Chapter 18

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Daiki rolled his fur blanket together and put it on the already full basket. He lashed it down tightly and stepped up to his sister. "Satsuki, isn't that too heavy for you?" He pointed at the huge basket the pink-haired girl had shouldered and cracked an eyebrow. "Nah~ Dai-chan, it's fine. Look Tetsu-kun has the same amount." They both looked over to their older brother who was apparently swaying under his heavy basket. "Tch, I think his stamina will run out pretty fast with that load on his back."

"Then he needs to train more." Their father's deep voice came from behind them. "I think he does enough training every day, Masahiro." Haruna stepped up beside her husband and watched over the citizens of the Aomine clan who all had packed up their belongings and were about to move to their new destination.

"I think we are done here." Masahiro stepped forward and raised one of his long muscled arms. "We will move out. Everyone follows behind me. Watch out for the elders and children." His voice boomed over his tribe and he moved with a steady pace into the thick jungle.

"He certainly likes to show off." Haruna sighed and winked at her daughter. Satsuki giggled and followed close behind their mother. They had a rather harsh way to go. Not long but strenuous and the girl's pink eyes looked a bit concerned at her older brother as he wobbled along the way between Daiki and their father.

"Sachin, he will be fine. I can take his basket if he needs a break." A lazy voice came far from above her head as Atsushi caught up to them with his unbelievable long legs. "That is nice of you, A-kun. I think sooner or later you really need to do that."

"Tch, he should have taken his lucky item for today." Shintarou scoffed and rolled the little cotton branch between his fingers. "People born in the first month of the year have bad luck today." He let the branch fall into the basket on his back and held up a small fruit to his shoulder with his other hand. "Shintorin, is that ..." Satsuki and Atsushi ogled the weird animal sitting comfortably on the greenette's left shoulder. "You really have a weird taste." The purple giant mused lazily, took a step away from him, and bit into the sweet potato he was holding. "Don't belittle my lucky item. I got early up to find it." Huge brown eyes peered at them from beside the green-haired males face, as the tarsier pleasurable bit into the red fruit. "Aww~ what a cute little ape. How did you tame it?" Satsuki was fast by his side and wriggled her forefinger before the maki's little nose. "I coaxed him with fruits, nanodayo." The greenette deadpanned and ignored the pinkettes squealing at his site.

Further up, Daiki rolled his eyes. 'This whole tribe is full of weirdos, beside Tetsu. Can't wait to get away from them.'

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Somewhere else, deep in the jungle, a certain redhead had almost the same thoughts. Taiga was walking behind Teppei, Junpei, and Riko and could only shake his head.

"Teppei, how did you get the idea that taking a honeycomb for food supply with you, wouldn't attract the bees to come after you?" Junpei growled at the brunette's side while rubbing over the stitch on his cheek. "Mah~ I thought they wouldn't miss that small bit." The taller boy grinned and squeezed his eyes as the stitches on his nose and lip stung.

"Teppei, you really should think before you do something so stupid. Here!" Riko sighed and held two small leaves out to the two boys. "Squish it a bit and put the juice on your stitches. It will ease the pain."

"What's up, Taiga?" Kazunari popped up beside the redhead and bumped their shoulders together. Taiga grunted. "Why are there so many weird people in our tribe?" and pointed with his chin towards his three friends in front of them. The raven chuckled, "Well, it's more fun that way, right? And look at Ryou, I think he is more weird with all those chicks clinging to him." They both looked over at the golden-haired boy and simultaneously rolled their eyes, as three girls squealed in delight over something the blonde had said.

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