Part 6

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It had been about a week since that disaster struck. Everyone was texting me saying to come home and they're worried but I ignored everyone. I even had to ignore Lexi and Hunter but I just said I'm fine. Because I totally am- are you tripping I'm doing bad. Definitely didn't vape, drink, then hook up, kill and repeat. I was wasted. And I needed to go home. So that's what I'm going to do once-

"Ava" Quinton yelled. "I'm in here" I shouted back. Your probably wondering who Quinton is, well I may or not shot a gang leader and got held hostage. Yeah, and Quin helped me. If it wasn't for him I'd probably be dead by now. "Ok I'm going to go now" I said. "Oh ok good luck" he mumbled looking down. "Hey Quin look, it's going to be alright" I replied taking his hands. And no we're only friends! "Imma miss you little one!" He sighed pulling me into a hug. "I'll miss you too" I said into his chest.

Now I was all alone at the doorstep of what I call home. I waved at Quin who just drove off. Here goes nothing. I opened the door hoping no one to be awake since it was about 2am. And just my luck, no one in sight. After that long night I got into bed soon to be insumed by darkness.

I woke up naturally to the sun beaming into my eyes. I got ready into this :

After crying a bit that I'd probably never see Quinton again I decided to give them a surprise and text them on our group chat

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After crying a bit that I'd probably never see Quinton again I decided to give them a surprise and text them on our group chat.

After crying a bit that I'd probably never see Quinton again I decided to give them a surprise and text them on our group chat

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The next thing I knew is that a stampede of what I call my best friends where swarming me in a huge hug. "My bitch is back!" Lexi screamed. "Hey guys" I smiled while crying. I have about 10,000 things I should crying about. Let me get started: I'm now in the run, Quinton, my besties are back, Payton - yeah ok you get the jist. "Hey you ok" Hunter asked as he pushed the others away to see my tear stained cheeks and scratches. Not gonna lie they really hurt me when that gang kidnapped me. "Ummm yeah?" I said more a question. "What's up" Jaden questioned me. I just shook my head and walked into the kitchen to grab ice cream and cry as I watch sad movies. "What's wrong Lil Sis" Jax said as he pulled me into a hug. "So many things, I hate my life!" I sniffled. "Don't say that" Payton yelled from the kitchen. In return I laughed.

A few hours later we ordered pizza for dinner as we all crowded in the living room. "Let's play ... truth or dare" Chase suggested. Once everyone agreed we started. "Bryce truth or dare?" Kio asked. "Dare" He yelled. "Jump of the balcony into the pool" he laughed. So that's what he did.

After a few rounds it was my go, "um truth" I mumbled. "Ok, where did you go" Chase asked knowing I don't want to tell anyone. "On the fucking run" I laughed. Everyone just stared at me like I was a crazy lady. "What I may or may not killed someone" I said. "Ok Jax truth or dare"
"Dare" he replied. "Ok imma be back" I laughed skipping to the kitchen. I came back with a disgusting smoothie which I knew he will hate. "Here you go, drink it all" I smiled innocently. "Ewww,ew, ew, what the fuck did you put in here!" He yelled. Everyone just laughed in response. "Payton, go answer the doorbell that just rung and say something stupid" he said. "Okay then" We all walked to the front door and Payton opened it to see a very distressed Quinton. Wait Quin. He quickly ran to me closing the door behind him. "Hey are you ok" he asked worriedly squishing my cheeks. "Umm yeah, you ok there." I laughed. The others were just staring at us in confusion and a bit or jealousy on Payton's face. I really miss my Payt, I still don't forgive Jax. Anyways.

"Umm not really, they're looking for us" he whispered in my ear as he hugged me. "Shit" I said attracting attention from the others. "Oh yeah guys, this is Quinton" I laughed. "Hey" he said. They all greeted each other. And we were all in deep conversation until the doorbell rung. "I'll go get it" I said running from the living room. As I opened the door a tall man grabbed me by the arm. In panic I flipped him over onto the floor and shot him. "What was that" I heard the others yell rushing to the door. I just looked at them in shock. "They found us" I said. "We've gotta go!" Quin answered in panic. "Can someone please explain to us what the hell is going on" Josh laughed. "I killed a member of their gang, they kidnapped me, I got saved by Quin, they're trying to find us." I explained. "Oh wow" Jaden said. "Pack your bags we're going to our other base" Hunter yelled. "You've got more bases!" Jax asked. "About 5" I answered.

As we were all getting our stuff together someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I yelled as they opened the door and closed it behind them. "Payton you're not supposed to be here" I said. But being Payton he totally ignored me and hugged me, well more like squished me. "I missed you so much, are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said as I stared up to his chocolate eyes. God they get me every time. I soon got shaken out of my thoughts by lips smashing into mine. I missed him more than he will ever know. Wait reality check. "Jackson" I mumbled as I pulled away. "He's going to have to live with it, isn't he" he laughed. "True" I said before going to kiss him again.

As we pulled away he asked, "you need help packing, I'm done?" "sure" I smiled. And with that we started packing for the long journey we had ahead of us.

Words : 1054

A/N : She's back! And so now they're moving to a different base! Hope your enjoying it :)

New Character:
Quinton Griggs

New Character:Quinton Griggs

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Age : 18

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