❥ 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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Oops, there went the suitcase! Oh uhm, and what's that underneath of it. To be honest it looks like a-

"What the hell Ava?" Lexi groaned. That was it, it was Lexi. Over by the front door stood stood Hunter laughing his ass off.

"Oops?" I laughed, it coming out more like a question than a statement.

"Your so annoying!" She said pushing it of off her and standing up to brush herself off.

"It's not my fault you decided to be Bambi across the hallway while we were clearly getting a suitcase down here!" Hunter defended throwing the hands up in defence.

"Okay, come on, we can't be late to the airport" I whined. Although I may be the youngest, it sometimes can be like I'm looking after eight year olds time to time.

❥  ❥  ❥

Eventually, we had arrived to airport with all of our body parts. Surprising, right?

"You are very lucky I'm not sitting next to you Hunter or I would literally kill you" Lexi told him, sitting down next to the window seat.

"I'd like to see you try" Hunter laughed. "I've had enough of you both, wake me up when we're there" I told them before leaning my head on Lexi's shoulder.

Soon enough we set down in La. I haven't been here in a while. We had now permanently moved here, so goodbye Australia.

Now all we had to do is find Jackson, somewhere. "Ava!" Lexi screamed in my ear causing me to jump.

"What now?" I sighed looking up from my phone that I was texting him from.

"Oh I was just going to say to text Jackson that we're here" Lexi replied.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked squinting my eyes in the process. "Told you Lex!" Hunter laughed grabbing the last suitcase from baggage claim.

𝗪𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 - 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗻

𝗢𝗸, 𝘄𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 - 𝗔𝘃𝗮

"He's here, come on" I smiled, dragging my suitcase and leading them along.

I was kind of nervous since I hadn't seen him in a while. Including, I hadn't even met most of these boys I'm staying with except Chase.

"Jax!" I squealed before leaving my suitcase behind and running up into his arms. Luckily, he caught me and engulfed me into a tight hug.

"Hey Aves" he laughed while putting me down. "Hi" I smiled looking up to him. Has he grown, or have I shrunk?

"Hey" Lexi and Hunter add coming up to us with my suitcase. Next to Jax was a tall boy with floppy brown hair who'd I had never seen before. He was kinda cute to be honest.

Ooh and those eyes, I could look at them all day. Chill out Ava, relax. Oh god please don't tell me I wasn't staring.

And that is one pretty ring he has there, no Ava. That's enough. "Payton" the boy smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm Ava" I answered back, trying not to make the situation anymore awkward than it already was.

After everyone had introduced themselves we headed towards the car. "Bye" I waved to Lexi and Hunter who were staying at their house around here.

"So Ava, what's been going on in your life?" Jackson asked as we drove off. "You know, normal everyday life" I replied.

Uhm, what do I say without telling them I lead a gang. Exactly, I don't know!

"Sounds fun" Payton laughed sarcastically. "Very!" I added.

This definitely was going to be a lot harder not to tell anyone. And don't get me started oh how much I'll probably want to kill them in the first few days.

"So there are four others you still have to meet" Jax told me. "Exciting" I groan excitedly.

"It's going to be as hard as you make it Ava" Payton laughed looking back at me causing me to smile.

At this rate, if they all look as good as Payton I'm going to be falling for most of them. So yeah, you can call Payton my type I guess.

❥ ❥ ❥

"We're back" Jackson yelled as we arrived in the house. We walked into the living room to see the other boys sitting on the sofa.

"Aves!" Chase squealed running up to me and hugging me tightly.

"Hey Chasey" I laughed. We have the stupid names for each other that we made up a few years ago.

"I'm Ava" I replied. "Let's go to your room" Jax told me as he lead me upstairs.

"My room is over there if you need me" he said pointing to his door ad we went into my room.

After he left, I unpacked most of my suitcase then called Lexi and Hunter.

"Hey Ava" Hunter said picking the the call.

Once Lexi finally realised that I was on the phone she came and joined the call too.

"So we still have to move our book back tomorrow night before the other gang gets it" I told them.

We would be having a sleepover at their house so I wouldn't have to sneak out and probably get caught.

After a bit more explaining we agreed for me to come over at 5pm tomorrow evening so we had time to get ready.

"Okay, bye!" They said together. "Bye!" Once we ended the call I just lay down on my bed and played Subway Surf, because why not?

Anyways, I'll tell you about this book. Well my mother gave me it, and it's apparently very important. But she told me not to read it until I'm eighteen.

Most gangs that know of it want it, which is why we have to keep moving it.

Somehow this gang found out where we put it not long after Lexi and Hunter left it there today. So that's what we're doing tomorrow, moving it to another location.

"What is they find us when we take it, we'll probably die!" I heard someone yell, but it wasn't too clear so their probably in a room with the door closed.

At least they don't know I heard that though. "We'll get it before they even come" I think, Anthony, said.

Oh god, please don't tell me my brother is in a gang, especially not the gang who's trying to get the book!

If it is, I'll just go and grab some cookies and think this through. That's what an average sixteen year old does, right?

( 𝗘 𝗗 𝗜 𝗧 𝗘 𝗗 )

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