Part 11

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I woke up to bright lights blinding me from the window. Next to me laid a sleepy Quinton holding me. I squirmed my way out of his arms, took a shower and got ready into this :

As I walked back into the bedroom from our connecting bathroom I saw Quinton still asleep so I woke him up to get ready

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As I walked back into the bedroom from our connecting bathroom I saw Quinton still asleep so I woke him up to get ready.

As I was waiting downstairs for everyone else I was scrolling through TikTok until a text notification popped up so I opened it :

As I was waiting downstairs for everyone else I was scrolling through TikTok until a text notification popped up so I opened it :

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Once I told everyone that we were going later we chilled until it was time to go.

"Hey Ava!" Jackson smiled as he engulfed me into a hug. When were all settled in the living room everyone was speaking about what we have been doing for the past year. I learnt a lot like Payton made a song called Love Letter and didn't get a girlfriend which I find surprising.

"Should we order pizza" Anthony proposed. Since everyone agreed he ordered it. "I'm going to go get some water" I said walking towards the kitchen. Soon a voice came from behind me, "why did you leave?" Payton's voice to be precise. "I just had to get away" I answered slightly tearing up about the thought of it. I should never of left, that was a mistake. "I'm sorry" I cried as I ran into his arms. "It's ok you did it for the best, we just really missed you." He said. I nodded. As we pulled away from the hug, we both suggested we should go back. "You alright" Quin asked as he grabbed my hand. "Never better" I answered giving him a kiss. "Ewwwww" Hunter laughed pointing at us as we flipped him off.

At about 5pm we decided to watch some Outer Banks but about half way I went to my bathroom. As I got upstairs I took the necklace that Payton gave me and just held it in my hand. I need to let it go, I'm not with him anymore. Anywhore. I went to the toilet and just broke down crying.

"Ava?" Someone called through the door. "Fuck off" I mumbled barley audible though my cries. I really loved him. But I ended it, probably left him heartbroken. This is my fault. After the talking outside had died down I got myself together, put the necklace back on and then unlocked the door. Luckily, no one was there, nope wrong. There Quin sat on the bed.

"What's wrong bubs" he asked looking me in the eyes. Instead I just pulled him into a hug as if the world was ending. He started playing with my hair when I finally answering his question, "I just really missed them, we just left them, with no explanation." "But we're here now aren't we" he laughed as I kissed him.

After that long evening the others decided we would move back in, and packed my bags without any permission. But it's fine. We were now lying in bed entangled in each other. "Night Ava" he said as he kissed my head. "Night Quin"

I woke up at about 1am eager to do something. So I wiggles my way out of my lovely boyfriend's arms and went to my music room. Yep I have a music room, and it's sound proof. I play the guitar, piano but I mainly sing. Weird right! Anywhore. For inspiration I listened to a few songs including one of my songs called Happy Face. I wrote it about 9 months ago . (Happy Face by Tate McRae/ The Queen)

I played around for a bit until it came until something I like. "Fuck feelings!" I yelled to what I had just made. And remember they can't hear me. So I'm safe and won't die. So phew! "Fuck feeling how I do, when I'm feeling it for you" I sang along a bit more. After a few hours and playing with the pitches and stuff I finally felt a bit tired. I checked the time, 5:49am! Wow, I spent that long. Ok.

I climbed back into bed as Quin's arms naturally wrapped back around me.
"Wakeeeee uppp" I heard a loud voice yell. "Is she dead?" Another said. "Fuck off why are you waking me up so early!" I mumbled. "Excuse you it's 2pm" I think Chase laughed. "What?!" I yelled as I sprung out of my bed. "Where's my phone?" I whined. They all shrugged. But my eyes stopped dead on Lexi. She just stood there smiling, iNnOceNtLy. So being me I jumped on her. "Nooooo" Lexi smiled as she lifted my phone high up out of my reach. And me being a short bitch I couldn't get it.

Me being all emotional I stared crying. "Are you crying" she asked genuinely worried. "Yes now give it back!" I sulked. "Why were you tired, you always wake up at like 9am" Kio asked. "No one of your business" I scowled. I jumped and snatched my phone and ran into my studio locking the door behind me. Ahaha now they can't get me.

I started to work on my music for like 2 minutes until I heard the door opening. What the fuck. Is someone a magician or something. I quickly stopped singing and stood up innocently infront of my computer. Then they all walked in. "What do you want now" I asked legit jumping on to my Apple computer to cover it. "What you got there" Jackson asked. Before I could even answer Hunter said, "more like working on there." "Can you plz leave before I snap your heads of especially you Hunter" I snapped. And on queue everyone left except Quinny! I mean Quin. "So I see you make music" he smirked as started placing kisses everywhere except my lips. "Kissss meeee" I moaned. "I am"

After that show went down I played him Happy Face since I was just about finished with it before it came out. "That was amazing baby" he smiled. I just laughed in response taking in the moment. "I love you" he said as I lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you more" I replied. "Yeah well, I love you most!" He laughed.

Words : 1046

A/N : Tea is coming up :)

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