Part 5

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"What if they get mad" I whined. We were lying in bed, and yes I'm the same bed because we were besties, at hunters house. "Shut the fuck up!" Lexi mumbled, half asleep. "Ok then, night" He said plopping down next to me. "Night" I replied.

I woke up to someone's phone legit blowing up. "GET UR PHONE!" I yelled. "It's 2pm bitch" Lexi laughed. Well I'm in deep shit, I told the others I'd be home my 12pm. "I was supposed to be home by 12!" I said, springing out of bed to get ready. "Not our problem." Hunter replied.

I soon arrived at sway ready to get bombarded. So imma sneak in and pretend I was here all along. It's going to work, right? As I walked into my room someone asked, "why are you home so late!" Oh, and there was Jax and Payt sitting on my bed waiting for me. "Oops?" I replied. "Yeah oops" Payton said before tackling me. Ohh god no. "Ahhhh, I - fucking - hate - you" I squeaked in between laughs and he started to tickle me. "Ok we'll meet us downstairs in like 10, and hands Moormier!" Jackson said as he walked away smirking. "I missed youuuu" Pay moaned as he hugged my waist as Jax left. "I missed you to" I laughed. "Kissy?" He said making a pouty face. "How could I resist" I laughed before kissing his lips. But of course he had to pull me on top him.

Once we had finished our little make out session we both walked downstairs. "Finally" Kio said. And obviously I rolled my eyes being to moody 16 year old I am. "So what are we doing here" I moaned. "Yesterday" Josh said. "I never knew you where in one of the most dangerous fucking gangs in La Ava!"
"Geez chill Jax" I laughed. There went my lightbulb. I'm going to make pancakes! "I'm making pancakes" I said changing the situation. "Yeah your not going anywhere" Payt said pulling me back down. And with that I flipped him off.

After all that shit we finally agreed our gangs were going to work together. I also learnt Jax is the leader and Pay is the co-leader.


"Cuddles!" I whined to Payt making puppy eyes. And knowing him, he could never resist. "How could I not" he laughed plopping down under the covers next to me. "Night bubba" I yawned. "Night princess" he said pulling me closer if it was even possible.

I woke up to noodle arms wrapped around me. "Payt I gotta get up" I smiled as I played with his hair. "Noooooo stayyyy" he wined. "Okay 5 mins"

"Ok we gotta get up now and take a shower" I said. "Can I join" he smirked. "You wish" I laughed. With a lot of effort, I finally got into the shower and then got changed into this letting my hair flow down:

 With a lot of effort, I finally got into the shower and then got changed into this letting my hair flow down:

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"Morning kiddos!" He yelled as we walked downstairs. "Hey" Bryce yelled back. "Hey princess" he whispered wrapping his hands around my waist from behind giving me a kiss on the cheek. If you were wondering it's just us in the kitchen because the others are in the living-room. "Hi" I smiled. "Aye Payton, watch those hands" Jax said coming into the kitchen. We quickly pulled away and awkwardly laugh.

A couple of hours passed and we were all bored. "So what's going to between you guys" Anthony said pointing at me and Payt next to each other. "Oh um nothing!" We replied awkwardly. "Hmmmm" Chase mumbled. "Don't act like you didn't sleep together last night because you weren't in your room Payton" Ant said. Then my brothers head shot up. Shit! I'm doomed for life! I'm sleeping with his best friend. Now he's going to hate me. "What the hell!" Jackson yelled. "Hey, bro chill" Josh said. He gave me the 'I'm so disappointed in you and want to kill you' look.

So being the now angry and sad teenager I am I stormed to my bedroom and slammed the door. I - hate - Anthony - Fucking - Reeves - Now!

***Jackson's POV***

I'm so disappointed in Ava. No I'm mad! At both of them infact. My best friend and sister sleeping together. Not a good look. "Payton" I said with no emotion. "What" he replied with tears threatening to fall. I shouldn't feel bad for him. Should I? I mean he slept with my sister, probably playing with each others feelings. "Don't talk to Ava, just keep away" I mumbled. "What the fuck Jackson, you expect me to just stay away like it's easy!" He yelled. "I mean yeah" I mumbled. "Fuck you" he said now waterfalls coming out of his eyes. Everyone just looked at me. "What it's for the better" I shrugged.

***Ava's POV***

I was just sitting on my bed sulking before I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I mumbled barley audible. "Hey" Jax said. "What, going to rip my head off to" I replied sarcastically. "Actually no, you need to stay away from him Ava, he's not good for you" he replied. "Who the fuck do you think you are, you expect me to not speak to him Jax, he lives in the same house for god sake!" I yelled. "Please, it's for the better" he said. "You know what, fuck you I'm done" I shouted before grabbing my pistol and running out. I need to go get in some trouble. Kill, that's what I need. So that's what I'm going to do.

Words : 936

A/N : So tea. Yeah I need ideas :) hope you enjoyed it!

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