hey, I gotta talk to you. In private."

"Ok, the history classroom is empty how about there?"

We walked in and sat on top of two desks.

"I can't do this," I blurted out


"I can't hurt Riley. She's the most important person in my life and I won't go behind her back and go on a date with her boyfriend," I whispered

"Ok. Let's not go on a date then. What about if we casually hang out as friends. No kissing or holding hands. Strictly friends. I just want to figure out how we feel before we do anything. I don't want to hurt anyone." He reasoned

It still felt sketchy, but we did need to figure our feelings out before Farkle decides to tell Riley for us.

"Ok. That sounds better, just friends getting to know each other."

"So I'll see you at 7?"

"See you then"

I walked out of the classroom feeling like 100 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders, we're just hanging out as friends, right? What could go wrong?

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