Part 15

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Payton's POV

There lay the love of my love, unconscious on the floor. Riley just stood there smirking, I really trusted my best friend. But I really have the need to kill her right now. I immediately got up from Ava, yes we called the ambulance, and held Riley my the neck. The next thing knew is I got my gun out from my back pocket and shot her in the head. "They're here!" Jax yelled in a flood as tears as he picked up his little sister up. She meant the world to him, and she does to me. I'm so fucking stupid! She would never cheat on me, I should've just listened...

"I'm going to go with her" Jackson stuttered and he struggled to get words out. Of course I agreed, I couldn't bare to see her in this state, and it's partially my fault.

We just sat in the almost empty waiting room. Apparently she was also shot. This day couldn't get worse! "This is all my fault" I sighed as I lay my head back. "Aye, bro this isn't your fault" Anthony mumbled. From then we waited in silence until the doctor came out and said, "she's awake." After a long discussion Jax would go in first then I would go second, etc.

"Hey Angel" I whispered as I entered. Immediately, her eyes filled up with tears. "Hi" Ava responded blankly. "I'm sorry I didn't listen, can we maybe we can rewind?" I asked, hoping she would accept my apology. Suddenly, she pulled me by the collar of my hoodie, smashing our lips together. As our lips collided I felt a rush of adrenaline through me. Although it had only been about 1 day, it was always going to be Ava. She is the girl who owns my heart. "I forgive you Moormier" she laughed.

Ava's POV

After a long painful 2 days, I was finally released from the hell hole people called a hospital. Anywhore, I'll give you an update. 1- me and Payt and back together, 2- we're moving back to the Sway La house. That's basically it.

"I missed you!" I said flopping onto my bed.
"Wake up" someone yelled in my ear making me headbutt him. "Fuck you Kio!" I whined. Is his head made out of bricks or something! "Ouchie!" He screamed like a girl making us have a hissy fit of laughter.
"Oh god, I think my girlfriend is broken" my bOyFrIeNd laughed as he came into our bedroom.

"Here goes nothing!" I whispered to myself. I just published my first song, Happy Face. Never thought this day would come. So I posted on Twitter :

As he walked out of my music room a human being pulled me aside

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As he walked out of my music room a human being pulled me aside. Well a cute human being. Wait- let me examine this human being. Oh Jaden, I mean he doesn't look that bad. WAIT NEVERMIND. I never said anything, I don't know what your talking about sorry.
"You never told me about music!" He whined. "So?" I laughed sarcastically. "I'm your bestie!" He pouted. "Boohoo" I said fake crying as I walked out.

"Hello earthlings!" I screamed making them shit thier pants. Anywhore, I sat on the sofa. Oh and I may add, next to my boYfRiEnd.

After a long lecture about me not telling them stuff I got up to eat my bestie. NO that sounds wrong. Well I mean ice cream is my bestfriend.

"I love you so much" Payton said as we climbed under the covers. Yep night time already. "I love you more!" I laughed. "Not possible" he demand while bombing me with kisses. And I expect you know what went down last night 😏🤔🤭

"Morning sleeping beauty" he said as he played with my hair looking at me. "Did you know staring is rude?" I asked. "It's called admiring princess" he smirked. Asshole. "Ok well I'm going downstairs" he said as he walked away.
I got ready into this :

As I walked downstairs I saw something I never again wanted to see

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As I walked downstairs I saw something I never again wanted to see. Riley, sitting on MY sofa. I quickly turned in my tracks to go find a gun and kill her. Revenge is a bitch, I know. "What the fuck!" I screamed as I held the gun up to her. "Ava, calm down!" Payton said. "Don't tell me to calm down bitch" I yelled back. Lexi came over pushing Payton out of the way in the process smacking me right in the face as I shot. Damn I missed. "Ow!" I whined. "What the hell are you on" she asked. "I'm on getting revenge" I chuckled. Another smack was brought upon my face. "Touch me one more time and that face of yours wont look so pretty after all" I scowled.

"Owww bitch I wanna rip your eye balls out right now!" I screamed as Lexi dragged me by my hair to the kitchen. "Why the fuck did you just try and shoot your brother!" She whispered. "I don't know what your talking about" I laughed. Until realisation hit me, that wasn't Riley, she's dead. What the hell is wrong with me! I think she saw my eyes well up because she said, "Ava calm down."

The next thing I know is that I stomped off picking up the gun in the process looking like a rat heading to the car. Yep I was officially going crazy. Actually do you know what, Vipers Alley doesn't seem too bad.

Let me tell you about that place. It's a place where you go to fight, you put down an agreement and if you win you take what you wanted from them. Oh and did I forget to mention that it's one of the most dangerous places. No? Well then I must've forgot.

As I got to the alley someone mumbled, "I didn't expect to see you here Ava!" Yep I was well known alright, for being dangerous. I mean it can be fun.

"134 kills, new highest record!" Someone yelled. I don't know why but I felt so relieved. I just killed 134 people, oh god. What wrong with me! Well it was fun I guess...


As I walked into the house no one was in sight. Perfect! Well that was until I walked into my bedroom of course. There they all sat. And in my bedroom, I don't know why. "Do you mind getting out, like personal space please!" I demanded. They just sat there staring at me, creepy. "Hello, you guys just going to sit here all day because I can always leave" I smiled. "Where were you?!" An angry Hunter asked. "Oh just Vipers alley, you know?" I answered as angry minion faces shot up at me.

"Yeah I'm going to go now" I said walking out, nope of course someone had to pull me back. Lexi! "Hi" I laughed. "Hi? That's all you got to say! You were gone for a while day, you could of been dead for all we know!" She yelled. "Sor-" Yep couldn't finish that, had the urge to be sick.

Lexi immediately pulled my hair back as I threw up into the toilet bowl. Disgusting! "Are you ok?" She asked. "Better than ever?!" I laughed. I just needed to get that out, I feel better now.

Now it was 8pm, apparently because I was 'sick' I needed to get some rest. Like- just no, well I mean the more sleep the better I guess. But I feel fine! This is bullying!

"You alright?" Payton asked as he entered the room. "Yep" I answered popping the P. "Don't scare us like that again" he said seriously. "Yes, I have heard that 1000 times before" I laughed. "I love you" he mumbled as he got into bed with me. "I love you too" I said before falling asleep.

Words : 1335

A/N : I think you can tell I wrote this at 1am. Anywhore thanks for reading and you can always check out my other book too 🥺🌷💞

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