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"What is it" I ask sitting on melis lap. She closes the door "Do you have another personality?" I chuckle a bit "No why would you ask such a ridiculous question" "B-but when we were in Vaizel a-and you came out of that ember your hair color was white and your eyes were black" I spring up.

"What!" Meli says standing up too. "Elizabeth are you sure about this?" I ask "Yeah" "Did I harm you im any way?!?" I shook her shoulders. "Eh? No it seemed like you didn't even know who I was" she replies.

Meli and I let out a relieved breath. "Did I say anything weird to you" "Um not really. Ah but you did call Sir Meliodas by his whole name" my eyes widened. I sit her down in between meli and I. "Elizabeth I need you to tell me word for word what I said to you" "Um okay. You asked me 'Where is my husband Meliodas' then you asked me 'where is Zeldris I need to speak with him as well' then you flew off" Meli and I were shocked.

"Dear God" I get up "Are you sure that's the name she used?" "Im positive" "Listen to me Elizabeth dont repeat this conversation to anyone do you understand me" Meli asks. "Okay" she leaves the room.

"Did you hear what she just said" "you don't remember this at all (Y/n)" I shook my head. "Why on Earth would I mention Zeldris? If she's right that means i reverted back to me 4000 years ago. But why? I don't understand any of this. What's happening to me" I start to breathe heavily.

"(Y/n) calm down you're gonna be okay" he consoles me. "But what if i go after one of the sins? Or worse. If i'm reverting back to the old me then who knows what I might do to Elizabeth" "Why don't we ask your mom about whats going on maybe it's common in demon mages". I nod my head.

I held the necklace and thought about my mom. Speckles of light came from it and she materialized. I hug her and she hugs me back. "Hello Meliodas" "Hello" "So whats so big that you had to call me here for?" she asks.

"Well (Y/n) is reverting back to her old self" her eyes widened "how many times has this happened?" "3 times but the third time my whole body changed" "have you been feeling extreme emotions lately?" "uhh yeah why" "it's not common in demon mages but it's not rare either. Your body goes back to a state to which you felt most powerful when you are feeling very passionately about one negative emotion though your power levels stay the same. Memories can be a little fuzzy as well. So tell me what did you feel the last time you changed" I sigh "Jealousy" Meli facepalmed.

"What about" she asks "meli said that he would protect Elizabeth even if it killed him and she clung to him" I finish. She smiles "Meliodas do you remember what I told you back at Necropolis?" "Yes ma'am" he sweatdrops. "I know you can't control it but it still pains me to see you upset" she said.

"You know?" I ask "Well of course i know i've been watching over you" I rub my temples "Okay let's stay on one track here. Will this ever stop?" "When you gain control over your emotions" "Pfft i have control over my emotions... okay maybe not so much" "It will stop when you come to terms with whatever is making you go all haywire" I sigh.

"And so, the misfortune begins" I say lowly. I look at my husband to see him thinking intently "what's the matter" "well when we were in necropolis you said that wasn't the first time we met, when did i meet you" he asks my mom. "You really don't remember? Take a good look at me" he looked at her hard trying to think his eyes widened "No way".

"What is it?" I question. "You used to come down there every day to blow some steam off or to just talk i remember it like it was yesterday" my mom said. "Would someone please tell me?" "Uhhh you had your moms job back in the demon realm and i used to talk to her all the time back when i was still getting the hang of things and then one day she disappeared" "yeah well that's a story for another day" she interrupted.

I look at her curiously. She giggled "How long do you have here?" "Until a full 24 hours are up then i go back into the necklace but until that happens i would like to meet my 'grandkids'" We went downstairs to see everyone.

They looked at us shocked "GRAMS" they all scream. "Hi everyone" she said cheerfully. They rush up to us "My name is--" "King!" she hugs him. "You know me?" "I know all of you" "King, Diane, Ban and...Elizabeth" she said trailing off on her name.

"I would love to get to know all of you while meliodas and (Y/n) have a little talk" I walk outside meli following behind me. "Hey what's up?" "I just feel like it's one thing after another...this curse is tearing me apart tearing us apart. I feel like more than ever we've been having issues i love you so much and im dont wanna let you go--" "then dont" he pulled me closer "I promised you that I would break this curse and i intend to keep that promise. Sorry but you're stuck with me whether you like it or not. I'm in love with you and i would do anything for you" "but also for Elizabeth..." "I don't love her at least not of my own free will" "Did you love any of them with your own free will?" "No" he says with no hesitation.

"How do you deal with me" i chuckle. "Years of practice" I nudge him a bit. I hear voices behind us and see everyone come up to us. My mom puts her hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"Elizabeth is not your friend but do not confront her just watch her and you'll understand also ask Diane she seems to be hiding something" she walks pass me. I rub my hands through my hair. Great. More issues.

Meli and i take a walk to a hill and sit there just enjoying each other's presence he takes a stick and splits a mountain in half.

(Again im not writing that poem thing)


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