Chapter 3

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With a bit of effort I dragged the 3 boys into the room with all the others. "Ok, welcome!" I said sarcastically, after tying them up, while walking up to a boy much taller than me. Well I mean I am pretty short, I'm only 4"11 but no complaints. "What do you want now." The boy whined. "Bitch why our book" Hunter yelled from the back of the room. Him and Lexi we're observing from the back of the room. "Because, everyone wants it, are you stupid or something" another boy with chocolate eyes said sarcastically. "Be careful with what you say, it won't end well!" Lexi shouted. "Okay listen up, if you don't stay away I will kill each and everyone one of you, understand?" They all nodded frantically. "Great, can we let them go now!" Hunter moaned. "One second." I said as I walked up to the chocolate eyed boy. "I like your ring, can I have it!" I smiled. "Haha you wish!" Ummm well I heard yes so, "thank you I shall take great care of it" I said as I took it off his finger and placing it on mine. "Oh god this isn't going to go well." A boy whispered. "We're done here" I laughed as we walked back to the car.

***Time Skip*At Home***

So that was boring. I just wanted some fun but of course Hunter and Lexi stopped me. I just wanted to kill someone, you know! Anyways now I'm back at Hunter's house for the sleepover. "Night guys" Lexi said. "Night" I yawned. Well I guess Hunter was already asleep by the faint sound of snores I can hear.

I woke up with no one in the bedroom. I guess they were downstairs, so that's where I went. "Wow your finally awake" Lexi said sarcastically. " yep sure am" I smiled.

Soon enough I was at home by 2pm. "I'm home!" I yelled through the house. And then came the heard of elephants come charging to me. "Ava your 1 whole minute late!" Jackson complained. "Actually I was on this property exactly at 1:59pm so stop talking nonsense" I said putting my hand in his face as I walked past them into my bedroom. I plopped down onto my bed. That was a long evening. I'm still wearing the ring if you were wondering. It's sliver with a big, red gem in the middle.

After I unpacked my bags I went downstairs. "Hey Ava" Anthony said while sitting next to me on the sofa. "What's up Ant" I replied while fiddling with the ring on my finger. "What u got there" he said pointing to it. "Oh um my friend gave it to me it's nice isn't it!?" I more like questioned in panic. "Uh yeah, I'm going to go" he mumbled as he quickly went to the kitchen. Odd but I guess that's Anthony for you. "Hey Ava" Someone said. "Hey Payt" I replied to Payton as he walked downstairs. "I'm bored want to go get Chick-Fila or something?" He questioned. "Sure I'm just going to get my phone and stuff"
"Yep I'll be waiting!" He said.

I walked back downstairs to Payt. "ok let's go" he said as we decided to walk there. "Nice ring you got there" he mumbled. I just smiled in return.

***Payton's POV***

Fuck! Why is she wearing MY ring that a girl stole yesterday. Wait maybe it was- no never mind I'm going delusional. I'm crazy. Maybe someone gave it to her? I need to tell the others! "Payton" the cashier called taking me out of my thoughts. "I'll get it" I smiled. "Ok" she said with her eyes. I could get lost in those. Nope- let's go. I never said anything. I got the food at returned to Ava.

"Let's watch a movie when we get home" she suggested. "Yeah sounds great" I replied. It was kinda awkward, our hands bashing past one another as we were in deep conversation. I suddenly had to urge to grab her hand, as I did she smiled up at me. "Ahhhh it's starting to rain" she laughed as she dragged to along running home.

***Ava's POV***

After the exciting trip back we arrived back home, soaking wet from the rain. "God where have you to been looks like you got hit by a bus" Bryce joked. "Haha thanks Bryce" I laughed. "I'm going to get changed them come to your room for the movie" Payton said while walking to his room. "Yeah ok" I replied. I took my makeup off and changed into :

"So what movie are we going to watch?" Payton asked as we lay under the covers munching on snacks

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"So what movie are we going to watch?" Payton asked as we lay under the covers munching on snacks. "We could watch After?" I said. "Sounds like a plan" he smiled back.
Not soon into the movie I fell asleep on the arms of Payton Moormier. Yep you heard me right.

"Josh shut up!" Some whispered. "Your flash if on!" Another whined. I was blinded by the bright lights above us. "When I'm actually awake I'm going to kill each and every one of you" I mumbled flipping them off as I fell back asleep.
"Morning beautiful" a voice said while playing with my hair. I opened my eyes to see Payton. "Nooooo go back to sleep Payt" I yawned. I soon got pulled of the bed. By guess who, you guessed it the one and only- wait hold on that's- Kio!

Let me tell you a bit about Kio. He was my bestfriend in high school until he moved back to Canada. We had a few on and off relationships together but they never worked out and we decided we would be better off as friends. We would also get high together, drink together, you get it now basically everything. He was also in my gang. But bitch he's here now!

"No way!" I screamed jumping onto him. "Hey Avery!" He said into my neck as he engulfed me into a hug. We had stupid nicknames like that for each other. I missed this so much. No- I didn't like him I like Payt, ok kids. Understand! "What are you doing here!" I asked pulling away from the hug and looking at him. "I'm moving in here!" He smiled. "No way, so we can start back up with you know?!" I said meaning the gang. He was the perfect shooter like me, never missed a shot. "I mean I don't see why not!" He replied. "I missed you so much Koko"

Words : 1130

A/N : Hey guys! Well more like the 1 person who read this but I hope ur enjoying it 😂. What will Payton think of Kio? See next time!
This is Kio :          bEbe ☺️🥺

 What will Payton think of Kio? See next time!This is Kio :          bEbe ☺️🥺

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- Age : 16
- Gang : Poison Snakes

What Gang ?! - Payton MoormierWhere stories live. Discover now