Chapter 29

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Taiga stood on the rock, stretched his body, and tried to get his hands on the narrow ledge above him. "Dammit, only a bit more." His fingertips only grazed the rim and he was sweating buckets to get higher. They had marched all day since their little nap and now had met a dead end or so it seemed. But the little glowing bugs who vanished through a few holes further up in the wall told them otherwise. When they had woken up earlier both had gasped in astonishment. The whole grotto was filled with fireflies. The little bugs rested on the walls and on the high roof, looking like little bright shining stars in a pitch-black night. When Taiga's eyes had followed those who were still flying around, he noticed a narrow column in the wall. With lots of pushing, holding their breaths, and pulling, they somehow got through it into another passage. It was also filled with the bugs which were to Taiga and Daiki's advantage since the pure masse of the fireflies gave enough dim light for them to see where they should walk even without a torch. It also forced them to shut up. One loud noise and darkness engulfed them. But that didn't matter anymore as they came to the end of the tunnel. Somewhere above them, the light was broken into a thousand cascades of colors by some crystals. The sight let them both gasp again, this time in awe. Furthermore, it meant that somewhere above them to the right was an exit or so they hoped.

Which leads them to their current situation. Taiga wanted as fast out as he could and almost stood on his toe tips. Daiki however had other plans. He had the redhead's nicely curved ass right before his eyes and couldn't resist. His hands sneaked up to Taiga's hips as he leaned in and trailed his tongue over the soft skin. "Goddammit, Daiki!" The redhead yelped unmanly and fell back to his heels. Clapping both of his hands over his abused rear he glared daggers at the smugly smirking jerk. "Can't your kinks wait for later? I seriously try to get us out of here."

"It's not a kink." The bluenette denied, but licked his lips as his eyes shot from Taiga's face back to his arse. "Sure it is! You just licked your lips, pervert. Don't deny the obvious!" Taiga snorted and ogled the wicked mouth of his companion. "And I said, it's not. I only like licking your ass. That should let you feel special." Daiki retorted with a mocking expression plastered on his face. The red on Taiga's cheeks deepened even more. He was sure, he would die one day out of embarrassment. If it would be because of the man's behavior or Daiki's voice doing treacherous things to the lower part of his body, he wasn't sure. Not to mention that his mind played tricks on him and he almost could feel those calloused fingers wandering over his skin, mouth on his chest, and wicked tongue on his dick. Taiga squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. Now wasn't the time to get aroused. Not when they maybe were so close to finding an exit. "Yeah, whatever you say. Now get up here and try to reach that fucking rim. You are taller than me." He moved slightly to the side to make more room for the bluenette. Daiki clicked his tongue. "Tch, your response lacks heat, Taiga. Don't tell me once was enough for you." It was a statement rather than a question and the tanned male made sure the redhead understood when he flicked a finger against Taiga's covered arousal. The redhead shied away at the sudden touch. "Huhmpf ... what the hell are you doing?"

"Getting you excited or what does it look like? Come on Taiga. The exit won't run away." Daiki moved even closer and pulled the redhead at his hips towards him. He first grazed his teeth over his hip bone before his tongue licked sensually over Taiga's heated skin. "Stop that!" The hothead growled and shoved the bluenette's head away. "We don't have time for that. The exit ... nhgm ..." Daiki's left thumb had unnoticed snuck beneath Taiga's loin clothes and his nail scraped softly over the tender skin of his testicles. "Sure, that I should stop? Your dick seems to think otherwise." A cocky smirk on his face, he looked up at his red-haired lover. The light reflexes danced over Taiga's toned body and let him become even more attractive in the bluenette's eyes. One was illuminating his red hair, letting it look like fire. Another highlighted his broad shoulders with the tribe symbols and the strong chest with the little perked up nubs. His other hand moved up over tight abs to twist and pinch one to even more hardness. "Daiki ... st-ahh .... don't ..." Against his better judgment, Taiga felt drawn in by the tanned male's caresses. He wanted him. Even more than before. But the exit was right above their heads ... maybe. "No no, stop!" He got out with a raspy voice when his overclouded mind picked up and he felt the bindings of his clothes being removed. "I will please you. How sounds that?" Bright midnight eyes looked up into his heated red ones and little spotlights moved over wild tousled deep-blue hair. The arousal displaying on the bluenette's drop-dead gorgeous face let him sway for a moment. In this split second of hesitation, his loin clothes were ripped away and he was pulled forward. A hot mouth connected with the skin right under his navel and a wet tongue followed down his treasure trail. "Mmhn ..." His hands dove into blue hair. A few strands tangled around his fingers and the sharp tug made Daiki hiss disapproving but it didn't stop him to place lovebites onto the redhead's twitching lower abdomen. Large hands kneaded his exposed backside and pulled him even closer. The tip of his prick nudged against the underside of Daiki's chin and a low moan of the man's name escaped his dry lips. "Daiki ..."

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