Part 28

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"Fuck!" I whispered as I cried silently on the floor or our bathroom. I lost the baby. How the hell I'm going tell Payton this now ! I woke up to a tear stained face and checked the time, 7:23. Early.

I made sure it didn't look like I wasn't crying before getting ready for this long day :

I made sure it didn't look like I wasn't crying before getting ready for this long day :

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Cuz your bitch is sad she went to go eat ice cream. Yes it was early, but who gives a shit? Exactly no one, now stop complaining before I cry again. "Morning!" Dylan smiled before coming to sit next to me. "Nothing really" I said as I walked back upstairs. Imma go make music.

"I hate that you've being saying in dramatic, immature because I just don't wanna talk..." I sang into the mic. (Song in media) This song hit deep, it's just a song of me spilling my emotions.

"Hi" I screamed as I entered the kitchen making everyone jump. "Hello to you too, now let's go and have a girls meeting!" Avani smiled dragging me upstairs. I have a feeling I know what this is about...

"So if you don't want to tell them we will" Avani said. "I can't tell them because-" I got interrupted by them all running downstairs. "Hold the fuck up!" I yelled.

"Ava's pregnant" Avani spat quickly. I just stood there in shock as I stared at her with tears in my eyes. By now everyone was looking at us, especially me. "No I'm not" I mumbled loud enough of them to hear. "Then why did the tests say positive" Charli asked tilting her head. Payton just had the biggest smile on his face with his jaw on the floor watching us.

"I can't deal with this right now" I sighed as I walked out of the house slamming the door bursting out with tears. Why did she have to do that. I sat in the car crying and overthinking. Wait if I'm going to go out I need a gun. And a gun is in the... house. Great!

I quietly snuck upstairs and snatched a gun from the cupboard. Then that's when heard shouting. "She will be back Payton chill!" "This is all my fault!" "She's going to be fine!" And much more crying involved. I just needed space, and time, alone...

I had now been driving for about 50 minutes and my phone has been going of constantly. I had no idea where I was going, just kept driving as I thought about life.

This was my fault. I created this mess. I lost the baby. I couldn't provide for it. I don't know how to put it into words, but it hurts. Fucking hurts, I lost my future. My happiness. I feel empty. How the hell do explain this! (My feeling rn minus the baby 😂)

I soon ended up at home. As I entered the house loud voices and crying filled the atmosphere. It broke me to think I did this to them. Quickly, I ran upstairs and went to my music room. Luckily, no one realised I was back.

It had been an hour since I had recorded my song and arrived home. I had now recorded Dear Parents. It was about how I'm feeling and parents would of made life easier but they left, by choice. Then all my emotions hit me.

I was having a panic attack. I needed space. Just air, I needed to take a break from life. I walked to my bedroom quite quickly not caring if they heard me. Then slammed the door and just broke down.

Payton's POV

It had been about 2.5 hours since Ava had run off. She hasn't come back. We all had an argument about what happened but we settled on that she was just stressed and would come back soon.

But why didn't she want to tell us? It was my kid right? Hold on I'm crazy, she'd never cheat. I've been crying for the whole time, what if she doesn't come back?

"She will come back Payton chill!" Kio said calming me down. Them a door slammed. We all rushed upstairs to see where the noise was coming from... Ava's room. She's back, thank God.

"Ava open the fucking door already!" Lexi yelled for the 100th time. Finally we got a response, "Fuck off Lexi!" She snapped with a hint of anger and that she had definitely been crying. "Ava please!" Hunter whined. Yes they were doing all the talking since she ignored everyone else including me. Which hurt.

Ava's POV

I swear if they don't stop I'm going to take their legs and bear them with it. OooOoH. "Yeah sure come in" I laughed as I unlocked the door and ran to the window making sure they didn't know where I went. "Where are youuuu!" I heard Payton whine. I couldn't stand to face him right now, I basically killed our baby.

I was now just sitting on the roof looking at the sunset while I vape. I know it's not the best way to deal with pain, but it's the best way I know. I posted on Instagram :

I kinda have to go back soon I guess

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I kinda have to go back soon I guess. I'm going to get over it. They deserve to know.

"Hi" I mumbled as I walked downstairs. "Where were you?" Jax asked hugging me. "Oh that doesn't matter, now I've got a situation to deal with" I said as I looked Avani. "What's up?" Jaden asked. "I- uhm" luckily I got interrupted by my phone ringing.

"What Matt?" I snapped. "I'm just going to say Dylan can join your gang, what's up why are you stressed" he laughed. "I'm really fucking confused what's going on with my life right now, like I don't know what I do I just feel numb" I mumbled as I started crying for the 1000th time today. "Congratulations on being pregnant, anyways I've got to go bye" he said. "What!" I yelled as the phone ended.

"You ok?" Payton asked as he pulled me into a hug. "Never better but just want to talk to Avani outside quickly" I smiled pulling her into the hall where no one could hear us. "What?" She snapped. "Bitch chill, we wouldn't be in this fucking situation if you just listened to me!" I whispered harshly. Time to explain to everyone.

Words : 1076

A/N : Hehe cliffhanger :) I've got some drama in mind too. And thank you so much for all the views!🌷

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