Part 29

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"I'm alive?" Avani joked. Okay she's getting on my nerves. She's supposed to be one of my best friends- um bitch no I'm not being friends with her. "Tell them them" She smirked. "Yeah, after I tell you to calm the fuck down" I fake smiled.

"So no I'm not pregnant I lost the baby this morning, happy!?" I snapped with no emotion on my face. Well that was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. They stared at me in shock and guilt. Good I hope they feel bad. "Baby" Payt cried into my hair. "It's ok" I reassured.

How the hell am I so calm- there is no use for emotions so why would I use them? "Night" We said before the two of us walked to bed.

"I'm sorry" he sighed as he pulled me closer if it was even possible. "It's my fault not yours" I smiled as he gave me a kiss on the nose which made me scrunch my nose up. "It takes two of us to make a baby Princess" he laughed. "I love you" I smiled, "I love you more and nothing can change that."

I woke up to the love of my life still asleep. That's rAre. "Why'd you stop?" He asked since I stopped playing with his hair. "We've gotta get up" I sighed before getting ready into this :

 "We've gotta get up" I sighed before getting ready into this :

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"Hey" I smiled as I sat in the sofa with everyone else. Suddenly, my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I answered. "Ava! It's Corbyn" he laughed. "Omg I've missed you all so much!" I said shifting around in my seat. "Well we were thinking we should meet up, all of us?" He  asked. "Yeah, of course, text me the details, see you guys soon though!" I laughed. "See you soon, we all missed you, bye." "Bye!"

WDW and I were best friends until I had to move. We were all 'the group' in high school. I really missed them, and especially never thought they'd find me. Hold up how had they got my number. Never mind...

"Who were they?" Kio asked. "Oh I met them in high school and hadn't talked for them for a few years until now" I answered smiling too much. I think Payt got a bit jealous because he wasn't listening and was on his phone.

"Babyyyyy" I whined as I lay on his lap. We were now lying in bed, it was about 3pm. "Mmhhhhh" he mumbled continuing to watch the movie on our tv. I swear if this boy still jealous for no reason. "Payton Jay Moormeier!" I frowned as I pulled his face to look at me. "There we go" I smiled as he looked at me. Taking me to surprise, he tackled me into the bed and just lay on me. Yeah I think I broke a few ribs.

"I want a kissy" I laughed from underneath him. "I mean I guess" he laughed with me then pulled me into quite a passionate kiss. Soon it started to get quite heated and lead to you know :)

"Ava can we speak" Vani asked as I smiled as I took her to the hallway. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I don't know what I was doing" she sighed. "It's alright your my bestie so I'm going to forgive you" I laughed before pulling her into a hug.

***Next Day***

"Hurry the fuck up!" I squealed. We were now going to go to the WDW house. I don't think they know where we're going but whatever. They don't know it's them and I'm keeping it a surprise since they're kinda fans.

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