Part 17

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Griffin's POV

She had lost too much blood. Ava might hate me, but I had to take her to our base. That was the only way to survive.

"Is she okay?" Olivia asked me sitting on the chair next to me. "Yes, she's going to be fine!" I mumbled trying to concentrate. "How about you go downstairs" I suggested, Liv did so. I had to get Ava through this!

Payton's POV

Why would she lie to us?! And she moved on, that is her kid isn't it? Why can't I just move on, it's clear I mean nothing to her.

"Hello" the little girl said as she came into the living room. Awww, she's adora- no ugly cockroach! "Hey" the others responded. "You going to say anything Payt?" Bryce asked. "Who are you" I said blankly. "Oh I'm Olivia, my Mommy is upstairs" she smiled. So she moved on, great.

Wait- wasn't that the name we would call our child, aww Ava cared. But she left. "Lexi, can you get my Mommy's phone, I can't reach!" Olivia whined. "Um, how do you know my name, and sure" Lexi replied generally confused. "Thank you" she laughed as she skipped upstairs.

"She's scary!" Lexi mumbled. "I agree, she looks like Ava too much, oh and I see a bit of you Payt" Jax laughed. "Yeah right" I said.

The next thing we knew is that Griffin came downstairs saying, "she's alright."
"Why the hell are you in contact with her and we didn't know!" I burst. "She's going to kill me" he mumbled. "I don't care" I smiled.

"I want my Mommy!" Olivia squealed. "Yes she will be back soon" Griffin whined. Kinda thinking this is Ava's and Griffin's kid now. Wait that means she cheated on me, technically we never broke up. Ugh, I'm so confused! "Is this your kid, she's kinda irritating" I asked. He just started laughed. Uhm- is this funny to him?! "Bro no, she doesn't know who her father is, Ava won't tell her" he replied. Oh...

Ava's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. What the hell. Great he took me to their base. Wait, that means the others are here! Oh PiCkLeD sHrImP! In perfect timing Griffin walked in, "you feeling better?" He asked. "Yep, where's Liv?" I responded. "I'm not telling you until you tell me who's her father" Griffin smiled. Bitch!

"Only if you don't tell anyone!" I pleaded. "Deal" he agreed. "Fine, Payton" I mumbled. "I'm sorry, what" he yelled. "Hey, be quiet!" I whispered. "And you haven't told him!" He asked. I just looked down as my eyes started to water. I should've told him when I found out. I'm always so stupid, ughhh!

"Hi" I mumbled as I sat down in the sofa next to Griffin. "Ava has something to say" Griffin announced. Um, I do not. My head shot up, shit. "Yeah, that Griffin is a bitch." He just stared at me, then pulled me into a room. "Come on Ava!" He whined. "Like I said, no and if you tell anyone I'm killing you with my own bare hands!" I whispered harshly.

I pulled him back into the living room and we discussed what has happened the past few years. But of course I didn't tell them about my new gang. "Mom they're having a hissy fit" Olivia laughed as she came in holding my phone. "Oh shit no wonder!" I smiled. Everyone just looked at me confused. "I've got to go" I said as I stood up. As we said our goodbyes I finally came to Payton, yeah couldn't really stand that face without crying so I just smiled awkwardly. And there he stood giving me a questioning look. "Bye" I mumbled before going home. We didn't live that far away, but Avani came to pick me up.

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