Part 13

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As I got to Payton's door I took a deep breath before knocking. "Come in" he said from inside. I ran in, grabbed his cheek and kissed him passionately on the lips. I felt him smirking throughout it. "What was that for?" He laughed as we pulled away. "I don't know, I just felt like it" I smirked. I could feel myself turning into a legit tomato. Not fun! "I still like you, you know that right" he told me. "I guess I still like you a lot to" I answered as I put my arms around his neck. By now we were sitting on his bed. "What about Quinton" he said quickly looking up at me. "We're over, it's for the best" I smiled. "So does that mean you can be my girlfriend again?" He asked hoping. "Hmmmm" I thought aloud. I was just tricking him though. "It's alright if you don't" he mumbled looking down. "Of course I do silly!" I laughed jumping on him.

After we cuddled and discussed random topics we decided to go to sleep since it was about 11pm. I decided to sleep here, with him. "Night my Princess" he whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps. "Night Bubba" I smiled as he put his arms around my waist snuggling into me.

I woke up being cold and my phone going crazy. Payton probably went downstairs. Anywhore, I checked my phone to see this :

 Anywhore, I checked my phone to see this :

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(A/N : sorry kinda forgot about Bryce 😂)

Ugh, Bryce! Soon, I rolled of bed to go and get changed in my room into this :

Obviously I wore no makeup since yesterday we all decided we were going to go to the beach

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Obviously I wore no makeup since yesterday we all decided we were going to go to the beach. Also because I wanted to shine my natural beauty, well that was if I had any of course. But I'm sure you do!
"Morning weirdos!" I said as I walked downstairs. "Hey" some of them answered as the others were just glued on the tv or their phone. I got some cereal and sat down next to my boyfriendddd. It sounds weird to say that about Payt but I like it.

Then of course they started bombarding me with questions. "I hope you saw the photo I took!" Bryce said proudly. "Yes I saw the picture Bryce and Quin and I are not dating anymore" I replied.

After that interview we headed to the beach and stopped by Starbucks on the way. I got a pink drink (Idk I live in the Uk). When we got to the beach I immediately got out the car. Lexi and I ran into the water splashing each other. Suddenly, two arms picked me up and ran further into the water and just dropped me. Bitch. "Payton!" I screamed as I emerged out of the water. "Oops?" He laughed, "fuck youuuu" I replied as I ran after him. He then started running but I quickly caught up to him and jumped on his back.

"Let's tell the world we're together" Payton suggested. "Sure" I smiled. We soon posted this :

"You guys never told us you guys are dating!" Hunter said as he walked up to us

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"You guys never told us you guys are dating!" Hunter said as he walked up to us. "I'm going to go to the toilet" I told the others. Lexi also came with me. It was about a 3 minute walk. "So I like this girl, her name is Hayley" Lexi proposed. "Ooh get it girlie" I joked.

We soon arrived at the toilets. After we did our business and about to walk back two boys stopped us. What now! "Oi cuties" they smirked. The tall one with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes came up to me while the other one went up to Lexi. "What?" I said to this stranger. "Could I get your number" he asked. "I have a boyfriend thank you very much." I replied sarcastically. "So, he doesn't have to know" he's really trying here, doesn't he know what the word no means. "Like I said-" but before I could even finish my sentence he pulled me in and kissed me. I tried to push him away but his grip was too strong. Finally, he let go, I slapped him shouting, "Bitch" as I took Lexi's hand and walked back to the others.

Payton hasn't talked to me since. Maybe he knew, I'm not sure though. We just arrived home. "Payton can I speak to you" I smiled. No response. Great, he's ignoring me. So I dragged him into my bedroom closing the door behind us, taking a seat on the bed. "Why are you ignoring me" I frowned looking down at my hands. "Why did you kiss him" he finally snapped. My head shot up. What the fuck. "He kissed me I didn't kiss him!" I yelled. "Well you didn't pull away." He responded. "His grip was too strong, but I didn't kiss back" I said as a tear slipped down my eye. "Hey, don't cry" Payton soothed as he wiped my tear. "You believe me, right?" I questioned. He looked me in the eye before saying, "of course I do Angel, I love you." "I love you too" I replied and kissed him.

"You two sorted your problem?" Jaden asked as we walked downstairs. We nodded. "Oh and we're going out to a party later tonight" Josh added.

Payton's POV

Since Ava and Lexi have been quite a while I went to check on them after letting the others know. When I got around the corner I saw them talking to two boys. Then I look back, Ava and the boy kissing. I walked away in shock, is she cheating on me?!

"Are they ok?" Jax asked as I sat back down. "They looked pretty busy to me" I answered plainly. "You alright bro?" Anthony inquired. "Never better" I said slumping down into the seat. Then they just walked back like nothing even happened.

Words : 998

A/N : Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to give idea cuz I kinda need them. 🥳💞

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