Part 18

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"And who is this Ava?" Dixie asked.
"This, this is Payton" I smiled. "Oh shit, the tea" Avani laughed.
"Mommy!" Liv squealed running up to me.

"So Liv, this is Daddy" I said to her. The girls just looked like they've seen a ghost. And yes I told the girls about the others. "Hello Daddy" she smiled pulling him into a hug. I watched as he looked at her in awe. This couldn't be any cuter!

"Bye, see you later!" I said as he left. We have agreed not to tell the others just yet that we're back together, AgAiN. "Ooh I see your baby daddy is back" Charli smirked. "Yep" I replied.

It was now about 7pm so I decided we would get ready for the party. We were meeting the others at 8:30. Charli and Chase weren't going because they wanted to look after Liv. I got ready into this :

*dInG dOnG*      There went the door bell which means Payton and the others are here

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*dInG dOnG*      There went the door bell which means Payton and the others are here. Once we introduced everyone we got into the cars.

Payton's POV

After a while at the party we all decided to play truth or dare. Although not everyone was sober they can still think straight so I'm hoping this won't be too bad.

"Where is she?" Jax asked as I entered the room. "She's right- oh shit she was right behind me" I answered. "I'll go look for her" I added. "No! It's ok I will" Dixie smiled. What's going on?

Ava soon came back with Dixie and sat next to me. She looked like she was breathing heavily. "You alright?" I asked. "Yeah um I'm going to take a call real quick."

After a while of playing some people were a bit drunk you can say. Well I wasn't but Ava sure was. She told the others some things that didn't need telling just yet like about I'm Liv's dad and that we're back together. But it's not the end of the world.

Ava's POV

"Yeah I'm going to take a call real quick" I said to the others. I had to call Matt, he's our manager and helps us when things go wrong. And the thing wrong is that my Dad was looking for me. That's why Payton lost me earlier. Someone tried to fucking take me. Stupid, right?

Anywhore, I was pretty drunk by now. "Ava truth or dare?" Kio asked. And me being me, I just got up and skipped off. Like bitch, what was I doing! Do you know what I want to go vape. Let's go do that. So finally I found a window that leads to the roof. When I sat down on the roof and took out a blunt. After a few I couldn't remember what happened...

"Wake the fuck up Ava!" Hunter said. "Mmmhh?" I replied still asleep. "We have been looking for you for hours!" He whispered. After a lot of negotiation he just picked me up at took me home. My head was pounding. I definitely shouldn't of drank last night. "Where was she!" Someone yelled. A bunch of other yelling grew. Like no need to scream and my head already hurts. So I just stomped upstairs and slammed the door.

Hunter's POV

We had been looking for Ava for about 4 hours now. Her location was turned off for everyone, even the girls said she never does this. Payton and Hunter were in a complete state.

"Guys I'm just going on a quick walk" I said, they all just nodded trying to track her down. After about 15 minutes I saw a girl sitting in an alley fast asleep. She looked pretty rough, when I looked closer. AVA?! "Wake the fuck up Ava!" I said. "Mmhhhh" she replied. "We have been looking for you for hours!" I whispered. After lots on mumbles from her I just decided it would be easier to just carry her back.

Why was she in an alley!? I walked into the house with a very tired Ava in my hands. "Where was she!" Chase yelled. Everyone's head shot up. "Somewhere she shouldn't of been" I said before explaining. I think she had enough of our shouting because she jumped out of my arms and slammed the door to her room.
"Jesus Christ!" Payton mumbled as he put head into his hands.

Ava's POV

I woke up very confused. I'm pretty sure I was on a roof. Whatever, shit my head is pounding. "Ava?" I think Jax asked as he knocked on my door. "How you feeling?" He asked handing me some water and medicine. "Fine but my head hurts" I whined. "Do you remember anything?" He questioned. "I just remember falling asleep on a roof" I laughed.

After he left I brushed by hair out and got changed into this with no makeup :

After he left I brushed by hair out and got changed into this with no makeup :

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"Hey sweetie" I smiled as I picked up Liv and taking her downstairs with me. "Hey guys" I said as I kept walking. "And where are you going now?" Anthony asked. "I don't know?" I laughed. Well I'm actually going to teach Liv self defence. She knows most things except to shoot a gun, so that's what we're going to go and do. "Livy come here" Payt smiled. "Nope you shall be coming with me" I said pulling her back. "Fine then I'm coming with you" he smirked. "Fine bitch" I mumbled. I really didn't have the patience for anyone right now.

"So what are we doing" he asked as we walked to the training room. "Teaching her to shoot a gun" I replied blankly. "Okay then, what's up with you?" He added. "Nothing, I don't know" I whined waking to get a gun for her. "Noooo come back" he laughed pulling me as he placed multiple kisses over my face.

"Perfect!" He smiled. She got it! "Yay!" She laughed jumping into our arms. We were like the perfect happy little family. "I love you" I smiled. "I love you too" they both said in unison, creepy.

Words : 1011

A/N : There will be no Payvani drama! Just no, oh and I need ideas ASAP! 🥺🌷

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