Part 19

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"Happy Birthday Liv!" Everyone squealed as she blew out the candles. She was now 4, it has been 1 month since we taught her how to use a gun. It's now 18 August.
"I love you" Payton said giving me a kiss.

After we put Olivia to bed some of us decided to watch a movie. About after 30 minutes into the movie I felt my eyes drift closed.

"Morning Angel" the love of my life smiled. "Mmmhhhhmm"I whined not wanting to wake up. "We're going to the beach!" He said.
I immediately got changed into this :

After a while of being there, the boys and Liv were in the ocean while the girls were just sunbathing

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After a while of being there, the boys and Liv were in the ocean while the girls were just sunbathing. Well that was until someone picked me up. "Payton put my down" I squealed trying to get out of his grip. No use. "No not the water!" I yelled. He just laughed as dropped me in. Useless bitch!

By now it was about 2pm. "Ava!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see Zach and 2 others. "Heyyyy!" I laughed. I hadn't seen him in about 4 years, he was a good friends in school.

After a short discussion he invited me to come and play tag. And of course I excepted because why not! "Girls I'm going to be back ok" I informed them.

"Hey, that's not fair you're too fast!" I laughed catching up to him. As I got up I grabbed the ball and ran away with it. Quickly, he tackled me to the floor with us laughing out heads off.

Payton's POV

As I got out the water I saw that Ava was gone. "Where did Ava go?" I asked. "Oh she's over there" Charli replied pointing in the distance to Ava and a group of boys. Boys, my girl with random boys. And not to mention she's legit on a boy right now. Definitely not bothering me aT aLl!

It had been about 15 minutes now and she's still having the tImE oF hEr LiFe. "Hey you alright?" Bryce asked me as the others came back. "Never better" I sighed.

"He's annoyed that she's with Zach" Lexi laughed. Jax just looked sharply up at us. "Hold on I'll be back" he mumbled, walking to this ZaCh and Ava. "He's an old friend of ours" Hunter smiled.

I watched as Jackson had to drag them apart. Kinda funny- NO, my soon to be wife! Yeah you heard me right. "Finally" Chase laughed at an unhappy looking Ava. "Are you done now?" She asked sarcastically as she came and sat close to me. "Yeah let's go home."

Ava's POV

"Night Sweetie" Payt and I whispered, walking out of Olivia's bedroom. "I want cuddles!" I whined to Payton. He held his arms open signalling to come. "I love you so much!" I smiled up at his bright smile. "I love more more!" He laughed. "Yes but I love you most" I chuckled. "Not possible" the love of my life said, kissing me a kiss. Which may or may not more 😏.

***Timeskip*1 Week Later***

"Let's go!" I demanded. We were going on a mission for dad because he has MY book! "Are you sure about this?" Hunter asked pulling me to the side. He was the only one that knew for the past week I haven't be feeling to good. Occasionally, I have a sharp pains in my stomach, not a big deal though.

We had now arrived at my dad's base, ew now I hate calling him my dAd. We split up, I was with Payton, Lexi and Hunter also stayed with us. I saw him walk upstairs, great. The four of us snuck into the kitchen, we looked for a good 2 minutes. No where, it's no where! "I'm going upstairs" I sighed. "Nope not happening!" Payton whispered. "Watch me" I scowled.

I still hadn't read the book, and I've decided I'm going to once I get it back from a bitch. As I walked upstairs I saw it on the right of me. Easy! I grabbed the book, then it hit me. I just got shot. I quickly looked as I hit the ground, no one was around. And the book still in my arms. Meeehhhh, I'll make it downstairs. Oh and did I forget to mention I was shot in the stomach, yeah hurts like hell.

"I'm back" I mumbled barley audible as I stumbled down. Then it went black. Well not shit Sherlock.

Payton's POV

It had been a few minutes by now. Finally, Ava came down, with the book and a bullet in her stomach. Oh wait- ShIt!
Suddenly, she dropped unconscious on the floor. "Fuck!" Hunter mumbled, picking her up taking her back to the car.

Soon enough we arrived at the hospital, we informed the others what was happening. As we rushed her in they took into a room and said we aren't aloud in yet. Oh, I was stressing right now!

"Where is she!" Jax and Lexi asked as everyone arrived. "We're not aloud in yet" I replied. I noticed Hunter was being quiet but he's probably just worried.

Ava's POV

I woke up in a cold hospital bed With Jax and a random boy next to him. Excuse me, who is you, cuz me is me. Since both the boys were alseep I woke Jackson up, obviously I wouldn't wake up a creep who could ruin my gang. "Your awake!" He smiled. "Yeah, and who is he?" I asked. "Oh" he frowned.

Words : 963

A/N : I don't even know what to write anymore, I've got writers block :/
I kinda want to finish this book soon, cuz like no one comments or anything so idk know anymore. I hope you enjoyed it tho!

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