Part 23

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Payton's POV

Here it goes, I'm going to fucking propose! "Ava..." I said as I took her hands. "From the day I first met you, when I saw you I though wow, she's is the prettiest and most unique girl I have ever met. No one could change how I feel about you, I know that your leaving soon, but I love you too much for words to explain so Ava..." I stuttered as I got down on one knee and took the ring out, "will you marry me?"

Ava's POV

"Will you marry me?" By now there were waterfalls of tears streaming down my face. The love of my life really just said that?! "Of course!" I smiled as he put the ring on my finger and we kissed. This was the most passionate kiss we had ever had. "I love you beyond words can describe" he laughed as tears were coming down both of our faces. "I love you too!" I laughed as we hugged. The ring looked like this :

I'm freaking engaged, I have a fiancé

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I'm freaking engaged, I have a fiancé. Ahhhhh! "Payton, I'm leaving on Monday" I frowned. "Well then we'll make the most of these days, you'll be back before you know it, we will get you out" he promised.

After our amazing date we finally arrived back home. "Guess who's back and is engaged bitches!" I screamed as everyone came rushing to us. "Oh My GoD!" Lexi squealed. After everyone congratulated us and we all had a little discussion we went to bed since it was quite late now. "Don't forget me when you leave" Payton mumbled as we lay in bed in the darkness. "How could I ever" I said giving his nose a kiss before falling asleep.

***Timeskip*Monday 3pm***

"No stop, your all making me sad" I cried as my friends said how much they'd miss me. Why me, why was I given this life. I really wonder that sometimes.

"Have you got everything?" Payton asked as we were checking my bags. "No, I'm missing the love of my life" I cried into his arms. I don't think I had stopped for about 3 hours but it was very necessary.

Unfortunately, that dreaded time came, 11:16pm, when we had to leave. "Bye, love you all!" I yelled through the house as Payton and I left.

"I'm going to miss you" he whined as he kissed me. And us being us it of course led to a make out session. "It's time" I frowned as we got out the car and walked to my Dad's base. "I love you" I smiled weakly. "I love you more!"

"Finally, there you go" the evil man smirked as he passed over Olivia to Payton and suddenly grabbed my arm. But before he fully grabbed me I gave Liv and Payton both a kiss. "Ava, meet your soon to be husband!" My fAtHeR smirked as he closed the front door. Sam walked over to me and lead us my oUr room. Can I die already? Is that an option? Unexpectedly, Sam pulled me into a kiss forcing me to kiss back. Eww!

"Ok give me your phone" he said. So I did what he said, and just threw it out of the window as he gave me a new one, but with limited things. This isn't a phone, this is a limited edition piece of shit! "Bitch!" I whispered to myself. He just gave me the side eye as he came and sat next to me. Noooo, he might have cooties!

This was going to be rough...

Payton's POV

I'm pretty sure I'm depressed, for the last 3 hours I've done nothing but stare into space eat ice cream. That's what Ava always- no bad Payton. I will not cry- oops too late.

The others were busy trying to find a way to get the love of my life back while Jax was also having a tantrum like me but he hasn't come out of his room. Pretty sure she's dead. Chase and Lexi were finding it pretty hard to find a way, but they promised they would eventually. Well that's what we all hoped.

I. Want. Ava. Back. Right. Fucking. Now!
Why did this have to happen, my life is ruined, she's probably being forced to be kissed by that guy she hates. Well her ex called Sim or something along those lines.

This is torture...

Words : 784

A/N : So this is a shorter chapter bc it's 1am and if I caught for my phone I won't have it for about a week. And then I'll just die. Yeah we don't want that happening anytime soon. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🌷🥺

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