Chapter 9

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Daiki knitted his eyebrows together and that not for the first time today. They were now on the way for two hours and even before that, the redhead behaved strangely.

Breakfast was fast and without many words. Every time Daiki started an attempt to find out more about the guy, the topic was changed. When he teased, he only got a blushing face and red eyes were averted. Not that he minded the blushing face. It was somehow cute. But the lack of backfire, tugged on his nerves.

Also that Taiga hadn't started a fuss, that he still was dragged around by him, wondered Daiki to no end. He even thought that he didn't need the spear anymore.

"Oi, Taiga! Say something!" Daiki poked him slightly with the spearhead.

"Ouch. What the hell was that for?" Taiga glared at him and rubbed his side before he again averted his eyes.

"It's too quiet. Entertain me!" Another poke followed.

"Stop that!" Taiga grunted and slapped the weapon away. He wouldn't let himself be coaxed into a stupid quarrel again. It was enough that he still, or again was in this situation.

When they had finished their breakfast, Taiga had helped Daiki to pack up their belongings without thinking about it. His head was swarmed with different thoughts. And when he noticed that this shouldn't be his normal behavior, it was already too late. Rage circulated in his veins, but not because the blue-haired man shot him a wicked grin and pointed his weapon at him, no. He was mad at himself for falling naturally into his usual patterns and that with a complete stranger.

He had decided that he wouldn't let himself be swept away by the other and only half an hour later it happened again. He was angry with himself. So he shut up and yielded to his fate.

"Tsk," Daiki grunted. "Are you still embarrassed because of yesterday? Get over it, idiot. You also wanted it. Live with it!"

'Urg.' Taiga wanted to shout back at the bluenette's remark, but bit his tongue to hold the words in.

"Man, that's boring. Say something!" Daiki sneered annoyed beside him and slapped his shoulder.

"Could you stop behaving like a child? It goes on my nerves. And if you find me that boring, then I can go. I don't know anyway, why you still drag me around. Certainly not because of that one stolen fish anymore." Taiga looked at the tanned man with curious eyes and then facepalmed himself in his head. Why could this shithead always get him to say something, even if he doesn't want to?

But seeing a slight blush rising upon the bluenette's cheeks, he thought that maybe it wasn't bad that he said something. Since he thought he would never see something like that again. Not in this life.

Suddenly he needed to suppress a chuckle, as the tanned man even began to stutter.

"You ... s-shut up. Certainly it's because of that. What else?" Daiki wasn't comfortable with talking about it. He would rather show actions than voice his muddled up feelings out.

The redhead queried one of his unique eyebrows at him. "Hm ... why can't I believe that? Maybe because the blush you are sporting says otherwise?" He said, smirking, not knowing how he suddenly became the teasing one.

Daiki glared at him, "It doesn't say anything. You're coming with me, end of story."

"Yeah, yeah right. And what makes you think, I wouldn't use the first chance to slip away, when you're not looking?" The redhead sighed. "Really, this is stupid. Just let me go. I saved your life, you know! You could show me some kindness and leave the theft alone. I was hungry for god's sake. I hadn't had anything to eat in three days."

Completely batting aside, that he also saved the redhead's life, Daiki wanted to know why the other only had this one spear with him. "That reminds me ... why don't you have any other weapons with you?" Daiki was curious if the sun-kissed man was really that stupid or if there was another reason. "You mentioned before that you had more. What happened?"

"Uhm ..." Taiga was suddenly showing a heavy blush and gnawed at his lip. 'How I want to kiss that beautiful mouth.'' Shoot through the tanned male's mind, but he didn't do it, too interested in the story.

"Come on! Tell me! It can't be that horrible." Daiki tried to coax him.

"Haa~ ... ok. I will tell you if you promise not to laugh!" Taiga shot an eye at him for confirmation.

When he saw the nod and the serious face the bluenette wore, he took in a deep breath. Surely he never saw the mirth creeping in the other male's eyes.

"I was about to go hunting with everything needed. Spear, bow, knife, and so on. Who would have thought that on the first night I would get attacked by a horde of monkeys? They stole my provisions and I took after them to get it back. Uhm ... and well, it was dark and ... I couldn't see ... and ... uhm ... there was this river ..." Taiga stopped and looked shamefaced to the ground.

"Don't tell me you fell into it and lost all your weapons!?" Daiki tried hard to stay serious. He really did, but when he saw the redhead solemnly nod, he lost it.

"Bwahahahahaha ...", he wobbled over to the nearest tree and leaned heavily against it. "Oh my god ... you are ... hahaha ... I don't have words for this ... haha!" He breathed labored and swept tears from his eyes.

Taiga on the other hand was bright red. Anger and embarrassment mixed on his face.

"You said, you wouldn't laugh, shithead." He growled and punched the taller man hard on his arm.

Daiki grunted, still trying to catch his breath. Suddenly Taiga was grabbed by a strong hand and pushed against the tree. The basket pressed painfully into his back and a strangled groan escaped his mouth.

"For what was that, idiot?" His crimson eyes glared at the smirking man.

"You're really something else." Daiki chuckled, leaning in, bringing his mouth closer and letting his breath ghost over the redhead's lips.

Taiga gasped at the sudden invasion of his space. His heart thundered in his chest and he couldn't avert his eyes from the beautiful blue orbs, where malicious joy was replaced with consuming heat. He gulped audibly and unconsciously flicked his tongue over his bottom lip.

Daiki instantly caught the motion, eyes falling to the slightly opened mouth.

The redhead twitched and felt his body reacting, although he didn't want to.

'Do something! Push him away!' An urgent voice screamed in his head.


'But those lips ... you know how they taste! ... Delicious ... and you know what his tongue does to you! ... Feverish arousal ... melting you on the spot!' 

Another, this time sultry voice, held against it.

It was like two souls were fighting in his chest.

'Nonononono ... I can't ... I ...'

Certainly, it was faster, but he saw it somehow in slow motion; as the bluenette leaned forward, moistened his lips, and sluggishly traced his tongue tip over Taiga's.

His eyes widened and he tried to merge with the tree behind his back. The basket successfully stopped his attempt. He noticed the lopsided grin, before his face was clutched by large tanned hands and Daiki slammed their mouths together.

A wicked tongue found its way between his lips, pushed further, and forced him to open his mouth. Daiki slowed down, licked sensually over Taiga's tongue, and bit his lip.

It was over as quickly as it began. Leaving Taiga baffled and many shades of red.

"Get moving, we still have a long way to go."

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