Part 16

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***1 Month Later***

Positive. I'm pregnant...
I have never felt so empty, that's the last thing I needed right now, I can't look after a child I'm only 17 myself. Should I tell Payton. I mean it is his child, but will be get mad at me?

***2 Years Later*Payton's POV***

2 years ago, exactly next week, Ava left us. No warning, nothing, just left. Woke up and the bed was cold, the love of my life left. I can't move on, I'm just hoping 1 day she will come back, and she's actually out there somewhere. She could be dead for all we know. Also blocked us on all socials. We looked, and looked for a long time, nothing. I felt empty, I still do. Nothing is complete without her by my side.

I went back to how I was before she arrived. Killing people without even blinking and not caring what others think. We also have a new gang member, he's been apart of our gang for about a year now. It's Griffin.

This week we're all determined to find her. It's been too long without my Princess, I miss her.

Ava's POV

Well I'm out here living my best life. Well almost, I still miss them. No Ava, StOp. I don't miss them, correct. Anywhore, I've created a new gang - Avani, Addison, Charli, Dixie. Now saying I have favourites or anything but I'm closest with Avani. She's like a sister I've never had. But Lexi is always there, she has my heart as a sister. Ok fine I have to admit I've missed them, I can't move on from HiM. It's not like he hasn't moved on anyway so why shouldn't I.

I have a beautiful daughter called Olivia. Payton and I always said we'd call our daughter that, well if we had one since we had our whole future planned out ahead. And no, I never told him about her. Or anyone, only my gang knows. I don't talk to them anymore, I can't.

"Shit!" I screamed as a bullet took to my chest. Everyone went on a road trip expect me and Liv. Never thought I'd say this but, "Liv, call Griffin." Yes I know Griffin is apart of ThEiR gang but I don't want to die. Olivia needs me, she's the only part I have left of Payton. It breaks my heart everyday to look at her. She looks so much like him, the same eyes and freckles he had.

"Okay Mom!" She said as she came back with my phone. "Hello, who is this?" He asked through the phone. "Umm are you away, it's Ava" I mumbled trying to bare the pain. I knew I could always trust Griffin. "Yeah I am, what is it?" He asked. "I kinda got shot and it's just me and Liv." I whined. "Oh god, okay I'm coming!" He said as you could hear him get ready. "I'm on my way." He murmured as he ended the call.

"Is Mommy alright?" The little girl asked me. "Yes Griffin is coming, Mommy will be fine, be a big girl and answer the door when it rings alright." She nodded in response.

Griffin's POV

"I'm on my way" I said as I ended the call. God how was I going to get out of this one.  Yeah imma just sneak out.

Didn't go as planned, "where are you going?" Payton asked. "Uhmmmm, target?" I answered. Oh chicken strips, how am I so bad at lying! "Hmm" he replied as he nodded. Phew.

Payton's POV

Well Griffin was acting sus. I'm going to follow him, I don't know what he's up to but I'm going to find out.
As he left I got in my car following him on his Snapchat location as I was making sure he didn't see me.

Then he stopped, at a pretty big house. I mean, it's really nice alright. Concentrate! Then I looked, an adorable little girl who looked about 2 years old opened the door to him. What! No kids are ugly brats! Mhhhhh, but she was different, like can I maybe steal her or something. Nah, ahhh concentrate!

As they entered the house I was hiding outside, as I peered through the window. A really beautiful girl lay there on the floor. I couldn't see her face but I could tell she already was an angel. Oh wow, I'm actually moving on from Ava. Well that's depressing.

I watched as Griffin helped her by cleaning her up her wound. Well, why hasn't he told us about her. Or maybe he's in another gang. I shall soon find out. But then that girl just dropped down lifeless. Awww, she looked like a good one. Sad loss. Wait what's he going to do with her?

I watched carefully as he put the two girls in the car. Oh come on all I wanted to see was her face, but of course he had to drive away. So I quickly got into my car following him. Home? Oh he better explain why he's with that girl!

"Fuck!" He yelled as he immediately ran into the house with the girl. Quickly, I ran into the house to see all the boys and Lexi crying like someone had died. Wait where did Griffin go!? "Um why are we all crying?" I asked almost laughing. I mean a bunch of teenagers crying, funny, can't lie. "She's back, she fucking lied to us Payton!" Josh yelled.

Then it hit me, that was Ava, wasn't it...

Words : 949

A/N : Definitely didn't write this when I should've been asleep at 2am. Oops? Hope you enjoyed it! 🌷

New Character :
Griffin Johnson

Age - 22Gang - Angels N' Demons

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Age - 22
Gang - Angels N' Demons

What Gang ?! - Payton MoormierWhere stories live. Discover now