Part 10

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***Timeskip*1 Year Later***

I never thought I'd say this but I've moved on from, him. I'm now dating Quinton, since that incident it really showed who he really is. He's the person I love. Yes, you'd probably thinking what about Payton. Nope- still in Australia. I may think about him from time to time but I'm happy with Quin. We have been going strong for almost 8 months but only gave hints on social media. I also made a song called, 'You broke me first.'

"Morning babe" he said in that voice I'm blessed with every morning. "Babyyy" I whined. "It's time to get up" Quinton laughed as I pulled the covers back. So he started poking my sides. "Fine, you win" I said as I went to get ready after I kissed his cheek.

I got ready into this :

Today we were going to La for a mission

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Today we were going to La for a mission. Apparently, another gang were going to bomb my base, yes the one we stayed in with the others. They think that the book is in there but jokes on them. I have it. All I can say is I hope they don't still stay there- or I might freak!

We got into the jet back to we all called home, La here we come! Everyone cuddled up on the couch as we watched a movie as we ate popcorn.

After the long at tiring 15 and a half hour journey of watching movies and sleeping we touched down at our destination. "Wake up Bubba" I calmly said as I played with Quinton's hair attempting to wake him up. And that attempt worked. "Are we here?" He asked. "Pretty sure" I laughed.

We all got in our cars, obviously Quin and I in my peach Lambo because why not. Don't judge! We pulled up and parked out of view of the house so nothing would hurt my little car if it got shot or something crazy. "It's crazy to be back" Kio laughed, "not for long!" Lexi snapped. "Geez chill" Hunter replied. "Can you just all grow up and concentrate please!" I yelled trying not to attract attention. "Let's go" I said as we started walking towards the house. I think Quin noticed I was nervous since he held my hand tighter than before.

There they were. "Oi you, what are you doing here" an unfamiliar man came up to me asked. Before he could say anything I shot him. "Shit, my silencer is broken!" I told the others. The next thing we knew is about 20 people surrounded us in the driveway of our house, and yes they were armed. "disparar! (Shoot)" I yelled. So that's what we did. But my gun obviously made a lot of noises while the others were being discrete. "What the fuck is all this noise!" Someone yelled from inside. Shit I think they're still here. As we were still shooting I got distracted and someone pulled me in and put a knife to my neck. "Give is the book or you die" the stranger whispered in my ear. "What did you do now Bryce" someone else yelled as they came to the door. Chase. Please, on my life, tell me they're not all here. By now all the strangers were dead except from the one holding me. Then I looked to the door. All 5 of them minus Payton and Jackson. "Really we were playing fortnite" I think Jax yelled. "This better be important" the other said. Now they're all here- fuck.

After a long painful silence of nothing but stares and teary eyes I finally did something about the situation I was in. "jódete, te odio, muere en un agujero o vendré a matarte con mis propias manos, perra! (Fuck you, I hate you, die in a hole or I'll come to kill you with my own bare hands bitch!)" I yelled at the now dead human being on the floor. Then my eyes shot up to the boys. Fuck?! "Correr! (Run!)" I said, I grabbed Quin's hand and we ran to the car as the boys ran after us. With a lot of hassle we finally got into the car. Until there was a knock at my window. Payt and Jax. I looked at Quin for reassurance, "it's ok baby" he smiled as he grabbed my hand. "What?" I asked as I opened the window revealing the two boys.

Smiled filled their faces instantly as they said in unison, "you're back." Pure guilt filled me. As I looked Quin tears filled my eyes, he pulled me into a hug and told them, "we got to go but call us later yeah."

We all arrived at Hunter's house. "Night guys" I yawned as Quinton and I walked to my room. "I love you" he smirked in between kisses. "I love you too" I replied. Once we got ready and in bed I let the darkness take over me.

Payton's POV

She's back, but she's with Quinton. As they drive off we enter the house to the boys all gathered in the living room. "Was not expecting that" Josh joked. "Me neither" I said quietly. "Everything ok?" Chase asked. "Uh yeah I'm going to bed see you in the morning" I replied walking upstairs.

Thoughts filled my head as I laid back under the covers. I made a song about her, Love Letter. And she came back with a fucking boyfriend. I will do anything to get her back, but it's going to be a long road.

Words : 941

A/N : They're back! Don't worry it's still a Payton fanfic too 😂. Thx for reading it :)

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