Part 26

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Ava's POV

"I've got the cookies" Avani squealed as Charli came behind with the blankets. We were in my room because why not, it's the biggest too since it was my base.

After a while of watching five feet apart we were all in tears. "That's too sad!" Dixie whined as we all huddled up. "Gossip time!" I laughed. After explaining what happened while I was gone Charli suddenly spit out, "Chase and I broke up."
"What, why?" Addison frowned. "Um he cheated on me" she cried looking down. "Excuse me, I'm going to go and talk some sense into him" I smiled innocently before skipping off. "Don't kill him!" Dixie laughed. "I'll try!"

"Chase you me, talk now!" I demanded as he got up. All the boys looked quite intimidated as I snatched his wrist and pulled him into the hallway. "What the fuck!" He laughed but immediately stopped as I pushed him into the wall. "I told you not to do that!" I whispered, "I didn't mean to she came onto me, it was a misunderstanding!" He whined.

I just stared into his eyes as I put my hand on my pistol. I'm so close to shooting his right now, no he's one of my best friends. But-NO AVA NO. "Ok, no killing each other please!" Avani laughter as she pulled me off him. "That's what I call lucky!" I yelled as she dragged me upstairs.

After being in this room for about an hour now rolling around on the floor they finally decided to let me free. It felt like like I was an animal being held hostage. "Finally!" I smiled as I went downstairs to get foodddd. Because this girl can never have too much. As I walked back upstairs with Payt I stared at Chase. He just laughed so I made a u turn to him. But of course I had to be re directed by PaYtOn.

"I love you" I smiled. "I love you too" he smirked before pulling me into his lap. Yeah ThAt went down (ifykyk)
I'm going to kill someone, and yes it's midnight. Actually, no let's go get Liv, because why not.

"Livy" I whispered stroking her hair, "yes mommy?" She asked with her big hazel eyes. "Do you want to go for a walk?" I laughed as she nodded frantically.
As we closed the front door we walked to the park. Yes it was dark but who cares. "Yayyy!" Olivia squealed as she went down the slide.

After about 45 minutes I think we left the park and head home. "I love you too Mom" she mumbled as I left her room. I don't know why, I just wanted to cry, I wanted to get away from reality. But I'm tired. Nope I'm going to bed. So that's what I did.

"Morning Angel" Payt mumbled pulling me closer. "What time it is?" I asked, "9:49" he answered. "Are you crazy it's too early, I need my beauty sleep!" I whined. "Ok but I'm getting up" was all I heard before I fell back asleep.

Yep it's only 2pm can you believe that, and I'm getting out of bed! I mean. "Hey bitches!" I smiled as I walked downstairs looking like a zombie. "Oh look who's awake" Hunter laughed. "Haha very funny" I sarcastically said before joining them in the living room.

Payton's POV

"I'm going to target" Ava said before grabbing her car keys, "I'll come" I added. "There's no need, I'm just going to target" she laughed, "I wanna come" I whined as she gave up. Last night I realised she went out again, well we all realized she has been out alone for long periods of time. Definitely not suspicious at all. But what is she doing? So that's why I came with her. "Let's go" Ava smiled as we drove off.

"I want icecreammmm" she squealed as she ran down the isles. I would be lying to say it wasn't funny. "Now cereal" she smiled running off again. I swear I can't keep up with her. After a while of skidding around after Ava we finally checked out and got to the car. Once in a while she would check her phone but making sure I couldn't see it. This is enough, what is she hiding?!

"What are you keeping from me Ava?" I asked, "oh um nothing" she smiled. "What is it?" I asked again raising me voice a bit, "like I said it's nothing!" She yelled. "I will find out Ava!" I said, "whatever" she sighed. What is going onnnnn?!

Ava's POV

Why is he like this, I don't have to share each little detail of my life to him. As we arrived I immediately got out the car and went to my room ignoring everyone on my way. ***PiNG***

Not him againnnnn! He is too annoying, he's the one that got Payton and I in the argument

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Not him againnnnn! He is too annoying, he's the one that got Payton and I in the argument. He's just a crazy ex that moved away and cheated on me ages ago. He- is- a- BITCH! I mean I'll see him just so Dylan can leave me alone.

I checked the time to see it's already 10pm, wow time went fast. Then I got ready and made sure everyone was asleep, perfect. Let's see how this goes...

Words : 910

A/N : Hehe I left you on a cliff hanger, I just added drama cuz idk what I'm doing with this story anymore 😗✌️😂

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