Ch. 5

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Meliodas POV

I rushed outside getting the attention of Diane and Elizabeth. "We need to find a doctor" i said frantically. I told Mama Hawk to head for Dalmally but it was taking to long so I rushed off the pig and sprinted there.

"Is there a doctor anywhere" I yelled getting the attention of the people of the town. "Im a doctor please come to my clinic and I will help your friend out".

Going into his clinic I can hear Diane and Elizabeth outside. They looked at us through the window "Is she going to be right" Diane asked.

I couldn't answer her so I shook my head brushing some hair out of (Y/n)'s face 'come back to me' I kissed her and felt darkness consume me immediately.

Elizabeth's POV

"I hope Lady (Y/n) is alright" I said outloud catching the attention of everyone in the room. "What should we do now should we wait?" hawk wondered. "Im gonna go on ahead" Diane stated.

3rd POV

Diane and Elizabeth had a head discussion about what they were going to do. "Im coming to" Elizabeth determinely said. "What can you do those arms are only good for tending to the captain and his washclothes" Diane bitterly told her.

She then went on to tell elizabeth the story of how she met you and meliodas. "When i was traveling by myself after I left my hometown I got into a stupid fight with some knights. They told me that I was a fiend amd I told them they were wrong for drawing their sword against a cute little girl. They kept telling me to go back to my own land calling me a monster. I said they were puny and only are good in large numbers. That angered them and they charged at me. Then all of a sudden Mom came crashing down creating a crater in front of me kicking one of the knights into a tree. She cracked her knuckles and said with an irritated look on her face 'Oh trying to harm a little girl try that again and ill end you'. They called her a little girl and tried to attack her and thats when Captain came in they both fought the knights easily. Captain told them 'you're pathetic for picking on a little girl' (Y/n) came up to me and asked me if I was okay and if they scared me. That was the first time someone asked me if i was scared and then I accidentally called her mom which surprised her but she didnt mind so as you can see Captain and Mom are just naturally caring people they will help anybody". Diane finished

Diane POV

"Ill never be as small or dainty as you I cant fit inside that building and tend to her. But if theres one thing I can do its fight and I will". All of a sudden I felt a presence and looked forward as did elizabeth.

"Whats that" she asked "Is that as raincloud?" "That guy from the forest?" hawk asked. "It cant be....bugs?" "Worse poisonous insects Diane they're all yours" he said to me.

"I hate bugs" I screamed "but if it means protecting Captain and Mom this is nothing!"

Time Skip brought to you by Oreos :)

Elizabeth POV

"Can you believe that they're still asleep after all that ruckus" Hawk said. I looked at them worriedly. The doctor came in "How does our patient look?" "Better thank you shes sleeping so peacefully thanks to the medicine you gave her." I answered.

"Yeah its almost like shes dead or something" Hawk interrupted. "Hawk dont say things like that" "Its not  inaccurate" he stated.

I looked back at him questioning what he said until a voice was heard. "Dana well done you were successful in you task" "Whos there?" I questioned again.

"I gave her a poisonous mixture of nightshade, belladonna, spanish fly, and henbane and if that boy kissed her its possible that he got some too. Those two will never wake up again" he told us. "That wasn't medicine to treat her wounds" "You see not even we can clash head on with the Eight Deadly Sins and emerge unscathed" the voice said again.

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