Part 25

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"Ava!" Hunter yelled running to me and pulling me into a hug. "Hey" I smiled, totally normal, I have to get used to this face expression. "Lets go surprise everyone!" He suggested.

"Hey bitches" I yelled walking casually into the living room where everyone was. "No way!" Lexi screamed as she ran and hugged me. And everyone followed after me, I'm dying, I can't breathe, oh no I'm dead. Too late.

"Baby!" Payton screamed like a girl, Jesus, is he on his man period. "Bubba!" I laughed pulling him and Olivia into a separate hug. After settling back in, everyone questioning me and them being the new FBI I finally got some peace. My home, bed.

"Do you think I should tell her?" Someone asked someone as they replied with, "I mean yeah unless you want to die." Excuse me, tell me what bitch! Grrrr. Oh and did I forget to tell you I was basically raped by Sam. Yeah, well I did, not exciting, but have no plan on telling anyone else.

"Mission, right fucking now, come on!" Jackson yelled making us all flinch. Like come on, we just wanted to watch a movie but no, Jax comes and rUiNes the day. "Let's go bitch, I wanna go beat a bitch" I smiled before skipping off to my car. Ew, what is this unfamiliar upward looking thing appearing on my face.
"Finally!" I whined as everyone got in there cars to set off.

We arrived at a warehouse. Interestant, mhhhmh, boring. "Come on!" I whispered leading everyone on although I had no idea what I was doing. All I know is imma go kill some people, but I do that everyday.

"Shhhh" Hunter shushed, "Don't tell me what to do!" I scowled. "Hello assholes!" I laughed, bursting into the room full of people. Then everyone came up behind me with there guns up. "Woah, chill your titties!"

"Ava!" Marco smirked before pulling me into one of those weird hug things where you hold eachothers hands. You know? "Marco my man!" I smirked back leaving everyone else confused. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I pushed everyone out of the room violently leaving just us. I have to admit it did take quite some effort.

After explaining his very long story that I was dEfInAtEly too we just got up and left. "Meet Marco!" I said to my friends. Everyone just stared him down, "cheer up!"
"Bye fucker!" I laughed as we left and head home.

"Mommy!" Liv smiled and gave me a big hug. "Hey sweetie" I laughed as she was being clingy.

"Truth or dare time!" Jaden yelled.
"Dare, I'm no pussy!" Bryce answered the first question of the game. After a few rounds it finally came to me aGaIn. "Dare" I squeaked, what's wrong with me bitch. Someone in this galaxy, humans, aliens, chairs, mountains, just tell me. "Okay, jump of the balcony into the pool" Quin laughed. Haha, they think I won't do it. I mean, if I die, I do, what's the big deal? "Ok" I smiled leaving everyone else confused since usually I would never do this. "With those clothes on!" Griffin added. "Well let's get on with this then."

"3. 2. 1. Jump!" Everyone yelled as I jump. Cold, no freezing! "It's so fucking cold, I'm going to get hyperthermia!" I frowned as I ran into the house to get changed.

Lexi's POV

"I'm going to go check on Ava" Payton said as he stood up. "It's fine I will!" I smiled as I quickly got up and ran upstairs. I feel like something is up, she would've told us if she went to bed or isn't playing right?

I heard quite sniffles coming from their room. "Ava are you-" I stopped immediately as I saw her on the floor under a blanket crying her eyes out. "What wrong Aves?" I asked gently hugging her. "I-" she started, "let's calm you down first."

"I've got a cold" she whined, "are you sure it's nothing else, I know you don't cry over little things like this" I frowned. "Sam he- raped me" she mumbled looking down and crying again. "What!" I screamed alerting the whole house, luckily no one came to check on us. Phew! "I'm going to fucking kill him, no torture him and peel his skin off!" I shouted as I stomped downstairs holding a gun I picked up along the way. Everyone looked confused and a LitTle concerned. "I already fucking killed him, now stop before I fucking kill you too!" Ava yelled back, was not expecting her to say that, but ok. "Oh" was all that came out of my mouth before I ran and hugged her as we both cried the living hell out of our eYeBaLls.

"Can someone explain what's going on?" Addison asked. "Girls night!" I awkwardly smiled. The boys just stood there with a very puzzled look on their faces.

Words : 839

A/N : Thank you so much for 1.33k reads! Ideas tho please :/ 🌷

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