Part 12

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"Bitch walk faster!" Lexi commanded as she pulled me through the mall. The boys were probably making the house a mess but that's not our problem, so. We were now trying to get to the car but I'm pretty sure my legs stopped working so I let Lexi so the wonderful job of drag me there. We went to many shops such as Lv, Gucci, Channel, Forever 21 and many more that I was forced into. I got a few things like this :

And yes I can afford this by all the money we earn for our missions

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And yes I can afford this by all the money we earn for our missions. Anywhore. We had now just arrived at home. "Hola amigos" I yelled expecting an answer. "Avaaa!" Lexi squealed as she entered the kitchen. Oh god, why is there flour all over the floor. This is not funny! "Not our problem they can clean it up" I said trying to hide my anger is I walked upstairs. I plopped my bags down in my room then someone came behind me and grabbed me. So being me, I elbow them in the face. With was necessary, yes, I have no idea who this person is. So I ran to Lexi. I was kinda useless, nothing to defend myself with. Useless like the boys are. "Lexi someone is in our house" I screamed out of breath as this creep was chasing me like a game of tag. *BoOm* "oh I see you have a gun" I laughed as she shot this random man.

After we cleaned the body up and trying to look for the boys they were no where to be found. "Ava, it says they're at this like house in the middle of no where?" Lexi said checking their location. "Shit, let's go, get the guns in the car!" I replied. I had no idea if they were in danger but they would of texted us if they were going somewhere, right?

Soon enough we arrived at this house ready for what the hell was going to happen. "Ready?" I asked, "always" she replied as we quietly walked in. We walked up to a room that was locked and heard muffled voices in. *bOom* There goes the door. Great! All of boys tied up to chairs. It was kinda funny. Never mind, let's concentrate. There was a man, just staring at me with his mouth dropped open. "Hi, got a problem?" I waved sarcastically at the man. "Ava..." he replied looking like a dolly.

He legit ran up to me to hug me. What the fuck was going on, is this man on drugs on something. "Um, hello to you to?" I said more as a question. As this weird man hugged me I gave an interesting look to the others as Lexi untied them. Then I took a look at this mans face. NO IT CANT BE, dad?! I quickly took a few steps back in shock and tripped over landing on my butt. All the others looked at me in confusion. "Dad?!" I asked. "Hey sweetie" he said walking up to me. "Don't touch me!" I yelled.

"Ava come, dad is dead!" Jax said trying to pull me to the car. "No that- is- dad!" I yelled. But he won. He got me into the car. Then I started crying, great I have no idea why. "Ava what's wrong now" Hunter moaned. "That was my dad!" I sniffled.

Once I had calmed down we all arrived home. I immediately went upstairs to my room, what if he was right, was he my dad? No, no I'm going delusional.

Payton's POV

I don't know what the hell was going on, we woke up all tied to a chair. Fuck! Soon the door broke down revealing Lexi and Ava, phew. The next thing I knew is Lexi was untying us as Ava was dealing with this man. Then a word caught me, she said dad.

Soon we all in the car going back home as Ava was determined to think this man was her dad while Jax was telling her he's not. Like can someone please explain what's going on!

When we got home Ava just ran upstairs blocking us out. "I'll go check on her" I told the others. I knocked on her bedroom door, "come in" she said. There she sat on the bed playing with what I think is the necklace I gave her when we dated. I really missed her, I missed Ava. "What's wrong Angel?" I asked. "I don't even know anymore" she cried into my chest as I hugged her. "It will be alright" I assured. "Ok, can we go to my music room" she asked me wiping away her tears. "Of course!" I smiled.

After we told the others where we were going we went to the music room. "So I heard you have made a song" I said starting a conversation. "Umm yeah I've made 1 and I'm on my second but they're not very good" Ava laughed. "I'm sure they are" I smiled. "If you say so" she said as she played Happy Face. 'Now you put on a happy face' the music played. This song was actually amazing, how is she so talented. As the song just finished I said, "wow!" She just laughed and hugged me. "So I heard you also made a song too" Ava smiled up at me. "Sure did, now what about your other song" I suggested since my song was about her and she'd probably figure that out. "I like your song it's nice, but are you sure you want to listen to my song." She said. So she heard my song, great.

"Fuck feelings!" We yelled together as we danced across the room. When the song finished we plopped down of the sofa out of breath. "What are you saying, that song was amazing" I mumbled.

Ava's POV

"What are you saying, that song was amazing" Payt mumbled. Please tell me he didn't figure out it's about him. Anywhore I missed this, spending 1 on 1 time with each other.

Later that evening, Quinton and I were cuddling in bed. "What you thinking about" he asked while playing with my hair. "You really love him don't you" he then added. I just dug my head into his chest and nodded. But I also love Quin. Helpppp. Ahhhhh. "Go get your mans then!" He said. "What?" I asked looking up at him. "If you really love him, go get him I respect your decisions, I'll be here whatever, ok." He smiled. "So we're done?" I questioned. "If you want, go get ur manzz!" He laughed. "Love you sooo much bestie!" I said as I hugged him before I got up to go get my manzzzzz!

Words : 1143

A/N : So there is no more Quava. Hehe. Next chapter is coming soon :)

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